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Thread: Who digitizes their vinyl....

  1. #31
    Join Date: Jan 2017

    Location: Kansas City, Missouri

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherwood View Post
    Did you have the hands free option?

    Nope. Some of the later models had changers like a jukebox. Mine didn't.

  2. #32
    Join Date: Jan 2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by SLS View Post
    Devialet digitises phono inputs then converts back to analogue. Works really well, not least because the system uses a database with the correct settings for just about any cartridge. The USB socket is 2-way so you can take the phono input straight to a computer. Really rather clever, if not "old school".

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Those are cool, but I could pay someone to do it for what those things cost. There's a lot of gear inside those boxes. I've never seen them before.

  3. #33
    Join Date: Nov 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by nthall View Post
    Those are cool, but I could pay someone to do it for what those things cost. There's a lot of gear inside those boxes. I've never seen them before.
    I bought the Devialet for reasons other than its ability to do A/D recording, namely:
    - Depending on the streaming card due later this year, it will replace between 6 and 8 audio boxes.
    - A fairly cost-neutral system change
    - It sounds better
    - The whole family can use it. Sits hidden in a cupboard. Turns on from the power button on the wifi remote and operated from an app, old audio system requited turning on and off at least 4 units. Consequently, it gets used a lot more.
    Best decision I ever made, plus I can digitise my vinyl which I could not do before.
    Wilson, Gryphon, Innuos, Holo May, Puritan, Garrard

  4. #34
    Join Date: Jan 2017

    Location: Kansas City, Missouri

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    Quote Originally Posted by SLS View Post
    I bought the Devialet for reasons other than its ability to do A/D recording, namely:
    - Depending on the streaming card due later this year, it will replace between 6 and 8 audio boxes.
    - A fairly cost-neutral system change
    - It sounds better
    - The whole family can use it. Sits hidden in a cupboard. Turns on from the power button on the wifi remote and operated from an app, old audio system requited turning on and off at least 4 units. Consequently, it gets used a lot more.
    Best decision I ever made, plus I can digitise my vinyl which I could not do before.
    I looks like a top notch system, and it doesn't take up your whole living room. I see the benefits of it. I'm just cheap.

  5. #35
    Join Date: Jan 2015

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    I digitise my vinyl where it's impossible or expensive to buy a CD version, or where the mastering is preferable. There are many benefits:

    Crackle removal by software improves many LPs
    No chance of acoustic feedback colouring the sound at high playback levels (probably worse with unsuspended decks)
    Instant track access, to miss out the duffers (duffer-free albums are remarkably rare!)
    Can be played in the car or on the move
    I don't have to have the record player (and all its paraphernalia) in my living room
    With only one source I don't need a preamp

    I'm sure there's more....

  6. #36
    Join Date: Aug 2016

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    I did try it in the 90's but it was such a faff and the software available at the time was not that good but I did try

    Had a preamp to connect the turntable to line in on my sound card and software the cleaned (or attempted to clean) all the pops and clicks and software that split the wav file into individual tracks.

    None of it did that great a job so in the end I gave up

    Things are much better now but the DL options are so vast now it's just not worth the hassle.

    Current setup Thorens TD-160 Mk1 with Denon DL-110 MC Cartridge, Pioneer PD-8700 CD Player, Yamaha AX-592 Amp, Yamaha CDX-810 CD Player, Yamaha KX-480 Cassette Deck, Yamaha TX-492RDS Tuner, Monitor Audio Bronze 5 speakers, Van-Damme Cables throughout.

  7. #37
    Join Date: May 2016

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    I sometimes transfer vinyl to CD or computer, Grant.

    Rega RP3/Elys 24 & Rega TTP >
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    Pioneer PDR 609 CD Recorder

    I get good results with the copies made on the Pioneer, though it is a time consuming process and you have to be on hand if you want track marks in the appropriate places. I have also digitized vinyl onto a Mac using 'Audacity' software and an analogue to USB adapter [I think it cost under £10.00], or by passing vinyl signal through the CDR and then into the Mac via optical. The latter path is more flexible as you have a range of editiing and filter options with Audacity that you don't have with the CD Recorder. With well-recorded LPs in good condition I usually record straight to CDR, while with LPs in middling condition I use the computer software so as to be able to minimize the effects of damage.

  8. #38
    Join Date: Aug 2016

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    Anyone recomend modern software that will automatically detect the silence between tracks and split the file into individual tracks.

    And anything modern that does an quick or automatic job of cleaning clicks etc as well.


    Current setup Thorens TD-160 Mk1 with Denon DL-110 MC Cartridge, Pioneer PD-8700 CD Player, Yamaha AX-592 Amp, Yamaha CDX-810 CD Player, Yamaha KX-480 Cassette Deck, Yamaha TX-492RDS Tuner, Monitor Audio Bronze 5 speakers, Van-Damme Cables throughout.

  9. #39
    Join Date: May 2016

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    Hello, Paul:

    Audacity has a facility called 'Analyse' and you can select 'silence finder'. You also have the option to set the parameters of what constitutes a silence. It will insert track breaks, but in practice I found this process not entirely reliable. The more scratched the LP[ the more the silence detector struggles to correctly identify the real break between tracks and if you listen to classical, as I do, there are often silences within the piece that might be misidentified as track breaks. Users can also select whole pieces of audio for click removal rather than having to identify each click and then remove it. Again this is not without limitations.

    I have only ever used Audacity - it was offered free - so perhaps other software sold by Sony, Adobe, &c may provide a better solution.

  10. #40
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Think Audacity is well enough rated by what i can see. I tried it once but it was with 78s. Also not sure i did it right. Not great at these things for some reason...probably my idiocy.
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