Clearly intended to constrain anti-Chinese government propoganda, it nonetheless sounds like a good idea to me that everyone should adopt.
Deep Fake tech is deeply dangerous imo.

'The Chinese government just made it illegal to pass off deepfakes or other AI-created media as legitimate.'
'... anyone who uses artificial intelligence or virtual reality tech to synthesize realistic media will have to disclose that their creations aren’t real life.' source=The%20Future%20Is&utm_campaign=187a84e8dc-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_12_02_07_02

Interestingly, that article also states that California has already passed a similar law.
' China’s new law bears similarity to a California law enacted in October.
California doesn’t specifically mention deepfake tech by name — instead, it makes it illegal to publish misleading media that could damage a candidate’s reputation or deceive voters.'

That seems to take the concept a stage further, and lying politicians like our beloved Bojo and Gove [insert your own examples, driven by your personal political prejudices] would need to beware!
All countries should do the same imo.

Let the bunfight about free speech begin.