Quote Originally Posted by Jac Hawk View Post
Totally agree with you Marco The guy was simply looking for a free place to advertise his unwanted gear, obviously a bit of a penny pincher, and when he was rumbled he didn't like it. If it was me I would have a minimum amount of posts, and i know from reading earlier on in the thread that some members like to read and not write too much, which is fine, but this isn't a copy of HiFi World either, it's a forum which survives only because people start threads and submit replies, you don't have to be Yoda or a great sage, just have an opinion or a burning question that you may need some answers for, as Marco says simples.

So as far as i'm concerned if the sole reason you have for joining the AoS is cheap advertising of yer gear, then JOG ON
I don't agree with your assesment - he reads the posts because he's interested in music and wants to learn about hifi to get more out of it.

As he says, he doesn't know so much about hifi and more interested in the music anyway (weirdo! ) so why would he feel he could post necessarily even if he wanted to?

He also says he's not the type to get all chummy and over the top enthusiastic with others about his personal taste in music and have self congratulatory discussions about each other's taste. Neither am I and so don't do that either and on forums it all reads quite badly anyway, often as if people are trying to out do or proove to each other something, in a tribal way. Not my scene either and so keep myself to myself when it comes to personal taste and passions.

So he's happy reading the forum! Doesn't have to say anything does he? Are lurkers banned?

Then he has a stand hanging around that he wants to clear and asking only a measly £20 - to someone here because we're all in to hifi - and people jump down his throat!

Fair enough it was more his reaction to the introduction part that caused a problem but I also sympathise with that too as I had to force myself to do it to get it out of the way - my intro was vague musically (because I pretty much like any genre as long as there's something intersting in it) and any mention of my system was just a snap shot cos it changes so much, so kind of pointless too. But I said hello at least as per the rules!

Maybe the thread's dragging on now though - was good in the middle somewhere - I liked Dennis's long post. Going over old ground now.