Still here occasionally and this time it's summer in Finland +28 deg of C

Nothing much changed here in ages but during the past weeks made diy lens diffusers looking a bit like Argent Room Lenses. Have had these tubes at the garage for years and just somehow thought to try those out as had really not anything better to do. The elements turned out just fine and have been now in use for few days to have some opinion of the impact also.

I think the ones located at the outer side of the speakers have clear impact to the first reflections but dunno yet about the middle one. It seems that the system sounds little bit more coherent, open and clearer with slightly improved transient response at the mid and upper range. Clearly an improvement, so I guess i let these stay as it s easy to remove these to the side of the room if needed in case of Mrs giving a lecture for the relatives coming to visit us and I have have black ugly tubes at the living room..