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Thread: Another US shooting

  1. #1
    Join Date: Dec 2008

    Location: East Riding of Yorkshire these days

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    I'm Shaun.

    Default Another US shooting

    Here we go again... this time the mass shooting occurred in a church. A BBC interview in the US today said "Guns don't kill people, people kill people". Surely people only kill people when society gives them the means and therefore makes sit easy...? This guy walks into a small town church with an assault rifle....?

    What the hell is going on there when Donald Trump blames people with mental health problems and not Walmart selling firearms in a supermarket...?

  2. #2
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    It was Texas though, so his killing spree was terminated quite quickly by a civilian who happened to be passing and also had a rifle on him, presumably in the same way that you or I might carry an umbrella.

    Also a helpful defence against other current maniac style attacks, with the vehicles or big knives. In the UK all we get to defend ourselves with is harsh language, and be careful what you say though, no 'hate speech' or plod will be nicking you along with the terrorists. Assuming you made it through alive, you being defenceless and all.
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  3. #3
    Join Date: Sep 2013

    Location: North Island New Zealand

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    A ban on firearms is obviously needed, however the really nasty side to this is the investment made in bullets. So also banning bullet manufacture you would start to see some immediate change,

    If you recall Michael Moores efforts to reveal the the idiocy of firearm use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUSpszWfu_w
    and read the American Constitution, you will find the problems begin on December 15th 1791, namely the right to bear arms.

    Common sense is needed, but sadly this is severely lacking.
    Last edited by Light Dependant Resistor; 06-11-2017 at 19:17.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Sep 2017

    Location: Northampton

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    You'll never get rid of it there, unfortunately. Too much money riding on it. Don't start me on Trump...

  5. #5
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    You can't disarm an armed populace unless they let you and they will never let you. The genie long since got out the bottle there. So it will never happen.
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  6. #6
    Join Date: Dec 2008

    Location: East Riding of Yorkshire these days

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lerxst View Post
    You'll never get rid of it there, unfortunately. Too much money riding on it. Don't start me on Trump...
    Chris, so true with the money aspect. We're now finding out over here about all of those greedy buggers stashing away their personal fortunes in off shore banks. Even Her Majesty is at it. It is her bloody country apparently and she is investing her money elsewhere. We truly are doomed.

  7. #7
    Join Date: Dec 2008

    Location: East Riding of Yorkshire these days

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    It was Texas though, so his killing spree was terminated quite quickly by a civilian who happened to be passing and also had a rifle on him, presumably in the same way that you or I might carry an umbrella.
    As a motorcyclist I find the current trend for brain dead groups to attack people with acid rather worrying. I wonder what would happen if, when approached by these morons, one just pointed a firearm at them. Surely that is self defence against chemical warfare...? I mean, I wouldn't be walking into a church and killing individuals I had no knowledge of would I...? Why is it that in this country when faced with a jar of Sulphuric Acid all you can do is close your eyes and hope...?

  8. #8
    Join Date: Feb 2017

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    As a Gun owner myself, I have a particular view on this topic: It's not guns per se that are the problem but the type of guns. In the UK, we long ago banned the types of weapons whose sole purpose is to kill other people. We still allow single shot rifles (semi-auto in .22LR only) and shotguns but have done away with handguns and assault style weaponry. Personally, that's fine by me. I like a bit of Clay pigeon shooting with the shotgun and use my rifle for vermin control (foxes) and hunting for food (everything from Rabbits to Deer). If I ever did decide to go postal though, I'd have a maximum magazine capacity of 5 rounds and would have to cycle the bolt to fire each of them so the ability to kill quite so many people is greatly reduced.

    It ain't perfect and every so often someone does something stupid (much to the ire of the rest of us) but it's immeasurably better than the situation in the 'States where you seem to be able to own what you want with as much ammunition as you want.

    Incidentally, with regard to the comments about deterring terrorists or Acid attackers: If I used my weapons for anything like this, I'd have my licence removed and most likely be thrown in prison! The police take a very dim view of what they see as vigilante-ism! The use of a Firearm in the UK is limited to the conditions you apply for. To give some idea how careful you have to be I can shoot a Pheasant with my shotgun because it's a game bird. It's illegal to shoot it with a rifle because it's not vermin, rabbit, fox or deer!

  9. #9
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    I used to enjoy using handguns and was very good with them (and long guns). I suppose the ban is for the best, but I'd still like one.

    Banning handguns for law abiding sane and sensible people has of course no effect whatsoever on gun crime, where illegally imported and bought guns are used.

    These days I'm down to an 80lb pistol crossbow, two air rifles and a few slingshots. Not that there's anywhere to use them now, unless I decide to cull the rats.
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  10. #10
    Join Date: Feb 2017

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    I never had the chance to shoot a handgun but suppose it could be good fun. That's the problem though - is "fun" a good enough reason to hold a licence? I guess not

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