I don’t wish to sound confrontational here or cause any offense, or if i’m reading this wrong, but..

I have a couple of friends who have no choice but to work all the hours god sends just to survive and provide for their kids the best they can. Last time i looked they have a great relationship with their wives and children (i’m godfather to them). Also i’m fairly sure that they’re not nutters or thick, they are just doing the best with the hand they have been dealt.
Speaking for myself, i worked until it nearly killed me for 10 years in my 30’s, but now own 2 properties with no mortgage on either. Was it worth the risk to my health, yes, yes it was and not sure it makes me a nutter?
Like i said, maybe i’m reading those comments all wrong?
Also, just to add, but if someone works hard and earns their money honestly and buys a load of chav stuff that they shout about, then fair play. As long as the money was earned honestly and didnt hurt anyone or rip anyone off or defraud with taxes then who really cares?
It's the scroungers and criminals that should be put under the spotlight, not the workers imo.