Quote Originally Posted by Pigmy Pony View Post
Completely agree with all of this, and is exactly why I haven't gone down the streaming route. Well that, and also the whole paying for permission to play someone else's tunes thing.

But at £9.99 it's certainly tempting, if only to use it for 'discovery'. At the moment I just use an Echo Dot connected to my second system, and it's ok, just. Trouble is, that dopey Alexa bint doesn't do northern accents The other day I was trying my damnedest to get her to play songs by Texan indie singer songwriter Lera Lynn, and all I could get was "White Cliffs of Dover"
Yeh, I suffer the same state of blankness when given free choice.
I do find my streaming service (Qobuz) useful, in that it lets me know the albums not to waste my money on.
With new releases, probably one in thirty, where I sample a few tracks, is worth a full album listen and one in five of those is worth buying as something I will re visit.
I sampled 100 albums one day and couldn't find one I wanted to hear all the way through.
There seems to be so much mediocre stuff, same as the previous artist in style, same as the previous track in tempo, yawn!
Officially an old git I guess