ok after selling out to CD quite some time now i impulsivly bought an armless 'STD305' Turntable yesterday.The sell out was for many reasons one being obscure prog albums warrant like a months wages per LP..I'm not dissatisfied with CD but i miss the vinyl hands on experience i'm used to.So i decided to buy a deck..The only albums i'll by though are the more common prog releases from the likes of ELP, YES, Genesis, Floyd etc..Hence i'm not prepared to pay a lot as it's not my main source.

I'm looking for an arm from the 80's period but i'm very fussy about what, modern arms are junk IMHO ie: Rega

old arms then, SME: yes for an engineering standpoint but they sound a bit shitty to me..Trouble being most arms that used to fetch peanuts now hit the roof ie: Syrinx, Alphason etc..

Armboard fitted is no probs to replace.

Possibilities at the mo:
Mayware Formula 4 (Uni)
Mission '774' (Original Bichet design)
Old Helius ok but a bit heath Robinson
