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Thread: Garage Conversion

  1. #121
    Join Date: Mar 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by AJSki2fly View Post
    Very nice job Glen, looks very professional.
    That's really kind, thanks buddy. To say I've never done anything like this ever, I'm pretty chuffed tbh.

  2. #122
    Join Date: Nov 2011

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    Quote Originally Posted by glenann View Post
    That's really kind, thanks buddy. To say I've never done anything like this ever, I'm pretty chuffed tbh.
    Well I think you can feel quite smug, a big pat on the back, well done. You can come to the seaside and do mine if you like

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  3. #123
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    Brilliant job indeed.

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  4. #124
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    Nice room
    Regards Neil

  5. #125
    Join Date: May 2011

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    Aye , great listening space . Well done Glen

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  6. #126
    Join Date: Mar 2008

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    Thanks all, appreciate the comments. Am so pleased with it, I can’t begin to tell you! Just sat now with the door open onto the garden, with some Miles Davis on really quiet and a poured bottle of I.P.A... bliss!

  7. #127
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Darn !
    I just came across your posts & read the first three & jumped to the last few (it being too late to read all 13 pages).
    Your room looks a treat & you should be proud of it.
    Something earlier on caught my eye, which you may have addressed - which is the acoustic'ness (if that is a word) of your door.
    If you have a good solution then please ignore this.
    If I were in your position I may be tempted to try something I remember from years ago as a child, which was the local doctors surgery - that was very small. So that patients could be assured some privacy the good doctor had a double door arrangement that always impressed me and I wonder if a similar could be fabricated today with better materials.
    When I say double - that wasn't in the fashion of a pair of garage doors, it was one frame set with two individual doors hinged so as to open in opposite directions. The door to the waiting room looked like a normal room door and the inner one (to his consulting room) was a lot thicker.
    When that one closed you could hear that sucking sound of it pulling tight into seals.
    I seem to think it had a thick panel of that 1950/60s acoustic / open veined panelling on one face. Probably of the asbestos type in those days ! (a bit ironic for a doctor).
    A decent threshold with a rubber seal should add to the isolation.
    Just a thought and something I would experiment with if creating a room such as yours.

  8. #128
    Join Date: Mar 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vinyl turner View Post
    Darn !
    I just came across your posts & read the first three & jumped to the last few (it being too late to read all 13 pages).
    Your room looks a treat & you should be proud of it.
    Something earlier on caught my eye, which you may have addressed - which is the acoustic'ness (if that is a word) of your door.
    If you have a good solution then please ignore this.
    If I were in your position I may be tempted to try something I remember from years ago as a child, which was the local doctors surgery - that was very small. So that patients could be assured some privacy the good doctor had a double door arrangement that always impressed me and I wonder if a similar could be fabricated today with better materials.
    When I say double - that wasn't in the fashion of a pair of garage doors, it was one frame set with two individual doors hinged so as to open in opposite directions. The door to the waiting room looked like a normal room door and the inner one (to his consulting room) was a lot thicker.
    When that one closed you could hear that sucking sound of it pulling tight into seals.
    I seem to think it had a thick panel of that 1950/60s acoustic / open veined panelling on one face. Probably of the asbestos type in those days ! (a bit ironic for a doctor).
    A decent threshold with a rubber seal should add to the isolation.
    Just a thought and something I would experiment with if creating a room such as yours.
    Hi Mark and thanks for your post! Unfortunately I couldn’t fit ‘double doors’ as there is a narrow walled walkway that wouldn’t allow for a door to open outwards. I went for a heavy fire door with very good weather seals all way around. The joiner allowed just enough space for them when he fitted the door. It shuts with a reassuring ‘thunk.’ There is some sound leakage from the door, but stand 10 feet away and it’s a non issue, regardless of volume.
    I’m very pleased with it and it has become my hideaway.. sometimes I just sit in there for the peace and quiet, especially first thing in the morning! All in all, for me and my family, it’s a triumph.
    If you didn’t know, we live with my disabled, elderly parents. They have a regular sized 3 bed semi. So me, my wife and two teenage daughters live upstairs in the 3 bedrooms. As you can imagine, life is not always ideal, so the garage has become a real hiding place... thanks again to all who helped along the way on here too!

  9. #129
    Join Date: Mar 2008

    Location: South Yorkshire

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    Hi all,
    Been away awhile listening and thought I’d post a quick update. The room has been used almost daily since finishing it. I always intended to treat the room but having spent so much time in the building process I lost a little impetus. Anyway, on Saturday I made a couple of quick sound absorbers using some spare insulation bats I had left... what a revelation. The sound has improved beyond anything I could have imagined! I made the bass traps early on, but the two absorbers have, without exaggeration, transformed the sound utterly. Any tendency towards harshness has gone. The sound is now so solid, detailed and has added weight and punch. I am gobsmacked, totally and utterly. I’m now going to build some form of diffuser for the rear of the room. Also a little treatment on the ceiling as there is a significant echo when clapping. I don’t want to overdo it though.
    If you have the ability to add some absorbers, then I can only say it’s a must!

  10. #130
    Join Date: Apr 2016

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    Another believer, most people are box swappers and won't entertain room treatment in fear of it stopping their box swapping ways.
    Any reason why you put the panel so far up the wall.
    Bakoon 13r Denon DP80 Stax UA-70 Shure Ultra 500 in a Martin Bastin body with jico stylus, project ds2 digital Rullit aero 8 field coils in tqwt speakers

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    Garage system another Sony receiver, cassette deck

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