Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
The Lobster is I believe the only YL film I've seen . . .
Oooo, you could be in for a real treat then old bean. If you like dark and fucked up and enjoyed The Lobster, then YL films should be right in your ball park, he's a master of the fucked up and bizarre, in fact I think he deserves his very own genre. Dogtooth is way out there, but I love them all, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, now that's one really fucked up film. Apologies for using the f word a lot, but it's the only truly correct descriptive word to use. I just love his work.

I'm going to give Doctor Sleep another go, as I won't have any expectations going in a second time and can watch it not thinking I'm going to get The Shining II. Being honest, I thought some of the cinematography was exceptional, those long distance overhead shots were superb and really set the mood, whilst giving a nod to similar shots in TS.

A busy movie week for me it seems!

Right, I've just cracked open a new bottle of Ardbeg Ten, so I'm going to watch