Quote Originally Posted by Martyn Miles View Post
I have still got a 377.
I have a small business ,MGM Audio. I run a PA system and do some recording, using high quality mics.
I was once recording a choir ( digitally ) and took my '377 along to run off of the mixing desk outputs, along with the digital recorder.
The lady Choirmaster asked why I was using it, and I told her the analogue sound was 'warmer'.
Did she understand?
Who knows..?
M Miles.
Probably she did not understand at all. In the mind of most people, digital its still the only choice. I had the mother of a friend who had a Nagra. She was still using it 6-7 years ago for taking notes, recordin piano, etc. Some friends hof the son of her daughter came... 25 years old more and less. They where not even curious. Some of them appreciated vinyls, just because they where "a la mode" (it was in Paris). but all of them considered the nagra as old garbage.