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Thread: What type of people own high-high-end gear?

  1. #181
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post
    Another 'doing well' sector of society is the local Government people in upper echelons, who with evident lack of ability rake in high pay and very luxurious pensions, just by 'being there'.
    Indeed!! We need to weed out these parasitical 'takers' and reward those who deserve it, either through hard work and ability, and/or poverty, due to circumstances out with of their control, such as the babies currently dying in Somalia, and their families.

    A very large Telecoms company which we all know, also has immense numbers of mediocre people in highly paid management positions, way above the salaries of many who have studied for years and who work hard.
    Yup, essentially 'Peter's Principle'... Does my head in and needs aggressively addressed and eradicated.

    I'm sure that an agreement could be arrived at with regard to a new paradigm of politics, but we are all polarised into a position of self protection because of the predatory nature of society as it is.
    That's why, if you can, it helps to be as self-sufficient as possible, by building your own 'little island', which largely cocoons you from the worst excesses of modern life and today's 'rat race'.

    When you're largely divorced from being meaningfully affected by most political decisions, and virtually immune from the pressures of modern day life, mostly in control of your destiny [and essentially your head is in a happy place], it definitely helps one look at things more objectively

    BTW one Lord left his taxi engine running whilst he signed in for the day, and immediately after signing left in it.
    Waste-of-space fuckers like that need to be made to SIGN on the dole instead!!

    There's way too much free-loading, shady dealings and 'creaming off the pie', carried out by members of 'the establishment', which is rotten to the core. Like I've said before, we're long overdue a revolt by the people, against the system, and I'd be up there as the ring leader of the new revolution!!!

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  2. #182
    Join Date: May 2009

    Location: gone away

    Posts: 4,870
    I'm joe.


    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post

    That's why, if you can, it helps to be as self-sufficient as possible, by building your own 'little island', which largely cocoons you from the worst excesses of modern life, and today's 'rat race'.

    People are too selfish, so build your own 'little island'? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

  3. #183
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    Getting all het up about the aristocracy, or local government officials, however highly paid, is swallowing a camel whilst straining at a gnat.
    Not really "all het up", merely venting and letting off some steam. It feels good!

    However, if I were genuinely in a position to target and eradicate the existence of what I referred to earlier, I'd do it without blinking an eye - and in a way that would wipe it out forever, so we could all start again with a clean slate.

    Fantasyland stuff, I know, but if I were given 'three wishes', right now by a genie, all guaranteed to come true, ridding the world of gross inequality and corruption would unquestionably be one of them.

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  4. #184
    Join Date: May 2009

    Location: gone away

    Posts: 4,870
    I'm joe.


    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Not really "all het up", merely venting and letting off some steam. It feels good!

    However, if I were genuinely in a position to target and eradicate the existence of what I referred to in my last post, I'd do it without blinking an eye - and in a way that would wipe it out forever, so we could all start again with a clean slate.

    Fantasy land stuff, I know, but if I were given 'three wishes', by a genie, ridding the world of gross inequality and corruption would unquestionably be one of them.

    I'm afraid that sort of talk is all too reminiscent of previous attempts to 'wipe the slate clean', all of which ended up with lots of dead people and an even worse set of bastards in charge once the dust had settled.

  5. #185
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    People are too selfish, so build your own 'little island'? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
    Nope, because being in that position of strength and stability allows you to be more generous to others, both with time and/or money. Think about it...

    Free from having any real financial worries, stress or concerns about anything of real importance, and the ability to largely do what you like, means you can devote more attention to others who most need help.

    That's fundamentally what a more equal and fairer world is about.

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  6. #186
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    I'm afraid that sort of talk is all too reminiscent of previous attempts to 'wipe the slate clean', all of which ended up with lots of dead people and an even worse set of bastards in charge once the dust had settled.
    Well, of course nothing is ever 100% ideal, but it would, IMO, be a step in the right direction to creating a fairer and more equal world.

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  7. #187
    Join Date: Mar 2017

    Location: Seaford UK

    Posts: 1,861
    I'm Dennis.


    Now I'm a retired and isolated old gitte, having thought to call my house 'Reclusion', I think I have subconsciously done that Marco - 'built my own island' that is.

    I live on the sea front, have no mortgage, income not high but comfortable, and have my studio and Hi-Fi. (But of course I am bullied by the cat).

    There is one psychological factor, which is not really retro-fittable, that of having been raised in relative privation, which confers a real appreciation of what one has.

    However I am not isolated from proposed intentions to cut the triple link on the OAP., and the NHS needs to cut costs, (from what I am told by the top audiologist in the country, there too, are excessive suit wearing, clipboard carrying overpaid managers), and what potentially looms is alarming.

    To me a bar of 80% dark chocolate is a real pleasure, not part of an everyday 'also eaten', and this means that any improvement in living standard is really felt.

  8. #188
    Join Date: Apr 2008

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    I'm Neil.


    I remember a guy at a HiFi dealership telling me that a guy came in, listened to some B&W 800s & Classé Delta pre / monoblocks & there and then went: "I'll take them, would it be worth bi-amping the B&W's?" The dealer managed to convince him that 2x amps were enough. Sometimes people buy "high-high end" stuff just because they can.
    Mana Acoustics Racks / Bright Star IsoNodes Decoupling >> Allo DigiOne Player >> Pedja Rogic's Audial Model S DAC + Pioneer PL-71 turntable / Vista Audio phono-1 mk II / Denon PCL-5 headshell / Reson Reca >> LFD DLS >> LFD PA2M (SE) >> Royd RR3s.

  9. #189
    Join Date: Jul 2016

    Location: Welsh Borders

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    I'm Gary.


    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    That's why, if you can, it helps to be as self-sufficient as possible, by building your own 'little island', which largely cocoons you from the worst excesses of modern life and today's 'rat race'.
    And how does one do that? Why, with shedloads of money, of course! Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge anyone the money that's rightfully theirs. But offering this as "life advice" is like saying to someone suffering from a cold: "I recommend six months in the Caribbean".

    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    When you're largely divorced from being meaningfully affected by most political decisions, and virtually immune from the pressures of modern day life, mostly in control of your destiny [and essentially your head is in a happy place], it definitely helps one look at things more objectively
    I'll bet it does!

  10. #190
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post

    The trouble is, addressing these problems is complex. Force the tax-avoiding large companies to pay their 'fair share' of taxes risks them moving their operations elsewhere, with consequent job losses here. The super-rich can live anywhere in the world; they probably own properties in several countries. You could force them out of the UK by, for example, scrutinising their wealth ever more closely, but how would that benefit the UK economy?
    You could just front them down. You go to e.g Starbucks and say either you pay full tax on the profits of your UK operations or you close them all down and don't trade in the UK at all. I'd bet they would not call the bluff. Not that it would be a bluff.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

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