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Thread: LG OLED TVs

  1. #1
    Join Date: Jan 2013

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    Default LG OLED TVs

    Bought a 55 inch LG OLED flat TV.

    This display tech is different in its presentation and takes a bit of getting used to. RGB plus white. That leads to a pretty goddam white white, as it were.

    It is very sensitive to ambient light in a way I have never seen from any other display tech. OLED intensity level is critical depending on the current level of said light.

    Being self-emissive, it does in some ways remind me of the last decent Loewe 32 inch widescreen CRT that I had and would not get rid of for 20 years. That went up in smoke as the PS broke for the second time. Sure they were built to last exactly 10 years.

    4K YouTube, of which there is a plethora, looks freaking amazing. Even at a distance where, in theory, there shouldn't be a difference between that and normal HD, I'm sure I can see one. At a few feet it is just stunning how much extra detail is apparent.

    Quality product no question. It will show sub-standard rubbish for what it is, though, just like a well engineered speaker. A bit Wilson, maybe. It won't flatter, but then it can amaze, which Wilson's have never done for me, so maybe not a great analogy. But not too bad a one.

    To understand its qualities and vices, just like decent hi-fi components, you have to try living with one for a while. Interesting so far... maybe I'll say more after a few days extra acquaintance.

  2. #2
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    The last CRT TV I wanted to buy was a Loewe Vitros, but alas I missed the last few in the UK so ended up with the last 37 in Panasonic CRT TV.

    I worked in the TV trade during the introduction of flat CRT TVs and the Panasonic was by far the best example outside the esoteric Loewes anyway a few years ago my Dad died and I got his 42 inch Panasonic plasma, which was nice and then these days I have a GT60 the last of Panasonic's plasma's and I like it a lot.

    I have looked at 4K TVs and so far I think there is something slightly unnatural about what they do, its like etched audio, detail standing out too much, colour way too rich. I confess I used to feel that way to a degree about HD and Blu Ray early on, compared to analogue TV at its best.

    It could be that 4K properly set up for on a quality later generation screen might reach that quality for me, even surpass it - I am thinking the last winter Olympics before, analogue switch off, which was breathtaking on that Panasonic 36in CRT TV. Rose tinted glasses maybe, maybe not.

    Look forward to your further thoughts.
    Regards Neil

  3. #3
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Most of the stuff I watch is old, so is not always inproved by higher screen ratios. Ive got a standad 37" lcd and its good enough for my needs . Blu-ray is very good, as are older print dvd and freeview.
    Son has a fairly cheap huge Bush lcd, and its got a fantastic picture but takes up half the room lol
    Grant .... ؠ ......Don't be such a big girl's blouse

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  4. #4
    Join Date: Sep 2009

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    Does it make Eastenders any better?

    Only kidding. Wow... For £2k I'm sure it would have to knock ya socks owf.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Adder View Post
    Only kidding. Wow... For £2k I'm sure it would have to knock ya socks owf.
    I'd set myself a £1500 threshold a while back and bit as I'd promised myself. The set was £3500 less than a year ago. So it is obviously a 55EF950V for those in the know. The E6 is now £3.5K at 55 inches but it isn't worth the difference.

    I'm not looking at prices now LOL but the flat ones of the previous generation command a premium, because they're not stupidly curved. The current gen are nearly all flat. Glad we've got over that one quickly LOL.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalek Supreme D L View Post
    I have looked at 4K TVs and so far I think there is something slightly unnatural about what they do, its like etched audio, detail standing out too much, colour way too rich. I confess I used to feel that way to a degree about HD and Blu Ray early on, compared to analogue TV at its best.
    Agreed 100%.

    Edge lit LED Samsung's are hyper-real IMHO. Look at the telly then look at the real world. My 10 year old 46 inch florescent back lit Sony does better at looking "natural" by a big margin. No matter what you do with my 46 inch hi-fi room Samsung, you can never get it to look natural. It always looks hyped to some extent. For my money the current Sony's look more natural, but some of the HDR demos you see in store are just beyond belief unnatural.

    The hardest thing to get uses to on the OLED is not the blackest blacks, but the whitest whites. Looking at lights is hard to get used to because it gets so close to looking directly at a light it can be a bit unnerving, and especially so if the TV settings are off for the ambient light conditions.

    There's no doubt in my mind it is better then my sister's last of the crop of Pioneer Kuro plasmas - though they are still stunning at times. There isn't much out there that is better than an LG OLED at the mo.
    Last edited by User211; 15-06-2016 at 06:50. Reason: typo

  7. #7
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    One more thought - £1500 quid gets you close to a reference display - but is half the cost of a decent frigging cartridge. Go figure.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by User211 View Post
    Agreed 100%.

    Edge lit LED Samsung's are hyper-real IMHO. Look at the telly then look at the real world. My 10 year old 46 inch florescent back lit Sony does better at looking "natural" by a big margin. No matter what you do with my 46 inch hi-fi room Samsung, you can never get it to look natural. It always looks hyped to some extent. For my money the current Sony's look more natural, but some of the HDR demos you see in store are just beyond belief unnatural.

    The hardest thing to get uses to on the OLED is not the blackest blacks, but the whitest whites. Looking at lights is hard to get used to because it gets so close to looking directly at a light it can be a bit unnerving, and especially so if the TV settings are off for the ambient light conditions.

    There's no doubt in my mind it is better then my sister's last of the crop of Pioneer Kuro plasmas - though they are still stunning at times. There isn't much out there that is better than an LG OLED at the mo.

    My GT60 incorporates some Kuro tech, at the time I wanted one of those plasma TVs but despite access to a trade rate I couldn't justify it.

    The biggest issue with seeing TVs in Curry's or the like is that the picture settings are ramped up to make them look impressive. I just want to grab the remote and turn everything down.

    I will look out for the LG next time I am in a TV shop, the current Sonys are very good. Personally I am going to sit on my current TV until 4K has been around for longer then I will have a look again.
    Regards Neil

  9. #9
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by User211 View Post
    Agreed 100%.

    Edge lit LED Samsung's are hyper-real IMHO. Look at the telly then look at the real world. My 10 year old 46 inch florescent back lit Sony does better at looking "natural" by a big margin. .
    I think the same about my rear projection Sony. But it is on its way out. Audio out no longer works, neither does HDMI in. And it ghosts on the PC input and with the DVD player. Fine with the cable box though which is odd. I need something new so this thread is of interest, but not sure I want to spunk £1500 on a telly, though.
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  10. #10
    Join Date: Sep 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by User211 View Post
    One more thought - £1500 quid gets you close to a reference display - but is half the cost of a decent frigging cartridge. Go figure.
    Really?... Can't see the comparison there but for £1500 you can get something truly special cartridge wise.
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