View Full Version : Get Your Turntables out for the Lads 2012

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13-04-2012, 20:48
As it's been quite some time since the last thread I did in which we had some rather special turntable pictures submitted, I thought as we have plenty of new members and probably lots of turntables have changed it's time for a new turntable picture thread, the rules are simple, take a picture of your turntable, preferably without anything visible in the background (like coffee mugs and ornaments) and post it in this thread, the best 5 will be sent a small token of appreciation for their efforts.

1. Furutech PC-2 DVD/CD Cleaner (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/equipment-supports-cleaning-more/369-furutech-pc-2-cd-dvd-cleaner-.html)
2. Blue Horizon Clean-It (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/hi-fi-equipment-supports/153-blue-horizon-clean-it.html)
3. Blue Horizon Probrush (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/vinyl-essentials/307-blue-horizon-probrush.html)
4. 45 Central 45RPM Adapter (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/vinyl-essentials/355-45-central-45-rpm-adapters.html)
5. 10 VRP Record Sleeves (http://www.mains-cables-r-us.co.uk/vinyl-essentials/301-anti-static-record-sleeves-x-20.html)

Here is one of my favourites from last year..........


Post away..........

13-04-2012, 21:16
Here's a couple to get you started, Daftee... First of all, I nominate Maks K's superb looking SL-1210MK5G, with MN platter and SME V/Ortofon 2M Black (taken from his Gallery thread):

http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/6712/stechy.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/141/stechy.jpg/)

And my own lil' Dansette:

http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/8979/technicsmarco.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/804/technicsmarco.jpg/)

http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/3784/2014489200071997495s600.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/41/2014489200071997495s600.jpg/)


13-04-2012, 21:34
Not very good at photos and this is my very first upload...ever. :doh:

As they say, you had to be there. :rolleyes:

13-04-2012, 21:38
That's a beautiful deck, Greg. My dad had a 301 just like yours but in a much more basic plinth. He only sold it a few years ago - we both wished he hadn't but what's done is done. I remember making 'pin gramophones' and running them on his Garrard :o I remember him hating me playing 12" 45's because he was worried the increased groove modulation would wreck his stylus!

13-04-2012, 21:50
Thanks Nick.

I am from the remedial class of audiophiles!

I found it in an old sideboard in a garage.

I don't know much about these things but there is no audible rumble, whatsoever, even when you put your ear to it when the music isn't playing. MB said it was one of the best 301s he had renovated when he put his bearing in it and changed the swtiches and gave me back the bakelite originals that he said would break in time.

Its a SME 3012 series II but the bed plate is NOS with no number.

People say 301s play bass whether it's there or not but I love the sound whether it is perceived as coloured or not it seems to have such a joi de vivre.



13-04-2012, 21:53
Forgot to say the plinth is also by Martin Bastin and is extremely heavy consisting of layered wood with a veneer. Not the flashiest around but I like it.

13-04-2012, 22:00
Feck me :stalks: Some sweet looking decks. Love them all, particularly Maks K's SL-1210MK5G, just looks mad classy (A bit like my 5G lol without that gorgeous arm) The SME V just makes the whole thing look awesome and if it sounds as good as it looks.......... MAMA !!!

13-04-2012, 22:33
This is more like it, the original pic was too weedy


13-04-2012, 23:05
I'm gobsmacked. Is that mine?

13-04-2012, 23:08
Thanks David. I've taken a crap pic but you've made it look good.

I love minimalism and for me it's a thing of beauty that trascends music despite the fact that it can do jsut that...make music.

14-04-2012, 02:40
OK This is my Orbe SE Series IV SME when I had the Grado Platinum Signature on it:)

14-04-2012, 06:04
Here's one of mine: more later :)


14-04-2012, 06:39
Sorry for the quality taken on my mobile so not the best quality

14-04-2012, 08:55
Thanks David. I've taken a crap pic but you've made it look good.

I love minimalism and for me it's a thing of beauty that trascends music despite the fact that it can do jsut that...make music.

Just thought if the pic was bigger we could all appreciate it more!

14-04-2012, 08:55

14-04-2012, 08:58
We like em big!


14-04-2012, 09:01

Nice :)

14-04-2012, 09:13
We like em big!

Yesh, that's wot you say to your boyfriend, innit? :D


14-04-2012, 09:57
This is taken some time ago because the title is Xerxes Drunk.

14-04-2012, 10:02
A couple of average photos of my not-average t/t:



14-04-2012, 10:05
:stalks: :stalks: :drool: :drool:


14-04-2012, 10:58
Ditto !! - The Trio L07d - WOWZA !! - Dribble dribble dribble !!! :lol:

14-04-2012, 13:54


My Technics SL-1210 MkII Work in Progress. DIY stainless steel top plate, Sumiko headshell. Reso-mat.

Still haven't installed all the upgrades. Still waiting for the KAB fluid damper. Since early January... And I'll do something about the plinth - maybe stainless steel skirt all around the turntable to make it totaly "metal"? :fingers:

Sorry for the bad pictures, a very dark day here. :)

14-04-2012, 14:29
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7181/6812725392_0f7e8476cc_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/59684834@N08/6812725392/)

Has a new finish on the platter these days and a 2nd motor waiting in the wings.

Wakefield Turntables
14-04-2012, 16:11


My Technics SL-1210 MkII Work in Progress. DIY stainless steel top plate, Sumiko headshell. Reso-mat.

Still haven't installed all the upgrades. Still waiting for the KAB fluid damper. Since early January... And I'll do something about the plinth - maybe stainless steel skirt all around the turntable to make it totaly "metal"? :fingers:

Sorry for the bad pictures, a very dark day here. :)

Wait till you see mine! It actually looks like this but without the strobe or pop up light. I'm in the middle of getting a paint job done for mine. I'll post some pics when its finished.

simon e
14-04-2012, 16:32

My 124

14-04-2012, 16:43
1965 and still going strong.....


Roy S
14-04-2012, 17:51
Stock Technics




14-04-2012, 21:05
A work in progress:

It's predecessor (another work in progress, albeit less work or progress these days):

14-04-2012, 21:10
A work in progress:



Wow, gorgeous 401!

14-04-2012, 21:36
Lovely... What's the cartridge on the MØRCH, Jay? :)


14-04-2012, 21:43
Here's my highly modified PT1; new power supply, outboard speed controller, inner plinth, suspension, subchassis and top-plate. Varnish stripped and three coats of Danish oil. Lovely :)

-- Tim

14-04-2012, 22:00
My trusty old Thorens, which is about to go up to Dominic and Nathalie at Northwest Analogue for a bit of a spruce up :)


14-04-2012, 22:43
heres my 1210 with newly installed hadcock 228 sounds fantastic

15-04-2012, 07:34
Here's my highly modified PT1; new power supply, outboard speed controller, inner plinth, suspension, subchassis and top-plate. Varnish stripped and three coats of Danish oil. Lovely :)

-- Tim

Good job Tim, that looks well nice!:)

15-04-2012, 07:40
A couple of average photos of my not-average t/t:



Wow! Looks gorgeous. This probably a really stupid question but why does it look like it's got two arms?

15-04-2012, 07:43
that one nice looking deck you got there tim, good job done.

15-04-2012, 08:48
Wow! Looks gorgeous. This probably a really stupid question but why does it look like it's got two arms?

Because it has?

The SME V has an Ortofon Cadenza on it - I've found this to be a really symbiotic relationship: they seem to bring out the best qualities in each other. It's quite a 'forensic' presentation, whereas the Trio's own arm is more 'heart', and possibly more 'ballsy'. It also likes the Zu 103 it's currently sporting. Playing favourite discs on both arms - not together :) - sometimes feels like different mixing engineers are involved. I find this comparison fascinating at times.

Dominic Harper
15-04-2012, 08:48
They are gorgeous looking tts. Dom and I have just bought some new speakers, I will post some pics of them later with the 401.


15-04-2012, 09:05
Here's my highly modified PT1; new power supply, outboard speed controller, inner plinth, suspension, subchassis and top-plate. Varnish stripped and three coats of Danish oil. Lovely :)

-- Tim

Beautiful decks and the epitome of understatement. :)

15-04-2012, 09:14
A couple of average photos of my not-average t/t:



Simply stunning! Maybe the best DD deck ever made? ;)

15-04-2012, 09:37
Simply stunning! Maybe the best DD deck ever made? ;)

It would be up there, but there were the super big Denons and Pioneers (especially the P3a) which were even more heavily engineered. Amazing how good turntable technology was by the late 70s/early 80s: it's good to see a resurgence of d/d interest (the Brinkmann, the Inspire Monarch with surplus Technics motors, and indeed, all the 1210 mods), and a crying shame that this technology wasn't more widely supported by the UK press in the 80s.

I'm biased obviously, but IMO the L-07D is one of the most beautiful t/ts ever produced, and incredibly well engineered: it stands the test of time well. Having said that, there are a few new-ish turntables that I think are stunning in terms of simplicity of form, general good looks, and solid engineering. SQs Kuzma is one, the Brinkmann Bardo another. Also, Mark's (YNWaN) self-constructed turntable is an absolute beauty. I tend to dislike the ones with 4 inch deep platters, especially if lots of chrome is involved.

15-04-2012, 12:26
Only one thing that needed to be added ...my green vinyl copy of "Don't Point Your Finger At The Guitar Man" by Nine Below Zero.:)

15-04-2012, 13:45
I tend to dislike the ones with 4 inch deep platters, especially if lots of chrome is involved.

Me too :) - less (bling) is definitely more (for me) :thumbsup:

15-04-2012, 15:00


Wow, gorgeous 401!

The picture gives it a kind of aging glamour look, but you should see it with its makeup off. It's a bit rough around the edges. ;)

Lovely... What's the cartridge on the MØRCH, Jay? :)


Denon DL-103 in a Midas aluminium body. Great bang for the buck, though not quite the master of detail. I just got a Dynavector 17D2 Mk2 mounted, and hope to try it out later tonight.

15-04-2012, 15:02

The winning TT so far, that PSU deserves an award on it's own, keep em comin!

15-04-2012, 15:45
Me too :) - less (bling) is definitely more (for me) :thumbsup:

Well, a little bling can be useful...helps with the wife letting you splash out for new gear...:cool:

15-04-2012, 19:19
This place always has some amazing tables.

Here is my KAB M5G - not something that hasn't been seen before - but I think quite a looker - one of my favorite shots:


15-04-2012, 19:48
2 more pics of my 1210

15-04-2012, 21:17

401 with 12" Ace Anna and Audio Technica ART-1 cartridge in North West Analogue slate plinth. One of three forty year old beauties!

15-04-2012, 21:19

Thorens TD125 with Audiomods and Denon DL-S1

15-04-2012, 21:23

Goldring G99 in slate plinth with Redbeard Superbearing, RB251 and AT33PTG, re-tipped with FG II by NW Analogue. Currently spinning "Searching For The Young Soul Rebels" by Dexy's Midnight Runners.

15-04-2012, 21:40
Dear Mr Oldius,
Please can you fix it for me to come to your house and listen ( and drool over) your turntables which all very pretty.
Thank you very much.
Darren. ( age 44 and 1/4)

15-04-2012, 21:46
Now then, now then, now that I am buried at a forty five degree angle, looking out at sea and no longer the subject of alleged nefarious activity involving young ladies, of course you can come and play out!

16-04-2012, 00:03
my baby :)




16-04-2012, 05:48

16-04-2012, 16:30

here is a couple of my DIY efforts



Nice TD125 Oldius

16-04-2012, 16:34
Hi Steve,

Very nice, but what exactly are they based on? Some info on the T/Ts, and their respective arms and cartridges, would be good!

One thing I will ask is what's your opinion of the Nagaoka MP-150? :)


16-04-2012, 16:44
Hi, the first deck is based on a Lenco B51, with a heavy platter conversion, the platter has also had the Lenco outer rim turned off to look more like a stock light platter B51, and its lined with lead. The top plate also has a Tufnol filler plate to take up the voids, and also uprated bearing. and plinth is slate.

The second is of course a PTP based Lenco in an extremely heavy 2inch thick slate plinth. Awsome bass extension and power.

The Nagaoka MP150 is a great mm cartridge, i guess i would describe it as a mm version of the Denon DL103, with a little more detail. a very similar flavour.

Tonearms are diy, 12inch, ebony and rosewood.


The upgraded bearing


16-04-2012, 16:48
Excuse my ignorance but why do some of these turntables have two tonearms??

16-04-2012, 16:50
Wow, now *that* is what you call a bearing!! :eek: :stalks:

Lovely stuff, Steve, and even more so considering that you've adapted them yourself. Excuse my ignorance on Lencos - they are relatively new to me. Amazing work on the tonearms!

The Nagaoka MP150 is a great mm cartridge, i guess i would describe it as a mm Denon DL103, with a little more detail.

Ha - exactly my view, based on similar experience! I know someone here who will benefit from that info ;)


16-04-2012, 16:52
Excuse my ignorance but why do some of these turntables have two tonearms??

So that you can have a different sonic presentation with certain types of music. Of course, you can only use one at a time! ;)

Btw, did you notice Steve's comment about the Nagaoka? The MP200 is even better!! :eyebrows:



16-04-2012, 16:52

Because you can:scratch:,

Seriously though, its usefull if you have some older records in less than perfect condition.

16-04-2012, 18:17
Here's a bad mobile pic of my 401 in a homemade 50mm slate plinth


The arms are at the back a Linn Akito with K9 cartridge and the main arm is a DIY 12" based on an Audio Techinca base fitted with Denon DL103 with a MIDAS body

Edited after a good telling off for untidyness, I have now cleaned it up a bit!

16-04-2012, 18:36
Moko,moko,moko, no.no.no

Read the first post young man, no littering the background....:lol:


16-04-2012, 18:52
Woops someday I will have to figure out how to edit photos your version is much neater, but with outside assistance does that rule me out of the competition :)

16-04-2012, 18:54
Woops someday I will have to figure out how to edit photos your version is much neater, but with outside assistance does that rule me out of the competition :)

How can you be ruled out when I organized the whole thing...:lol:

I have a 401 myself so you are in the running for a prize thus far behind the Trio TT.

16-04-2012, 18:55
Do I detect an unfair bias here towards 401s? ;)


16-04-2012, 19:09
You have a cheek, after all this forum is nicknamed The Art Of Techy in certain circles....:ner:

I personally think the 401 does look nicer than "other" more popular TT's. But that's just me :)

Spectral Morn
16-04-2012, 19:13

My word that MK 2 Phantom looks huge and the .1 I have is pretty chunky. Nice looking combination there.

Regards D S D L

16-04-2012, 19:18
You have a cheek, after all this forum is nicknamed The Art Of Techy in certain circles....:ner:

Lol - I knew you'd say that. However, all good T/Ts are championed on AoS, the Garrard also being one of them.

I personally think the 401 does look nicer than "other" more popular TT's. But that's just me

I like how the 401 sounds, but prefer how the 301 looks. It's just a personal taste thing. However, try not to allow your love of the 401 to cloud your fair judgement.

IMO, there are plenty of great looking T/Ts shown already on this thread to more than challenge the 401s for the prize!


16-04-2012, 19:34
It's funny but the 301 does nothing for me it's just too old fashioned for my taste, rather like the E-Type looks so much better than an XK150

I would always pick 60's design over 50's that's why I chose a 401 1 (well that and it's loads cheaper)

16-04-2012, 19:42
It's simply personal taste, David.

I like the cream metal work, chrome badge and contol knobs of the 301, finding the 401, rather 'hard' looking and 'plasticky', in comparison. I've also always hated strobe markings on platters, which was one of the reasons why I couldn't wait to see the back of the stock Techy platter! :eyebrows:

Hey, it'd be a boring world if we were all the same :D


Dominic Harper
16-04-2012, 19:43
It's funny but the 301 does nothing for me it's just too old fashioned for my taste, rather like the E-Type looks so much better than an XK150

I would always pick 60's design over 50's that's why I chose a 401 1 (well that and it's loads cheaper)

I agree, the 401 is a far better looking turntable than the 301. Dom has both, but I just love the look of the 401. There is something very retro about it that I really like. I like something looking beefy and sexy. The 301 doesn't seem to have that look imho of course.


16-04-2012, 19:47
I like something looking beefy and sexy.

I must resist, I must resist............. :lol: :eyebrows:


16-04-2012, 19:53
I'd have a nice TD-124 before either of them, though, visually and sonically:

http://img803.imageshack.us/img803/5216/33623135916936d1f1a9o.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/803/33623135916936d1f1a9o.jpg/)

I've always preferred small and cute, to big and brutal, and not just with my women! ;)


Big Vern
17-04-2012, 15:53
Hi Guys,

Thought I'd post a few images of the Baby Hippo - 49kg in the buff and 59kg with the surround :eek: - the latter was home made and veneered by a local company...I've done my best with the photos, but being good at this is clearly a talent!:)





Best Wishes...Loving the Thorens...what a beauty! :)

17-04-2012, 15:56
Oh, mammy daddy, for me that's up there with the L-07D! :eek: :eek: :stalks:

Paul, when are we having that T/T bake-off again? :)


17-04-2012, 15:59
OK enough of the porn, time for something far more agricultural! :ner:




17-04-2012, 16:06
Hehehe... Now we're talking my sorts of T/Ts!! Since hearing Geoff's (Oldius) G99, I'm a total convert to the (big) Lenco cause :)

Neal, how does it compare to your SP10? Bet it has even more balls! ;)


17-04-2012, 16:12
....and something from the bargain basement...





17-04-2012, 16:14
Hehehe... Now we're talking my sorts of T/Ts!! Since hearing Geoff's (Oldius) G99, I'm a total convert to the (big) Lenco cause :)

Neal, how does it compare to your SP10? Bet it has even more balls! ;)


Oh yes! And then some! Even with an Ortofon cart! :D PL-71 is getting a lot of play time at the moment as I've been playin' wiv it but I think I may switch to the GL99 for a bit to take stock...

Reid Malenfant
17-04-2012, 16:44
....and something from the bargain basement...

Nice cheap record clamp you have there, I like it :eyebrows:

17-04-2012, 16:54
Hi Guys,

Thought I'd post a few images of the Baby Hippo - 49kg in the buff and 59kg with the surround :eek: - the latter was home made and veneered by a local company...I've done my best with the photos, but being good at this is clearly a talent!:)


Oh that's just beautiful! Mmmmm...

17-04-2012, 17:14
Oh yes! And then some!

I know, that's what amazed me when I heard Geoff's (see the 'Cheshire Choons' thread in Blank Canvas, here: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16767&page=4) in his slate plinth, with 'merely' an RB300 and AT-33PTG! The sheer heft and power, particularly in the bass, was frightening!

What the heck would it be like with something rather more serious in the arm and cartridge department? :eek:


Jac Hawk
17-04-2012, 17:45
here a few pics of my meagre offering


17-04-2012, 18:17
Hehehe... Now we're talking my sorts of T/Ts!! Since hearing Geoff's (Oldius) G99, I'm a total convert to the (big) Lenco cause :)


Great looking G99.

I love my modified L75 (platter, motor, idler and (stock) bearing are the same as the ones used in the G99).

17-04-2012, 18:33
here a few pics of my meagre offering


I like the look of it! So many turntables and so little time :)

17-04-2012, 18:42
Great looking G99.

I love my modified L75 (platter, motor, idler and (stock) bearing are the same as the ones used in the G99).

Yes, common parts across the models. I've replaced my main bearing with a NOS one and added an upgrade kit sold I think via Lenco Heaven...New ball bearing, thrust pad and non-leaky oil well...a good and cheap upgrade.

17-04-2012, 18:49
I know, that's what amazed me when I heard Geoff's (see the 'Cheshire Choons' thread in Blank Canvas, here: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16767&page=4) in his slate plinth, with 'merely' an RB300 and AT-33PTG! The sheer heft and power, particularly in the bass, was frightening!

What the heck would it be like with something rather more serious in the arm and cartridge department? :eek:


Ah, nice one Marco thats a very good description of the sound...must heave mine back downstairs and have a play again...

17-04-2012, 18:52
Nice cheap record clamp you have there, I like it :eyebrows:

:D Thats a temporary measure until I find a nice brass one that doesn't attract the cartridge to it! :lol:

17-04-2012, 18:53
I know, that's what amazed me when I heard Geoff's (see the 'Cheshire Choons' thread in Blank Canvas, here: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=16767&page=4) in his slate plinth, with 'merely' an RB300 and AT-33PTG! The sheer heft and power, particularly in the bass, was frightening!

What the heck would it be like with something rather more serious in the arm and cartridge department? :eek:


Oh dear Marco, it's all about system synergy, nothing wrong with the Rega in the "right system". I heard your new arm a few weeks ago against my Jelco on the "exact" same deck in every way, not much difference, not £600 worth anyway. :) Wish I had took my pimped up RB300 with me now! :)

17-04-2012, 19:04
Oh dear Marco, it's all about system synergy, nothing wrong with the Rega in the "right system".

Sure, I guess it depends what you like. I'm just not a big fan of stock Rega RB250 or 300s.

I heard your new arm a few weeks ago against my Jelco on the "exact" same deck in every way, not much difference, not £600 worth anyway. :)

Interesting... A few questions: where did you get an RS-212D from (the tonearm I use), as it's now been discontinued? Which deck are you referring to as being the exact same, and what cartridge did you use on the Ortofon RS-212D, to do the comparison?

As for there being £600 of difference between a Jelco SA-750 and an RS-212D... Where the hell are you getting the Ortofon from at that price? The retail price of a Jelco is (approx) £450, and the Ortofon RS-212D is £2100. I make that difference a bit more than £600!!

And on my T/T, the Ortofon pisses all over the Jelco (with an SPU in the equation), so much so there is simply no comparison, as indeed one would expect, given the difference in price between the two tonearms....

Are you sure that you're talking about the same Ortofon tonearm, and not the cheaper one, at a grand less than mine, the 'TA-110', shown below:



Wakefield Turntables
17-04-2012, 19:26
Oh dear Marco, it's all about system synergy, nothing wrong with the Rega in the "right system". I heard your new arm a few weeks ago against my Jelco on the "exact" same deck in every way, not much difference, not £600 worth anyway. :) Wish I had took my pimped up RB300 with me now! :)

Stock Rega Arm, excellent budget esoterica! Trumped up Rega, even better. Standard/Trumped Rega with 1210 = SHITE! I have a technoarm which whilst not the most modified Rega arm is pretty good but sounded hamshank on my 1210. Didn't you have this combo at one time David?

Sure, I guess it depends what you like. I'm just not a big fan of stock Rega tonearms.

Interesting... A few questions: where did you get an RS-212D from (the tonearm I use), as it's now discontinued? Which deck are you referring to as being the exact same, and what cartridge did you use on the Ortofon RS-212D, to do the comparison?

As for there being £600 of difference between a Jelco SA-750 and an RS-212D... Where the hell are you getting the Ortofon from at that price? The retail price of a Jelco is (approx) £450, and the Ortofon RS-212D is £2100. I make that difference a bit more than £600!!

And on my T/T, the Ortofon pisses all over the Jelco (with an SPU in the equation), so much so there is simply no comparison, as indeed one would expect, given the difference in price between the two tonearms....

Are you sure that you're talking about the same Ortofon tonearm, and not the cheaper one, at a grand less than mine, the 'TA-110', shown below:



:popcorn: I love good topic banter. play on lads.

17-04-2012, 19:28
I think the daftee's talking about the wrong Ortofon tonearm! :lol:

And if he isn't, he must have almost stolen an RS-212D to get it at the price he's alluding to, apart from also being deaf...... ;)


17-04-2012, 19:32
I really like the Lenco 99 as well but God are they hard to find. I'm very jealous of such a great looking deck.

Would love one sometime in the future just got to keep the a good eye out.

17-04-2012, 19:35
I think the daftee's talking about the wrong Ortofon tonearm! :lol:

And if he isn't, he must have almost stolen an RS-212D to get it at the price he's alluding to, apart from also being deaf...... ;)


I will be 49 years old in 2 weeks time you old fart...:lol:

Deaf and senile, good combination:ner:

17-04-2012, 19:37
So, just to clarify, which Ortofon tonearm was it you heard - the TA-110 or the RS-212D?


17-04-2012, 19:38
There's an '88 here:


I bet it gets expensive!

Reid Malenfant
17-04-2012, 19:41
Hehehe... Now we're talking my sorts of T/Ts!! Since hearing Geoff's (Oldius) G99, I'm a total convert to the (big) Lenco cause :)

I really like the Lenco 99 as well but God are they hard to find.
That's it then. I'm keeping my G99 & I'll have to do something with it at some stage :D

They'll only get rarer & this one is damn near as good as new as far as I can remember... It has been 30 years though since it saw use, just run in then :rfl:

17-04-2012, 19:42
Love the 88, too. I think that at some point I'll investigate using an 88 or 99, as the Lenco really impresses me. I'm just waiting to hear one in a nice plinth that's been fitted with a non-budget tonearm and cartridge.

The Lenco, unlike the Garrard or Techy boys, tend to be skinflints! ;)


17-04-2012, 19:46


17-04-2012, 19:49
Here is the before......


17-04-2012, 19:51
And finally for tonight as I have rather pressing cable business to attend to, a truly staggeringly good turntable, sounds awesome, no need to really alter it in anyway as it's at the top of it's game................


17-04-2012, 19:54
Not sure what you're on about, dude... :scratch:

I repeat:

So, just to clarify, which Ortofon tonearm was it you heard - the TA-110 or the RS-212D?

I hope you realise I insist that you answer that question! Ignoring it is not an option ;)


17-04-2012, 19:59
I was having a gentle dig dude that the deck did not need all the gubbins you have added since you posted that photo in the last thread a year or so ago.

I will need to go back to the customers house who has your arm as he does not have a PC (he is 76 I think he said) and is a shy type, I will report back asap. I went off what he said he paid for the arm so he must have been wrong (like I said going senile is common once over 50 haha).

The Grand Wazoo
17-04-2012, 20:09
I'm just waiting to hear one in a nice plinth that's been fitted with a non-budget tonearm and cartridge.

Hopefully before long Marco, you will be able to hear my G99 on a slate and wood plinth with a choice of three arm/cartridge combos - Zeta/Koetsu Black, Ultracraft/Koetsu Black and Decca/Decca!!!
I might humbly suggest that the Zeta version will not only cause your trousers to flap, but it might just reduce them to tatters, set the remaining rags on fire, then bend you over and spank your newly warmed botty!

17-04-2012, 20:13
Love the 88, too. I think that at some point I'll investigate using an 88 or 99, as the Lenco really impresses me. I'm just waiting to hear one in a nice plinth that's been fitted with a non-budget tonearm and cartridge.

The Lenco, unlike the Garrard or Techy boys, tend to be skinflints! ;)


LOL! You've studied the pictures of mine haven't you! :D

17-04-2012, 20:48
I was having a gentle dig dude that the deck did not need all the gubbins you have added since you posted that photo in the last thread a year or so ago.

Lol - sorry to be blunt, but sometimes you don't half talk a load of pish.

How can you possibly come to that conclusion when you haven't heard what my T/T sounds like now, compared to what it was like in the picture above, particularly in the context of my system, where it matters most, as that's what my T/T been primarily designed to compliment.

My advice is don't give up your day job to become a hi-fi reviewer! ;)

I will need to go back to the customers house who has your arm as he does not have a PC (he is 76 I think he said) and is a shy type, I will report back asap. I went off what he said he paid for the arm so he must have been wrong (like I said going senile is common once over 50 haha).

I will ask the question one more time, and hopefully it'll penetrate, which Ortofon arm are we talking about: a 'TA-110', which costs £1200, or an 'RS-212D', which costs £2100? There is a massive difference between the two, both in price and performance!

And even if your customer has an RS-212D, is his T/T otherwise IDENTICAL to mine? If not, comparing his arm to a Jelco 750 tells you the square root of fuck all, in terms of what I'm hearing with the same arm on my T/T, and especially through my system....! :D


17-04-2012, 21:06
Hi Chris,

Hopefully before long Marco, you will be able to hear my G99 on a slate and wood plinth with a choice of three arm/cartridge combos - Zeta/Koetsu Black, Ultracraft/Koetsu Black and Decca/Decca!!!

Nice one - I'd love to! We could have our own little T/T bake-off :)

I might humbly suggest that the Zeta version will not only cause your trousers to flap, but it might just reduce them to tatters, set the remaining rags on fire, then bend you over and spank your newly warmed botty!

Oooh - all the more reason to pop round and have me botty suitably 'abused', as long as the image doesn't mentally scar Mischa for life! :eek:

Hope she's doing well now, btw.


17-04-2012, 21:15
Well, my old Thorens has left the building..... on it's way up to Dom's for a spruce up :)

17-04-2012, 21:17
Well, my old Thorens has left the building..... on it's way up to Dom's for a spruce up :)

It's in good hands then.:)

17-04-2012, 21:17
Oooh, tells us more, Dave... What's happening, in terms of the spruce up? :)


17-04-2012, 21:39
The g99 is a class act. The new bearing from redbeard adds a lot though ive had it a couple of years now. When I can afford to upgrade the arm I have a feeling it will be a killer! It's already in the slate plinth with a massive brass clamping system.

Cheers for the thorens comments, she's a looker allright, well
Fit but soft and gentle too!

17-04-2012, 21:48
Well, I've asked for it to remain in its original condition as we like the retro plinth and tonearm (a TP14 if I remember correctly).

Basically, it's going for a service and a tonearm rewire, with better quality phono cable flying leads as it doesn't have RCA sockets at the back. We have a Shure V15 Mk III cartridge, and I've asked him to fit that as well. To be honest, it sounded good before, even with the crap leads, so we're quite excited about getting it back home again.

Oh, and a replacement Thorens belt is being fitted. Won't do any harm, especially as the one in at the moment is a tad stretched. :cool:

18-04-2012, 11:38
Great looking G99.

I love my modified L75 (platter, motor, idler and (stock) bearing are the same as the ones used in the G99).

I have both decks and the platter is definitely different on the 99. There is no additional balancing on the 99's platter so I guess it was machined to tighter tolerances. Im no engineer but there is a visual difference. The top plate also feels more solid.

18-04-2012, 11:48
Some L75s have no platter balancing machining either - each platter was balanced individually - so some needed no correction. I guess they may well have selected the best samples for the G88/G99 units. The top plate on the G99 is much more substantial than that of the L75. I've discarded my L75's top plate and replaced it with a PTP.

18-04-2012, 14:09
Marco. Contrary to rumours your arm is stlll available even if Ortofon are saying otherwise.


This one looks little different to Jelco though more costly.


18-04-2012, 14:31
Marco. Contrary to rumours your arm is stlll available even if Ortofon are saying otherwise.


Yes, but try finding out how long it takes for them to get one, or indeed if they can at all! ;)

This one looks little different to Jelco though more costly.


...which is basically a 'tarted-up' Jelco, and the one that daftee-boy was mixing up with the somewhat superior RS-212D!

RS-212D (at £2100), beside it's 12" bigger brother:

http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/8646/rs212d309db.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/694/rs212d309db.jpg/)

TA-110 (at £1200):

http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6641/ortofonta110tonearm.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14/ortofonta110tonearm.jpg/)

Not the same thing...


18-04-2012, 18:39
Here's one of mine:



18-04-2012, 19:07
Now that is beautiful. Is it a 301? So often these end up in grossly large plinths made from monumental masonry but that is high (retro) style and I love it.

18-04-2012, 20:05
Indeed very nice- and different:)

18-04-2012, 20:34
Now that is beautiful. Is it a 301? So often these end up in grossly large plinths made from monumental masonry but that is high (retro) style and I love it.

Really glad that it evokes that response. I wanted to build a plinth that was commensurate with the era of the deck, and I agree that some 301's end up in slightly inelegant and oversize plinths. This 301 was probably originally installed in 1963 with the arm shown. Here's what it looked like when I found it:





Here are some plinth evolution photos:





Here you can see one of the four adjustible squash ball feet, which provide ideal isolation.



It has taken me far too long to build, but it's such a pleasure to use and listen to now that it has all been worth it. That's not my wife's opinion of course.


18-04-2012, 20:54
Is the plinth a very pale blue?

18-04-2012, 20:55
:drool: Very nice, Richard

18-04-2012, 20:59
Is the plinth a very pale blue?

Yes, it is a heritage 1950's gloss paint colour. I have spent many tens of hours, perhaps a hundred or more, applying it and carefully polishing each coat. It's not quite finished yet, but the goal is to get it to concert piano standard.

18-04-2012, 21:08
Well, you've done a very nice job, I like the plinth design, the colour and the finish.

(nice photos too)

18-04-2012, 21:12
Well, you've done a very nice job, I like the plinth design, the colour and the finish.

(nice photos too)

Thank you!

18-04-2012, 21:33
Awsome piece of restoration there Richard. I take it the whole unit had to be resprayed and that arm looked beyond hope.

18-04-2012, 21:57
Awesome stuff, Richard. I've already seen your pics on pfm :)

Can anyone see now why I prefer the look of the 301 to the 401? It's that lovely 'creamy pastel' look it's got. One thing, which Richard has touched upon is important to me, and that's keeping it dinky and cute, and thus the T/Ts overall 'footprint' small...! ;)

Why on earth people have 301s and 401s (with no intention of fitting more than one tonearm) in HUGE, bulky, plinths, with acres of space all around the arm and platter, is anyone's guess... I just it makes it look untidy, and 'wrong'. It doesn't matter if its slate or wood, or whatever.

It's precisely because Richard has fitted the 301 motor unit nice and snugly into his gorgeous plinth, that I like it so much more than some of the more 'brutal' looking, oversized, arrangements I so often see. Only one thing I'd change is to go for the plain platter without the strobe markings. I believe that Tony L's 301 has one like that...

No doubt others will love those big, bulky,looking things and hate the 'dinky and cute' look... At the end of the day, it's all personal taste!

Richard, we must have our T/T sesh soon, as I'd look forward to that :cool:


Roy S
18-04-2012, 22:21
Truly a thing of beauty (with a Shure cartridge)

18-04-2012, 22:53
I don't think I had completed this the last time around (despite having posted on the project since then); so, here it is: Technics SL-1500MK2 replinthed. It's obviously not everyone's cup of tea; but... ... ...



A bit lacking in photographic expertise, am I.

18-04-2012, 23:02
Some lovely turntables there! :)

18-04-2012, 23:07
Awsome piece of restoration there Richard. I take it the whole unit had to be resprayed and that arm looked beyond hope.

Not at all. I wanted to keep it as original as possible. Underneath all that dust and rust was a turntable and arm in fine shape. I have partly stripped it down, cleaned and oiled it, and put it back together without any major surgery. The arm responded very well to rust-remover as it is mostly steel, and the deck's idler wheel and sintered bearings are in great shape after a thorough clean. I very gently removed the glue spot from the chassis with a scalpel, which took about an hour, and then used T-cut to minimise the discolouration. It's imperfect, but the loss of gloss there is barely noticeable. My goal was to restore it to good original condition, not to replace the finish and make it look new but inauthentic. The main thing is to clean and re-oil all the bearings and moving parts so that it sounds as good as it did when new. Or better in fact, because it's now in a much better plinth, which is weighty and very solid, and provides rigid linkage between arm and bearing, and a sensible ground for any motor noise and draining of arm energy.

18-04-2012, 23:09
I don't think I had completed this the last time around (despite having posted on the project since then); so, here it is: Technics SL-1500MK2 replinthed. It's obviously not everyone's cup of tea; but... ... ...



A bit lacking in photographic expertise, am I.

I absolutely love that. Great colour too!

18-04-2012, 23:12
Richard, we must have our T/T sesh soon, as I'd look forward to that :cool:

Yes indeed. I'm quite snowed under at the moment though. Too many children, not enough money. PM me a day that suits you.

19-04-2012, 01:12
I absolutely love that. Great colour too!

I can only return the compliment; because, this made me feel all lovely inside. I love the way the plinth follows the lines of the table. Gorgeous.



19-04-2012, 10:59

Deffo in the top 5 so far!

19-04-2012, 11:05
A 401 with 3009 in the top 5?? Get away :lol:.

19-04-2012, 11:22
Its partly quality of photos I am interested in being a keen photographer myself...:eyebrows:

19-04-2012, 12:36
Not the best shot, is it?


19-04-2012, 12:37
Not the best shot, is it?


Nice :)

19-04-2012, 22:15
No fancy photography here I'm afraid! £49 of Samsung's worst and an equally hopeless photographer opperating it. Still the decks pretty :)


Patrick Dixon
19-04-2012, 22:20
A 401 with 3009 in the top 5?? Get away :lol:.
I think you'll find it's a 301 ...

19-04-2012, 22:53

Roy S
19-04-2012, 23:00

Rare Bird
19-04-2012, 23:09
Deffo in the top 5 so far!

Deffo the best looking '301' plinth ive seen, well done Rich :thumbsup:

20-04-2012, 20:46
Deffo the best looking '301' plinth ive seen, well done Rich :thumbsup:

Cheers! Here's a bit more plinth porn:





21-04-2012, 05:07
Is that Stereolab: Dots and Loops?

21-04-2012, 08:49
Is that Stereolab: Dots and Loops?

Yes, spot on. It could be the smartest piece of vinyl ever produced.

Mika K
21-04-2012, 09:29
No changes here for TT department after last summer, so here are the old pics again.. ;)



21-04-2012, 12:01
Stunning turntables lads, I dont think I will add a pic of my Gyro after seeing these....

21-04-2012, 12:12
Alan (Trio Leo's) stunning L0-7D:

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/9677/l07d.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/l07d.jpg/)

Another, what I would call, 'proper' turntable! :)


Mika K
21-04-2012, 12:14
That's one mean deck. One of the true classics one might say.. :eek:

21-04-2012, 19:20
Absolutely - a veritable statement of engineering at its gob-smacking best! To appreciate just *how* good the L07D is, in an engineering sense, have a read here: http://www.l-07d.com/

:eek: :eek:


21-04-2012, 20:57
And now for something a little different, but equally admirable, for different reasons - Anthony TD's original Cranfield Elite Gramaphone - the first Rock turntable, fitted with the original Excalibur arm:

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/6975/rockpk.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/706/rockpk.jpg/)

Lurvely stuff! :cool:


21-04-2012, 21:14

This is on loan with an spu.


This one is mine.

21-04-2012, 21:16
Is now a good time to say I hate it when folk post links to Photobucket, instead of uploading the pictures properly and posting them!! :rolleyes:

Sheer laziness... Come on, Stu, you can do better ;)


22-04-2012, 06:17
Absolutely - a veritable statement of engineering at its gob-smacking best! To appreciate just *how* good the L07D is, in an engineering sense, have a read here: http://www.l-07d.com/

:eek: :eek:


"Uber" or Over-engineering would apply best. It's really a shame that the advent of that digital format thingy whose name I can't remember led to the demise of some of these DD engineering marvels - Denon DP 100 & 75, Exclusive P3 or Technics SP 10 included. Shame I say, shame. :wheniwasaboy:

22-04-2012, 06:37
Hear, hear! Also, most of us were too busy being brainwashed by the fallacious notion that there was nothing better than the 'fruitbox' from Glasgow, and that all direct-drive T/Ts were 'shit'! :rolleyes:


22-04-2012, 06:49
Alan (Trio Leo's) stunning L0-7D:

http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/9677/l07d.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/l07d.jpg/)

Another, what I would call, 'proper' turntable! :)


I do soooooooooooooooooo want one, PLEASE. :)

22-04-2012, 06:55
I do soooooooooooooooooo want one, PLEASE. :)

Steady on there mate. There is a long queue here, you know.:ner:

22-04-2012, 07:00
I'm not that keen on the aesthetic of the Trio.

I notice a couple of the decks in this thread have dust-bugs attached (and are being used)!

22-04-2012, 07:06
Sure, it could've been 'prettier', but you can't deny the quality of the engineering!


22-04-2012, 07:08
I'm not that keen on the aesthetic of the Trio.

I notice a couple of the decks in this thread have dust-bugs attached (and are being used)!

Not that keen on its aesthetics either but the overall approach and "philosophy" behind it certainly has me going. That deck has gravitas.:cool:

22-04-2012, 07:35
the overall approach and "philosophy" behind it certainly has me going. That deck has gravitas.

+1 (with bells on!)


22-04-2012, 09:45
I'm not that keen on the aesthetic of the Trio.

Well, you know what's coming, but as a completely biased obsever and owner of a Trio L-07D, I must respectfully disagree with your obviously misguided opinion :eyebrows:

I think the aesthetics are very well judged: certainly more so than any of the other super d/d decks of the age, most of which relied on ugly, bulky plinths. As a 35 year old design, I think it stands up remarkably well against today's variants.

But of course I would say that...


22-04-2012, 10:05
My SL1200 won't win any prizes but it is a little different, being white:


22-04-2012, 10:41
Hi Guys,

Thought I'd post a few images of the Baby Hippo - 49kg in the buff and 59kg with the surround :eek: - the latter was home made and veneered by a local company...I've done my best with the photos, but being good at this is clearly a talent!:)





Best Wishes...Loving the Thorens...what a beauty! :)

Oh my..
....had to get this one back to the top again.
Just lovely.

22-04-2012, 10:51
What deck is that:stalks:

22-04-2012, 14:00
I am green with envy , especially the Denon DP-100M and the Trio L07D.

22-04-2012, 14:01
Here is my humble Denon DP80




22-04-2012, 15:36
Oooh! Nice images k. I see you have a modded Rega arm on there. Is that a second arm I see? A jelco manufactured item? Or Audionote or Helius? I can't make my mind up from the images!

22-04-2012, 15:39
I must respectfully disagree with your obviously misguided opinion :eyebrows:


No problem, I didn't think you would agree (curiously, it's never occurred to me that a TT needs carrying handles ;))

22-04-2012, 15:52
Oooh! Nice images k. I see you have a modded Rega arm on there. Is that a second arm I see? A jelco manufactured item? Or Audionote or Helius? I can't make my mind up from the images!

Thanks, Darren!

The other one is an Audiocraft AC3000 Silver Limited tonearm.

22-04-2012, 16:02

No problem, I didn't think you would agree (curiously, it's never occurred to me that a TT needs carrying handles ;))

Try picking one up - back breaking stuff :)

Spectral Morn
22-04-2012, 17:28
Just to be different I will post a picture of my Oracle Delphi MK 4 with Graham 2.2 arm and VDH MC10 cart.



My Technics 1200 mk5 with Jelco 750 arm, Fidelity Research headshell (loaned to me awhile back by Marco) and Oyaide mat and record weight




My blue finished Technics 1210 with SME 5 arm


My BSE Slate Deck with Graham Phantom arm



Regards D S D L

22-04-2012, 19:12
Well, you know what's coming, but as a completely biased obsever and owner of a Trio L-07D, I must respectfully disagree with your obviously misguided opinion :eyebrows:

I think the aesthetics are very well judged: certainly more so than any of the other super d/d decks of the age, most of which relied on ugly, bulky plinths. As a 35 year old design, I think it stands up remarkably well against today's variants.

But of course I would say that...


I don't own a Trio; but, I agree with you. It's plinth is a refreshing change to what was commonly done at the time AND it's design was not an afterthought.

The Vinyl Adventure
22-04-2012, 20:09
Pioneer pl600x ... animation ... give it a sec to load ....


22-04-2012, 20:18
Fantastic cinemagraph Hamish, the loop is seamless! I was going to do one of those for this thread too, but mine wasn't classy enough to share :o

The Vinyl Adventure
22-04-2012, 20:23
Cheers buddy
ive had plenty of practice... been doing them for a project at work :)

22-04-2012, 20:39
Some top pictures on here, the Garrard still tops it for me, there are some others run it a close second though, here is another of mine.


23-04-2012, 07:13
I'm not that keen on the aesthetic of the Trio.

I notice a couple of the decks in this thread have dust-bugs attached (and are being used)!

Have always used a dust bug, very useful.

John :)

PS: Anyone got one they don't want/use they could sell?

24-04-2012, 17:15


The Vinyl Adventure
24-04-2012, 17:44
Very nice John!

24-04-2012, 18:00
Have always used a dust bug, very useful.

John :)

well, we will have to agree to disagree on that one then - utterly useless in my opinion and likely to do more harm than good; they have no place on a turntable aimed at sound quality as a priority (IMO).

24-04-2012, 18:41

A fuzzy TD 124 with SME 3009 imp and a Shure thingy..

24-04-2012, 18:43
well, we will have to agree to disagree on that one then - utterly useless in my opinion and likely to do more harm than good; they have no place on a turntable aimed at sound quality as a priority (IMO).

Okey dokey. :)

24-04-2012, 21:49
Here's another of mine, which you may have seen around here before:


The Arkiv is sold now, but the Ekos is still rocking on the Mk5.

24-04-2012, 21:50
Nice pic, as usual, Rich. Out of interest, how did you find the Arkiv/Ekos combo worked on the Techy? :)

That's something I'd liked to have heard, particularly in terms of how its sonic presentation (which I'm familiar with on an LP12) changes when used on the Technics.


24-04-2012, 21:51
Here is my humble Denon DP80




I love the DP80. Roswell.

24-04-2012, 21:56
Nice pic, as usual, Rich. How did you find the Arkiv/Ekos combo worked on the Techy? :)

It has been a year or so since I heard it, and my Arkiv was probably a bit old. It was retipped by ESC though. Somebody here said it wasn't a good combo. Perhaps it did sound a bit sluggish. It's quite hard to describe these things, and one man's meat is another's poison. The only other cartridge of that quality I've had on the SL1210/Ekos was an Axia, but it was quite a lot thinner than the Arkiv. The Amadeus sounds so good with cheaper cartridges that I've given up expensive ones until I've got some spare cash sloshing around. Don't hold your breath.

24-04-2012, 22:51

"Sluggish" is not how I'd have expected the Akiva to sound on a Techy, as my understanding was that Linn cartridges were deliberately voiced to sound a little 'toppy', given that this effect would then be ameliorated by the inherent warm coloration of the LP12 itself. Indeed, that is precisely the effect I heard when I had a Troika fitted to the Techy, on my (then) Jelco 750.

I guess then that your Akiva must've been on its last legs.

However, the idea of using an Ekos on a Techy is an interesting one, providing that the cartridge chosen achieves synergy with the arm and T/T. So now that the Akiva is gone, what cartridge is gracing your Ekos/SL-1210 combo? :)


25-04-2012, 09:21
However, the idea of using an Ekos on a Techy is an interesting one, providing that the cartridge chosen achieves synergy with the arm and T/T. So now that the Akiva is gone, what cartridge is gracing your Ekos/SL-1210 combo? :)

At the moment an OC9 II.

25-04-2012, 09:59
Given the somewhat dark and weighty, rhythmic sound of an Ekos, married to the lively sounding OC9, that should work well :)


25-04-2012, 12:32
Given the somewhat dark and weighty, rhythmic sound of an Ekos, married to the lively sounding OC9, that should work well :)


Marco, I have a modded (AO) Ekos plus AT OC9II on my Tech and its great, however, I would like to see/hear an AT33EV which could possibly be the ideal combo for me? Anyone here know where I can get and AT33EV at a good price? I've ruled out buying from the USA because of additional charges made over here for VAT etc. Does AT sell direct? Thanks :)


25-04-2012, 18:44
Marco, I have a modded (AO) Ekos plus AT OC9II on my Tech and its great, however, I would like to see/hear an AT33EV which could possibly be the ideal combo for me? Anyone here know where I can get and AT33EV at a good price? I've ruled out buying from the USA because of additional charges made over here for VAT etc. Does AT sell direct? Thanks :)


Ron, l think there is a guy on Wigwam who is selling the AT at the moment.

25-04-2012, 21:26
Ron, l think there is a guy on Wigwam who is selling the AT at the moment.

Thanks for the info Andy, much appreciated. I'll see whats what over there.


26-04-2012, 05:52
The guys name is Mellstock- if was any good on computer things l would post the page for you:scratch:

26-04-2012, 06:36
I'll get the tripod out and take a new photo, but for now...

http://www.mtc.me.uk/images/Technics Funk Platter.jpg

26-04-2012, 07:03
Looking good Martin. :)

26-04-2012, 07:06
You can make the Troika bright sounding with the wrong resistive loading and VTA settings, but loaded at 580 ohms there's next to no sting in its tail, certainly nothing like you get from a Lyra. If anything they tend to be bass forward when loaded as per manufacturers spec. This assumes its not on an lp12, but a more neutral deck. Most reasonably neutral carts sound a bit 'saddled' in the response when put on an old spec Lp12.

26-04-2012, 07:11
I'll get the tripod out and take a new photo, but for now...

http://www.mtc.me.uk/images/Technics Funk Platter.jpg

Serious eye candy...Nice one!

26-04-2012, 11:42
The guys name is Mellstock- if was any good on computer things l would post the page for you:scratch:

I have met mellstock in meatspace - he let me come round to hear his system. He is very decent and I know where he gets the cartridges from too. I would have no hesitation in buying from him.

Dominic Harper
29-04-2012, 11:28
Finally got around to taking some pics!




29-04-2012, 15:39
Lovely looking system you have there Domonic, what supports reside under the T/T and CDP out of interest?:)

29-04-2012, 16:08
Hmm....could they be the ones Dominic makes....

29-04-2012, 17:40
Very nice Dominic and jealous of Titan as a Delos owner.

See you have no paper on the bottom of your cart, is that on purpose if so would be interested to know why.

Dominic Harper
29-04-2012, 17:46
Hi Paul, the titan came to me with a snapped cantilever and no 'Paper'.
Repaired it and is singing nicely.

29-04-2012, 17:52
That makes sense. Now of course you have the skills and tools to keep it clean without the need for the protective japanese paper.

Can you do a close up of the coils for mine and I suspect other peoples curiosity, if not no problem.

29-04-2012, 17:55
Dominic, just found one on your site so no need to bother, I can now see the front nylon(?) bit carries what I assume is a magnet.

Dominic Harper
29-04-2012, 20:10
Hmm....could they be the ones Dominic makes....

Yes Mark, you're quite right. It is one of the first ones we made.


Dominic Harper
29-04-2012, 20:12
Dominic, just found one on your site so no need to bother, I can now see the front nylon(?) bit carries what I assume is a magnet.

Yes Paul you're right. There is a magnet behind the coils and in the front yoke.


01-05-2012, 11:41
Finally got around to taking some pics!




Looking good, guys! :)

What are the new speakers about, though, (are they KEFs?) What's happened to the Hawthornes?

Also, you need to show some pics of the 401, fitted with your preferred cartridge of choice, not that over-priced Titan pish! :eyebrows: ;)


Dominic Harper
01-05-2012, 23:38
Hi Marco. Yes the Hawthornes are out!! Shock, horror.
The replacements are some loaner Kef Reference 105/3s.
With these speakers the SPU just wasn't cutting the mustard, so re fitted the Titan and I'm in analogue heaven!

02-05-2012, 00:43
Some lovely turntables in this thread as usual.

Any excuse to show a pic or two of the Denon...



02-05-2012, 10:15
Hi Dom,

Hi Marco. Yes the Hawthornes are out!! Shock, horror.
The replacements are some loaner Kef Reference 105/3s.
With these speakers the SPU just wasn't cutting the mustard, so re fitted the Titan and I'm in analogue heaven!

Mmm... Some major changes then since I visited last week! I thought that the 401/'SME3012'/SPU, with the Hawthornes, sounded sublime (as did my T/T, in your system, fitted with the same cartridge) :scratch:

I wasn't at all a fan of the Titan, as to my ears, it's got that typical modern 'hi-fi' style of presentation, which irritates the hell out of me. No change of speakers will alter that (all you'll do is mask or compliment it), as it's simply the 'house sound' of a Lyra.

What prompted you to make the change (in terms of both the speakers and cartridge?) and what was it about the SPU that, to your ears, wasn't cutting it? Also, are you keeping the KEFs and getting rid of the Hawthornes?

It'll certainly be very interesting listening to my T/T next time, through the KEFs! ;)


02-05-2012, 10:18
Alfie, that's a very cool looking Denon, matey! :respect:


02-05-2012, 10:58
Where in the spectrum of warm-hard do you think my Shelter lies, Marco, compared with your SPU and the Titan?

02-05-2012, 11:13
Some lovely turntables in this thread as usual.

Any excuse to show a pic or two of the Denon...



Nice, top 10 I think :)

02-05-2012, 11:21
Hi Martin,

Where in the spectrum of warm-hard do you think my Shelter lies, Marco, compared with your SPU and the Titan?

I love your Shelter, and indeed have always said so, including the fact that it's one of the few modern MC cartridges I could live with.

The Shelter straddles the ideal middle ground between reproducing the high-frequency clarity and detail retrieval one expects from a modern high-end moving coil design, and the sweetness of tone of the best vintage MCs, retaining just enough 'meat on the bone', in order to underpin music with a natural sense of harmonic warmth, thus preventing the sound from becoming too clinical, but never straying into the rather cloying fullness present in some examples of the latter.

Lyras, to my ears, do the opposite, although in Dom's system, their inherent sterility is ameliorated somewhat by the sonic qualities of his superb 401 and valve monoblock power amps. I can also imagine that the warmer, bigger bass, of the KEFs will have helped add some 'heft' to the Lyra's rather lean overall balance.

Modern SPUs, such as my Classic GM(E), in a suitable arm and T/T, through a quality SUT and phono stage, sound just a touch richer in tone, than your Shelter, but share a similar addictive musicality; in that, musically, they are unfussy of genre, and thus sail through recordings with a sense of security and consummate ease, allowing one simply to 'relax into' musical performances, with zero fatigue factor, but whilst reproducing all the excitement and 'drama' of said performances, embedded into the grooves, as a result of what the artist(s) produced in the recording studio.

Modern SPUs measure all but flat, and in my experience, do not sound in any way 'phat', 'fruity' or 'romantic', as some vintage ones can do in the wrong system. Your Shelter shares many of the qualities I love about my SPU, and also works a treat in my Ortofon arm! I could easily live with it.

That's kind of it in a nutshell :)


Dominic Harper
02-05-2012, 11:30
Hi Martin,

I love your Shelter, and indeed have always said so, including the fact that it's one of the few modern MC cartridges I could live with.

The Shelter straddles the ideal middle ground between reproducing the high-frequency clarity and detail retrieval one expects from a modern high-end moving coil design, and the sweetness of tone of the best vintage MCs, retaining just enough 'meat on the bone', in order to underpin music with a natural sense of harmonic warmth, thus preventing the sound from becoming too clinical, but never straying into the rather cloying fullness present in some examples of the latter.

Lyras, to my ears, do the opposite, although in Dom's system, their inherent sterility is ameliorated somewhat by the sonic qualities of his superb 401, and his valve monoblock power amps. I can also imagine that the warmer, bigger bass, of the KEFs will have helped add some 'heft' to the Lyra's rather lean overall balance.

Modern SPUs, such as my Classic GM(E), in a suitable arm and T/T, through a quality SUT and phono stage, sound just a touch richer in tone, than your Shelter, but share a similar overall addictive musicality; in that, musically, they are unfussy of genre, and thus sail through recordings with a sense of security and consummate ease, allowing one simply to 'relax into' musical performances, with zero fatigue factor, but whilst reproducing all the excitement and 'drama' of said performances, embedded into the grooves, as a result of what the artist(s) produced in the recording studio.

Modern SPUs measure all but flat, and in my experience, do not sound in any way 'phat', 'fruity' or 'romantic', as some vintage ones can do in the wrong system. Your Shelter shares many of the qualities I love about my SPU, and also works a treat in my Ortofon arm! I could easily live with it.

That's kind of it in a nutshell :)


Hiya Marco, it's funny really that you say this about Lyra because I really love the sound of the Helikon. I have to say that both the SPU sounded pretty good in the system. I think it goes back to the same old thing that we hear things differently. But the system is sounded superb at the moment, these Kefs are just the thing we have been looking for, your wouldn't believe the difference in sound from the OBs, and you know me Marco, I love the OBs, but for bass these Kefs just do the business. I tell you something, when you next bring your gorgeous technics round, I bet you will think they sound pretty good and they wont disappoint.


02-05-2012, 11:47
Thanks for that, Marco. I agree and could equally live with your SPU in my system.

02-05-2012, 11:47
Hi Nat,

Yup... I'm sure that it'll be interesting to listen. Having heard your system a few times now, I think I can 'get' what it is you prefer about the KEFs, over the Hawthornes.

Looking forward to our next sesh (as always)! :cool:


02-05-2012, 16:00

OK its not a technics, but heres my SRM Tech Athena.

02-05-2012, 16:06
It doesn't have to be a Techy, Ben. Very nice! Well, it would be, coming (I believe) from Italy! ;)

I also like the Arezzo. I believe that the Goldring and Rega are also a very good sonic match.


02-05-2012, 16:12
After reading this thread and showing it my girlfriend, we both said some of those turntables looked quite sexy :)
I'm now the proud owner of an Origin live aurora gold turntable, I've just agreed to buy an OL1 arm and probably a Angle audio phono stage.

I haven't got any pictures yet, no point as I've no arm yet, but it looks like this one.

02-05-2012, 16:53
It doesn't have to be a Techy, Ben. Very nice! Well, it would be, coming (I believe) from Italy! ;)

I also like the Arezzo. I believe that the Goldring and Rega are also a very good sonic match.


Cheers for the complements Marco however your just a little bit off in terms of its origin. SRM are based in good old Biggleswade uk.

02-05-2012, 16:56
Ah, I wasn't sure - just going by the Italian names, such as 'Arezzo'! Enjoy :cool:


02-05-2012, 17:07
Ah, I wasn't sure - just going by the Italian names, such as 'Arezzo'! Enjoy :cool:


Chers Marco, I really have a hankering for a technics 1210 to mess about with as a 2nd deck but funds at the moment are a bit too tight. I know the temptation to start modding it would just be too much as well.................:D

02-05-2012, 19:13
Chers Marco, I really have a hankering for a technics 1210 to mess about with as a 2nd deck but funds at the moment are a bit too tight. I know the temptation to start modding it would just be too much as well.................:D
Don't even go there mate, slippery slope beckons. :D


Wakefield Turntables
02-05-2012, 20:18
+1 if your skint and have an addictive nature to tweeking then steer well clear of the 1210 :eek:

03-05-2012, 13:24
+1 if your skint and have an addictive nature to tweeking then steer well clear of the 1210 :eek:

Too true! But worth (probably) doing. ;)

06-05-2012, 17:52
This thread still about turntables? In that case here's my Heybrook TT2 now dressed up Hamish's old RB-301 and set up on a tone arm plate finished today! Still smelling of solvents! :stalks:


Br Mike

The Vinyl Adventure
06-05-2012, 19:03
Looking good matey!
I'm so please it got to you safe and sound ... I was beginning to worry it wasn't gonna show up!

06-05-2012, 19:28
This thread still about turntables? In that case here's my Heybrook TT2 now dressed up Hamish's old RB-301 and set up on a tone arm plate finished today! Still smelling of solvents! :stalks:


Br Mike

Yeah very classy looking indeed.

06-05-2012, 22:16
my new TT pride and joy; a 1975/1977 KENWOOD KD-1033;

(( the whole story, Here; http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17581 ))



- just have these headshell leads that i'm currently waiting to receive,
to complete my restoration/tune up;


06-05-2012, 22:27
- just have these headshell leads that i'm currently waiting to receive

They look like the Nerve Audio headshell cables I use.

07-05-2012, 09:39
My SL1200:


07-05-2012, 19:02
Must say there are a lot of beautiful TT's displayed here! All kinds!
I even got so inspired by the nice Kenwood that i ordered a new belt for my old Pioneer PL10D!

And for now, you may bask in the glory of my pride from the British isles! :D

I like this old fart better and better the more i hear from it!
As you probably see, it now has got the Origin Live Silver arm mounted with a Benz Micro Glider L2! :eek:
And thanks for your compliments on the previous image!
BR Mike

Reid Malenfant
07-05-2012, 19:09
Nice deck, I like the minimalism of it :)

Is that an LED in the power switch or a neon? Hopefully not the latter...

07-05-2012, 19:13
Lovely looking deck, Mike.

07-05-2012, 19:15
IMO, it looks better than any LP12 I've seen - much simpler and more elegant lines! :)


07-05-2012, 19:15
Is that an LED in the power switch or a neon? Hopefully not the latter...

I believe it is a neon.

Reid Malenfant
07-05-2012, 19:30
I believe it is a neon.
Ah, just wondering as apparently these things are anathema. They are supposed to kick out interference, not that I have ever measured one, it's just what I have read on here I believe :scratch:

07-05-2012, 19:36
Thx guys!
I have no idea whether the light is neon, tungsten or LED? I have not encountered any interference that im aware of...
The switch does get everyone's attention though! ;)

Br Mike

07-05-2012, 20:30
Ah, just wondering as apparently these things are anathema. They are supposed to kick out interference, not that I have ever measured one, it's just what I have read on here I believe :scratch:

Yes, I've never measured one either - but I've used those switches in the past and they were neons.

I have not encountered any interference that im aware of...

Well, you wouldn't hear the interference as such - the noise would be on the feed to the motor and so would be reflected in the motors output - it wouldn't be audible directly in the audio signal.

07-05-2012, 20:38
The neon will inject noise into the power supply, which may or may not be audible, in the music that the turntable reproduces. For example, I can clearly hear the detrimental sonic effect of the red strobe light on my Techy, and consequently the improvement when it's disabled.

However, on vintage T/Ts, sometimes there are more important considerations, other than simply ultimate sound quality :)


07-05-2012, 20:40
You just can't measure Cool!

07-05-2012, 20:45
Indeed :)
