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Thread: Bullshitting

  1. #41
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: Home Counties

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Joe, please defend your P.O.V in future without turning things personal. The little remark was completely unnecessary, and only liable to inflame matters. Cheers!

    Oh, and that goes for everyone else here, too.

    He missed the point - purposely in my opinion Marco.

  2. #42
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by montesquieu View Post
    My other advice to the OP and others is : don’t pay too much attention to cable threads!
    Or other 'excitedly enthusiastic' threads.

    Some items may be worthy of credit obviously, but having independant thinking is good. It can be rewarding to not follow the herd.
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

  3. #43
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    I don't care, Cyrus. You can argue with yourself.

    Who is gonna sell something without "bigging" up it's performance?? FFS man!! Wake up.

    Ever bought a used car?

    Been to a hifi shop?

    Your opinion is infantile.
    Careful, debate the topic, dont attack the person. Calm down, please.
    Regards Neil

  4. #44
    Bigman80 Guest


    Last edited by Bigman80; 15-02-2019 at 10:13.

  5. #45
    Join Date: Jun 2015

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    Quote Originally Posted by montesquieu View Post
    Hmm I do think the original poster had a point. One of the issues with a certain other forum that used to be thriving was that as time progressed, more and more of the clique at the centre of it drifted into the hifi trade themselves.

    Shilling is a strong word ... it’s kind of natural to be excited about your mates’ latest and greatest. But too much of it does unbalanced things especially if other stuff not attached to the ‘in crowd’ isn’t given a chance.

    Anyway on this other forum, such behaviour eventually pushed out longer more established makers and traders who used to participate and who used to bring a lot of expertise and credibility, and whose progressive disappearance was a massive loss. Far from its only issue of course (a growing bullying culture by said clique and an utterly cack-handed attempt at commercialisation were what finished it off) but undoubtedly that was where the rot set in.

    So I would say - be careful of any signs of that happening here. (Addressed not just to Marco but to all of us).

    My other advice to the OP and others is : don’t pay too much attention to cable threads!
    Well said Tom I was just reading this thread thinking how am I going to give my opinion without offending anyone but you have done it for me so thanks for that. I feel like the forum has changed in the last year or so and whereas previously I enjoyed reading all the content I now feel the use of hyperbole in some threads has put me off reading some of it. I was speaking to another forum member the other day who agreed with me, actually I think he said it first.

    Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

  6. #46
    Bigman80 Guest


    Last edited by Bigman80; 15-02-2019 at 10:11.

  7. #47
    Join Date: Mar 2018

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    Not hot under the collar at all, Cyrus.


    I just don't understand how anyone buying something second hand doesn't realise, whoever is selling it either A, Doesn't like it, B, has bettered it.

    Every advert is bullshit. That's a fact.

    Anyway, I'm off for some breakfast.
    I look forward to your next advert then.

    'By the way, Mrs Miggins' Tea Shop does the best bacon sandwich I've ever eaten. I was discussing it with Tom Kerridge and he agrees - anyone else want to try one?'

  8. #48
    Join Date: Mar 2017

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    This subject is close to my heart and has been so for many years, and it applies much more generally to life than Hi-Fi.

    Gradually over my lifetime, as an honest person, I have increasingly realised that not only are a great number of people dishonest, but that they are so instinctually because that behaviour has become embedded in their personalities as a result of the 'profits' they have made in life.

    I base my own morality of four principles which have become a deeply embedded obsession with me; honesty, sincerity, integrity and authenticity. If people comply with these they have to be good people; these restrict behaviour from being immoral.

    But we are in a predatory society, in which for example, on R4 a few days ago, a professor described capitalism now as 'surveillance capitalism'. Apparently some TVs have cameras on them allowing your own personal life to be under surveillance, and there is no doubt that we are the most surveilled country in the world.

    But it is the deliberate usage of this data which is of concern rather more than perhaps wrong advice or recommendation given with good intent.

    I have had to study much psychology in order to try to understand how and why people have multiple accounts of reality, and causally many have low integration personalities, often deceiving themselves, and doing so out of their own awareness. They partition their minds, and 'edit' their own accounts of the past and in particular their own behaviour, this to allow themselves to obtain false self esteem using fantasy.

    In the case of product selling it is worth looking at the work of Freud's cousin Edward Bernhays, who developed the discipline of Public Relations. He decided to get people to consume on the basis or created 'wants', rather than instinctual needs, this in order to promote capitalism. One result was the consumption by large numbers of people of cigarettes, this killing thousands of women because it became an icon of liberation for them. He would no doubt be held to account today.

    Our subjective reactions to sound quality are very much individual, and are brain based, this making absolute evaluation rather problematic, and we surely must try to be a rigorous as possible and avoid influence from factors other than the sound itself.

    I do not really have a good grasp of the concept of 'shilling', and had thought it to be using associates to falsly bid for an item in order, through competition to raise the selling price, but I now see that it is also having a loyalty to a product and promoting it whilst appearing to be neutral.

    I see honesty as a casualty in our modern society, and evidence abounds to support this view, but genuine enthusiasm can be a result of an infatuation, which may be resulting from genuine passion, or delusion
    Last edited by Pharos; 15-02-2019 at 10:09.

  9. #49
    Bigman80 Guest


    Last edited by Bigman80; 15-02-2019 at 10:11.

  10. #50
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyrus View Post
    I look forward to your next advert then.
    That was another dig, despite advice against turning things personal. Best give it a rest!
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

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