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Thread: Headphone amp for AKG 701

  1. #21
    Join Date: Mar 2009

    Location: north yorkshire

    Posts: 700
    I'm john.


    Quote Originally Posted by StanleyB View Post
    I am also aware that the K701 are hard to drive. Don't assume that I don't. I own a K701 after all.
    I am also aware that the ridiculously low price of the Capella might give the impression that it is not in the same league as far more expensive headphone amps, and that it is not very powerful. That's my fault really for pricing it at not more than manufacturing cost plus a tiny profit. So my pricing structure could well be at fault here. Expensive headphone amps are selling well. The markups are healthy as well.
    Stan dose charity come to mind?...Capella best purchase in the last few years..And the caiman mkll dac


  2. #22
    Join Date: Jul 2013

    Location: Poland

    Posts: 213
    I'm Krzysztof.


    So what is the conclusion here? K701 is 62 Ohm, so is it hard to drive them properly over the CMII for instance?

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