Quote Originally Posted by alphaGT View Post
In the US, we have what is called, “Winning the Ghetto Lottery”, anyone who claims Police Brutality usually settles out of court for big money! Whether the police are guilty or not, just to prevent riots and public destruction.

The man’s name slips my mind, but this man robbed a convenience store, a cop tried to arrest him, they struggle, he tries to take the officer’s gun, the officer gets control of the gun and shoots him dead. But the news interviewed eye witnesses, who were later found they weren’t there at all, who claimed he had his hands in the air and the cop just shot him for no reason! There was a huge riot! Looting stores, burning cars, assaulting people. Much later Body cam footage revealed the truth. The officer had to move to another state! And the police settled out of court, gave his parents $35 million dollars! Talk about setting a bad precedent! Since then, everybody and their brother sues the police for brutality. And the media is complicit in stirring up this trouble for law enforcement.

All the cops round here have body cameras now and they're rolling it out around the country. They make a TV show out of the footage.