This post should serve as a warning to anyone who joins this forum!
Since joining, I have become acutely aware that I am lacking, seriously lacking some pieces of important kit - well, make that WAS lacking!
I am now the proud owner of a Beresford Caiman DAC, I have reformatted my Samsung Netbook and formatted a couple of 200 gig notebook hard drives. I have all of my 'digital' files on a couple of terrabyte HDD's (full disclosure - I have been busy emptying the Internet since 1994, they were the good old days usenet was populated with some good people back then. Then Napster, remember that? Although some of the files are pretty poor a good number are irreplaceable so I can play them through something other than the iPod).
So now I am about to embark on the Digital Journey. Prepare yourselves for some really dumb ass questions
First up - what do you think I should use for software on the Netbook? I have NEVER used Windoze Media player and Winamp was my player of choice, it is still around but I was wondering what you are all using?
I am not proud, I'll take all the help I can get!