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Thread: Advice on new power amp

  1. #51
    Join Date: Jul 2009

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    I actually got in touch with B&W a couple of days ago, spoke to a very nice chap. I explained I had a ding in the dome and he recommended a replacement at a cost of just shy of £25 inc. P&P and comprehensive layman-termed instructions. Pretty darn reasonable, acsh. I'll ca'canny* just now, and invest at a later date, as I'm not sure there's any audible reason to replace it just now. Oh, and he recommended just to replace the one, and just leave it to run in for a few hours, and it'd soon match the other.

    Ta for all the info, everybody! (In the voice of Dr. Nick from "The Simpsons")

    *Ca'Canny - Auld Scots: To make a wise decision. Often synonymous with "Hold your horses."

  2. #52
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    Well I owe everyone another big Thank You. This Creek 4040 is excellent. I've only listened to my reference tracks, but I've heard enough to know there's a definite improvement. The bass is oh-so-low and tight, and I've recovered some of the coveted mid-range I lost when I swapped out my Diamond Pros. It's a lot more detailed than the Denon, revealing the age of the audio track on my Spartacus remaster DVD.
    Unfortunately, I thought the seller was providing a DIN-RCA adapter, but in fact it was a cable so skanky I've got it an appointment on The Ricky Lake Show. It does the biz, but I'm looking forward to sourcing a reasonable adapter so I can go back to the Mark Grant cable. I can't imagine how good this'll all sound then.
    So, as with the StanDAC, so with the Creek. I have stood on the shoulders of giants and achieved greatness!
    Or simply: ta!

  3. #53
    Join Date: Sep 2009

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    Good buy Simon !

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  4. #54
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    Nice one Simon, I'm biased, but Creek kit is fab, IMHO, enjoy!

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    Amplifier: Rega Brio R. Speakers: Spendor SP1. Cables: Various, mainly Mark Grant.
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  5. #55
    Join Date: Apr 2009

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    Hi Simon

    The 4040 is a bit of a classic, or should be, LOOK HERE for a din-to-phono adapter.


  6. #56
    Join Date: Jul 2009

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    REM, I made a little more in an eBay sale than I expected. Is the quality of that adapter sufficient, or would I get a better result from a dedicated cable for not too much more outlay?

  7. #57
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    I decided to ask Mark Grant to quote me for a dedicated cable. Turns out there's the possibility the Mayware/Milty adapter may have issues with the Creek's recessed sockets.

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