When you move to bit perfect accurately clocked file based audio you can hear what the effect is of removing jitter. Technical journalists and articles written about the subject can tell you this but the proof is actually demonstrating it to yourself and actually hearing the results.

You can read lots of opposed claptrap and theoretical technical arguments but it is only when you undertake actually evaluation yourself through listening does any of this make sense.

A lot of the work in digital audio at the moment seems to be around Power supplies and for good reason. Their effect on DACs and anything in the audio chain is audible.

Suggesting jitter had been solved is a nonsense because even with the very best equipment and accurate clocking their are variables in quality of parts used.

Timing is everything and the reconstruction of the original digital recording can so easily be compromised, especially by CD players unless huge effort and expense has been taken to resolve the issues. A spinning disc read by a laser at 500 mph with small scratches and imperfections is not best way to extract digital audio!