Well, not sure if this will work, but let's give it a go...

Chris (The Grand Wazoo) was posting about 'Sunday at Devil Dirt' the album by Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan - and like a lot of artists, it occurred to me that that there are lots of links between both these artists and others - so, the idea of this thread is to follow the previous post with another track, artist or album, with some sort of link (let's see how spurious they get!) - and explain why. Could be a "proper" link like X used to be in Y or something a bit more oblique.

So, if we start with Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan, we could go lots of directions, and I was going to go for one of my favourite (top 25 I reckon) chillout bands, Kinobe, and their 2004 album, Wide Open - Isobel sang vocals on a couple of tracks. But that's probably a bit mean for a first go!
Instead, from Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan the fairly obvious connection is to Queens of the Stone Age who Mark sang with as sometime lead singer, and specifically I'll go with Song for the Dead.

Plenty of scope there - so, what's next?