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Thread: Help! My CD player has gone quiet

  1. #1
    Join Date: Jun 2014

    Location: Chorley Lancs

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    Default Help! My CD player has gone quiet

    Hi all,

    I've just bought a Mini-1 amp from another member, and after connecting it up I was trying to reposition it so that the weight of the cables didn't make it look like it was trying to do a wheelie. As I moved it there was a brief humming sound from the speakers (only a second or so).

    The first CD I tried had a hard to define wrongness about the sound, as if the bass player hadn't bothered to turn up and gone to the pub instead.

    I tried another Cd, and this time the sound was so quiet I had to turn the amp up to max volume just to hear anything.

    I then hooked up my Audion Silver Night and the sound was still really quiet. So not an amp problem then. I worried that whatever made that brief hum had done something to my speakers, so I dug out my old B&W speakers. Still tiny volume, so not the speakers either.

    A bit of cable swapping showed me the interconnect was good. I then tried my turntable and hey! volume back.

    The CD player is a Densen Beat B400 plus. I thought CD players either played a CD or didn't. I didn't know they had anything to do with the volume of the signal, but apparently it does.

    AOS has so many brainy folk, I'm sure someone will have the solution to my puzzle. Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date: Oct 2017

    Location: Fenland

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    Some CD players have a small Output "volume" control, you couldn't have accidently turned that down could you?

  3. #3
    Join Date: Dec 2015

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    You most likely jiggled an earth connection when moving stuff around hence the hum. Check for a volume - if not then open up the cd player and look for anything obvious like a blown fuse or burnt resistor...
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  4. #4
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Have you "re-booted" the CDP, i.e. turned it off and on again?

  5. #5
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Sounds like you might have damaged one of the RCA sockets. Is either one loose now? If you can get the top off check where they connect inside as well. If not that then could be an internal fuse. Not likely to be anything worse.
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  6. #6
    Join Date: Jun 2014

    Location: Chorley Lancs

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    Quote Originally Posted by jandl100 View Post
    Have you "re-booted" the CDP, i.e. turned it off and on again?
    Thankyou everyone for your suggestions. The prize goes to Jerry, I would never have considered that. Oh well, you learn something new every day. In my case I re-learn something every day

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