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14-03-2018, 12:28
Hmm, I seem to recall there is an internal jumper.
Just looked in the manual I got with my new DAC and it doesn't mention it at all!

Mine came with the vc only set to adjust headphone volume, but that's fine for me with my new shitty Schiit Saga preamp.

Yup , I remember reading somewhere that there's internal jumpers too .

14-03-2018, 18:53
Hmm, I seem to recall there is an internal jumper.

Nor does mine.

It us very easy to see what to do, though. Follow the volume pot lead to the back of the casing by the tube/solid state RCA output sockets. You will see two jumpers, one for each channel. Move both forward one pin. So they end up on pins 1 & 2, then a & b. They should be on 2 & 3, then b & c now for headphone volume control.

I tried the Sylvania Gold Band 5670. You wanna be using a Western Electric 396A was my fairly rapid conclusion. That really is a good valve.

15-03-2018, 16:27
I got a pair of Reflektor 6n3 valves arrived this afternoon Jervalves today (only need one for the 01A but they were sold in pairs).
Anyone with one of these DACs like to try my spare one?

Grant - did my valves turn up ok?

Valves arrived this afternoon Jerry, thanks.. Good ginger biscuits those; i see you never left me any :D
will give them a go soon.:cheers:

15-03-2018, 16:33
I mentioned that I had two Raytheon valves and included one in the pack I sent to you.
I tried the one I kept in my new DAC-01A and it wasn't at all happy! Sounded faint and skewed. :scratch:
So don't worry if yours is the same.

15-03-2018, 16:43
Will watch it then. Try other 2 first

15-03-2018, 16:44
The one problem with the valve output stage is that the HT voltage is only 75V, it is regulated which is good but it really could do with being higher to get the best out of any valve. The actual voltage across the valve is only 62V which only exacerbates the problem.

As it is only a buffer and is at a high signal level the regulation isn't necessary, so I removed it and simplified the filtering to achieve 90V across the valve.


15-03-2018, 16:52
The one problem with the valve output stage is that the HT voltage is only 75V, it is regulated which is good but it really could do with being higher to get the best out of any valve. The actual voltage across the valve is only 62V which only exacerbates the problem.

As it is only a buffer and is at a high signal level the regulation isn't necessary, so I removed it and simplified the filtering to achieve 90V across the valve.


Yes but your a genius [emoji3]. You dont have a pic of the jumper change to bring the vc into play?

15-03-2018, 16:55
I'll get the top off and take a pic.

15-03-2018, 17:21
OK here is the pic. The jumpers are on the rear positions of the 3 pin headers, as so:


So the jumpers are on 1-2 and a-b to give volume control on all functions.

15-03-2018, 17:30
oh, nice pic. thanks Alan...:)

15-03-2018, 18:44
The one problem with the valve output stage is that the HT voltage is only 75V, it is regulated which is good but it really could do with being higher to get the best out of any valve. The actual voltage across the valve is only 62V which only exacerbates the problem.

As it is only a buffer and is at a high signal level the regulation isn't necessary, so I removed it and simplified the filtering to achieve 90V across the valve.


Strangely (?), all of the valve buffer type arrangements I have come across don't run the valves very hot. Usually they aren't even hot to the touch, merely warm.
Is there a reason for that?

Jolida DACs come to mind. A few others as well.

15-03-2018, 18:48
oh, nice pic. thanks Alan...:)As I said but yeah a pic speaks a thousand words.

I'm going to be as nice as Jezzer so anyone who would like to try the Sylvania Gold Brand and Western Electric can do so if they ask nicely and have some credible forum rep - for free.

15-03-2018, 18:53
WE - yes please

15-03-2018, 19:05
WE - yes pleaseBut you don't have any credible forum rep.

Soz - no unobvious emoticons on a mobile in Tapatalk:D

No probs Jerry:)

15-03-2018, 19:10
I just want to try to see if I want to buy one.
Happy to pass on after a day to anyone else that meets Justin's approval.

15-03-2018, 19:18
Dunno if there is another member of jerrys rep tbh

16-03-2018, 10:39
Dunno if there is another member of jerrys rep tbhNope.

I'll drop you a Gold Brand too Jerry. No accounting for systems and tastes!:)

So there's a Gold Brand still going for someone else to try.


16-03-2018, 10:59
OKey doke.

And postie has just delivered a GE JAN 5670W. :)

16-03-2018, 11:12

16-03-2018, 11:12
Too many valves, so little time.

16-03-2018, 15:37

17-03-2018, 21:50

Feedback good. Might well order for kicks/curiousity. The 5A is solid state only I believe as opposed to the 05B here. There's some in Germany on ebay but well over £300.

18-03-2018, 08:13
When do you get your updated Lampi back? - your enthusiasm for XiangSheng might wain a bit at that point!

I've settled in with the Reflektor 6n3 valve at the moment - it is sounding very good. Not yet gotten around to trying the WE JAN 5670W.

18-03-2018, 08:58
When do you get your updated Lampi back? - your enthusiasm for XiangSheng might wain a bit at that point!

I've settled in with the Reflektor 6n3 valve at the moment - it is sounding very good. Not yet gotten around to trying the WE JAN 5670W.Unsure it went in last week. Was going to call and get an update today. It hasn't gone back to Poland, though.

Don't mind permanently having a couple of DACs, or even three.

24-03-2018, 15:15
Well I moved the jumpers into active preamp mode on the Xiang Sheng last night. Disaster - it appears the unit can't supply a healthy level of output in that mode without a mass of distortion, at least on the valve output.

There had to be a catch somewhere;)

24-03-2018, 15:22
Well I moved the jumpers into active preamp mode on the Xiang Sheng last night. Disaster - it appears the unit can't supply a healthy level of output in that mode without a mass of distortion, at least on the valve output.

There had to be a catch somewhere;)

ah, well i wont bother then. shame

24-03-2018, 17:52
That doesn't sound right at all, mine is fine in both modes.

24-03-2018, 18:36
Must admit, I don't recall any probs like that when I used my 1st DAC-01A in preamp mode.
But then I don't listen as LOUD as Justin does. :lol:

I'm still loving mine - tbh it's all the DAC I'll ever need.
-- but I'm sure there will come a time when I'll be tempted to listen with my wallet rather than my ears again. :doh:

24-03-2018, 19:02
That doesn't sound right at all, mine is fine in both modes.

It was OK up to about 12 o'clock on the volume control, but that was pretty tame volume wise. Then distortion crept in getting progressively worse as I moved towards end of scale. I'd had a couple of glasses of wine before I did it and maybe that coloured my judgement, so I'll try it again soon, but the switch back to my active pre certainly sounded one hell of a lot better at any volume. Still pretty impressed with it in DAC mode, though.

Jerry I'll try and get the valves out to you next week.

25-03-2018, 14:34
OK so having a play around now in preamp mode.

It appears that my power amps aren't sensitive enough for the Xiang's output. It is good to about 3 o'clock on both solid state and tube outputs but it just doesn't give enough output to go loud. Beyond 3 o'clock it is distorted - the output stage of the Xiang is beyond its comfort zone.

In reality on both solid state and tube outputs I'd be freakin' amazed if it hits its distortion specs to be quite frank. I think it is quite high but in a euphonic manner. its damn fine sounding but I'm always left thinking hm... that sounds a little dodgy - it isn't 100% clean no matter what output you're using.

I hear it in my system, you may not in yours. It is nit-picking and minor especially at this price but I maintain it is there.

25-03-2018, 15:02
OK back onto my active preamp and it is massively better. I therefore reluctantly conclude that at least with my power amps, the DAC/preamp output is unfortunately a piece of shite. In this mode the unit doesn't sound anywhere near as good. Not even close.

25-03-2018, 15:11
I'm using my XS DAC-01A fixed output into the Schiit Saga passive pre, and it sounds bloody marvellous. :)

25-03-2018, 15:35
I'm using my XS DAC-01A fixed output into the Schiit Saga passive pre, and it sounds bloody marvellous. :)

Got to admit that I'm with you on this Jerry . I certainly can't hear anything of the distortion Justin is hearing . I play my music at pretty low levels though .

25-03-2018, 16:16
not tried this as yet or managed to try valves yet. been ill. sometime tho... my speakers dont need much to go loud so should be ok thinking about it

25-03-2018, 16:19
Got to admit that I'm with you on this Jerry . I certainly can't hear anything of the distortion Justin is hearing . I play my music at pretty low levels though .

It is minor but it is there. I hear so anyway.

At any rate, in fixed output mode I rate it much better than the Frenchie DAC 3. Do you agree Brian?

One thing I definitely love it on, and that is via the Sky mini box. My Lampizator excelled at showing you just how poor the studio mics are on Sky News and BBC. The Xiang just makes the best of them somehow.

Out of interest I have just spent 3.5 times the price of the Xiang on Jupiter copper foil caps, so I can switch between the Dueland and Jupiter output stage caps in the Lampi at will. That's going to be interesting.

25-03-2018, 17:58
Yes , I really liked the French DAC when I changed the rechargeable batteries inside . However , the XS DAC is much better , particularly when the valve is changed for a better one . I'm now using the same valve as Jerry , which he kindly gave to me a few weeks ago :)

25-03-2018, 19:23
Yes, the Reflektor 6n3 really hits the spot for me as well.
T'will be interesting to compare with Justin's Western Electric valve when it gets here.

25-03-2018, 20:33
I look forward to that Jerry :)

26-03-2018, 14:44
When I had an XS DAC-01A, I had the same resuilts as user211, ok at quiet and moderate levels but once I started to head up to '11' it distorted and only got worse when it hit 11 :eyebrows:, it was sold off soon after that.

26-03-2018, 15:09
When I had an XS DAC-01A, I had the same resuilts as user211, ok at quiet and moderate levels but once I started to head up to '11' it distorted and only got worse when it hit 11 :eyebrows:, it was sold off soon after that.

Was that in both DAC-only (fixed output) and DAC-preamp modes?

Expecting both a great DAC and a great preamp in a £100 box does seem to be pushing your luck a bit far! :lol:

26-03-2018, 15:31
Was that in both DAC-only (fixed output) and DAC-preamp modes?

Expecting both a great DAC and a great preamp in a £100 box does seem to be pushing your luck a bit far! :lol:

it was in Pre amp mode, I'm not dissing the XS, it was great for the money just didn't suit my needs at the time, I nearly bought another last week until I saw user211's post about the distortion which reminded me why I didn't want one :lol:

Great little DAC and not bad as a pre as long as you didn't drive it hard, for around a 100 quid it's brilliant :)

26-03-2018, 16:03
Was just wondering if the distortion is present because CD type levels, of 2 volts or over, were/are being fed in in pre mode.
Could well be sending the op-amps to their supply rails, hence the distortion. I don't know what the gain is set for in the circuit.

26-03-2018, 20:43
3 o'clock without distortion is being kind - there is some. It just isn't that bad. My first assertion of 12 o'clock is probably about right, really, when it boils down to it.

I would say there's a tech challenge there Alan. Maybe there's a market for hotroded Xiangs...:)

27-03-2018, 06:34
Ye gods - it costs a £ton. :doh:
Forget the pre-amp section and use it as a (imho) world class DAC with a pretty decent headphone amp thrown in gratis. ;)

27-03-2018, 07:04
Yup, haven't tried to use the preamp section , nor the headphone output either yet . I bought the XS primarily as a DAC and I'm really very pleased with it . The valve output ( with a decent valve in it ) is exceptional :)

27-03-2018, 10:00
Going on the string title.... try this for interest?
Takes QUITE a leap to be able to move from Apogees to a stand-mount speaker!
But I found Zigmahornets (3 inch unit!) persuaded me to move from Avantgarde Duos.

27-03-2018, 10:22
Er... I have some M&Ds.

To swap from top flight Duettas (I suspect his nowhere near as good as mine) is insanity. The M&Ds are mere toys in comparison.

27-03-2018, 10:47
Going from large to little can work surprisingly well.
I owned Quad 63 stats for 7 years (this was before I quit work and had time for box swapping) - and then the diminutive Proac Response 2 standmount came along and sonically demolished the Quads in every way.

It's a bit different for the 6 moons guy, but I guess if you aren't much bothered by the bass power ability of the big Apogees, then going to a smaller ribbon hybrid might well work, especially if they are a better fit for the room dimensions.

27-03-2018, 11:31
Agree, Jerry. Plus-maybe a BIG plus? - is that a lot of folk don't have space to have wires strewn about, huge ('ugly'!!!) speakers, multiple black/silver boxes, etc., because they need to consider their partner's understandable concerns. Thee and me are OK!
Funny how a big black screen on the wall is OK though, generally!

Sit back and await the 'handbags/shoes' comments? (-:

27-03-2018, 12:14
Not a 63 fan myself. I'd much rather have the ProAcs or a pair of 57s.

There's no accounting for anything in this hobby. My previous post was just an opinion, and I am totally biased anyway, but well qualified to state an opinion in that particular case.

01-04-2018, 20:50
Just to pick up on a few strands in this thread ...

Went round to Justin's this afternoon for a bit of a play. I probably shouldn't have been surprised (given what I know about Chris's musical preferences) but I was actually quite taken aback at the commonalities between his Apogees and big Tannoys dual concentrics in terms of room-energising scale, and fleshy, bold presentation. (Also love his monster 211s which I'm sure would drive any Tannoys beautifully). Quite different in weight and colour palate to any Quads I've owned, or indeed any panel speaker I've heard previously, perhaps with the exception of some 60,000 Euro Silbertones one at the Munich show. (Which interestingly were also driven by push-pull 211s ... hmmm).

However on the Xiang Sheng DAC ... this was definitely throwing out some distortion which was especially apparent on classical vocals. Whether this is a characteristic of the DAC or whether it's a fault in Justin's own one I'm not clear on but there's definitely something up with what we were hearing. The distortion went away when we put in my Schiit Modi Multibit, though from cold, it sounded very grey in comparison to the Chinese DAC ... thankfully the colour came back after about 30 mins, the Schiit does run quite hot after a period so do I wonder if there's some class A circuitry in the output stage that needs bringing up to temperature before proper listening. Anyone else having issues with the Xiang Sheng?

01-04-2018, 20:54
Seems to depend on having the vc in circuit or not, distortion wise. I don't get any at my levels but Ive not used the pre in it except for headphones

01-04-2018, 21:15
I use the XS strictly as a DAC . I also listen to my music at fairly low levels and can't say that I've heard distortion .

I've also had Gary ( gazjam ) and Tony ( wee tee cee ) over recently while the XS has been in my system and neither have mentioned hearing any distortion .

As I say I've only ever used the XS as a DAC . However , I found that the addition of Jerry's Reflektor valve and a decent mains cable improved things no end .

02-04-2018, 06:57
Distortion from the XS DAC?
No, none.
I don't listen to a lot of vocals but I do some. (Kathleen Battle the other day in Brahms' German Requiem - ahhhh, gorgeous!)
I do listen to a lot of chamber music, and violins etc are just wonderfully "right".
Strange, very strange.

Still - if ya dinnae like it, dinnae use it! ;)

02-04-2018, 08:36
With the volume pot over half way you can hear it. It is pretty obvious. I'd recommend bypassing the pre-amp section altogether and just using it as a DAC with a proper pre-amp since it is probably adding distortion at all volume levels. Although there was no option to do that on the one Jerry lent me without getting into the internals. Of course at lower levels it just makes the sound more 'interesting' rather than obviously flawed, but I could still hear it on more demanding programme.

The Schitt probably runs hot due to poor build quality.

02-04-2018, 09:19
Those speakers were Silberstatic Nr 8, Tom. When I was in there I didn't hear any sign of any real low bass coming from them (can't see any specs on their website), though they were huge and filled the room. Note all I heard was rock music on them, though with Fatty Freddy on the listen. Pretty sure they were 833s, not 211s. See video wot I shot. With that material I didn't like 'em much. But with something decent who knows.


Next time you swap valves, post a picture of your boards on this thread, or at least post the revision number. We won't really be able to deduce much unless that is done.

Note again I am NOT in preamp mode. Nor was I when Tom was here.

Why to you say that about the Shitt build quality? What aspect would you think causes it?

DAC fight, DAC fight, DAC fight.:punch::punch::punch::punch:;):lol:

02-04-2018, 09:33

Note again I am NOT in preamp mode. Nor was I when Tom was here.

Why to you say that about the Shitt build quality? What aspect would you think causes it?

DAC fight, DAC fight, DAC fight.:punch::punch::punch::punch:;):lol:



The second link has a tear-down which reveals some poor engineering practice. Okay it isn't a DAC but it is indicative of what you are getting for your money. Or not getting, as the case may be.

How are you bypassing the volume control on the Xiang? There was no easy way to do that on the version Jerry lent to me.

02-04-2018, 09:45
No DAC fight here :) I've been around this game long enough to know what I like and the XS suits me just fine . Maybe my old ears are playing tricks on me , who cares , I like what I'm hearing from both outputs .

I use this DAC with a big old Sony integrated so no preamp section or volume control needed .

I have tried several good mains cables with this DAC and they all provided me with an improvement . Is everyone here using the supplied mains cable . Mines went in the bin :)

02-04-2018, 10:01
To satisfy Justin's curiosity, here's a pic of my XS's innards (with the newly installed WE valve)

http://i.imgur.com/K5igGXu.jpg (https://imgur.com/K5igGXu)

02-04-2018, 10:07
No DAC fight here :) I've been around this game long enough to know what I like and the XS suits me just fine . Maybe my old ears are playing tricks on me , who cares , I like what I'm hearing from both outputs .

I use this DAC with a big old Sony integrated so no preamp section or volume control needed .

I have tried several good mains cables with this DAC and they all provided me with an improvement . Is everyone here using the supplied mains cable . Mines went in the bin :)What mains cable you using Brian?

02-04-2018, 10:08
No DAC fight here :) I've been around this game long enough to know what I like and the XS suits me just fine . Maybe my old ears are playing tricks on me , who cares , I like what I'm hearing from both outputs .

I use this DAC with a big old Sony integrated so no preamp section or volume control needed .

I have tried several good mains cables with this DAC and they all provided me with an improvement . Is everyone here using the supplied mains cable . Mines went in the bin :)

I did use a fancy mains cable with it, as it happens. Don't get me wrong I thought it was an impressive sounding DAC, just not quite all the way there. But having the pre-amp section in or out of circuit is going to make a difference, as is using the valve buffer or not (I didn't). The mains cable bit we will have to disagree on ;)

02-04-2018, 10:08
How's the WE valve sounding Jerry ? Or have I missed your evaluation of it somewhere else . IIRC Justin thought it was very good .

02-04-2018, 10:18
How's the WE valve sounding Jerry ?

I only popped it in about 15 minutes ago.

The 1 emoji review would be :drool:

02-04-2018, 10:33
Sorry , I wasn't sure if you had tried this valve before . A little mini review would be most welcome :)

02-04-2018, 10:42
The Western Electric 396A as kindly loaned by Justin (they seem to be sold in matched pairs) takes the valve output sound significantly ahead of the ss output. Before it was close with some types of music benefiting from the valve output, others not. Now it's head & shoulders ahead.
No way is Justin getting it back. :)
They are available on US eBay for about £100 a pair plus shipping (& import taxes).

Sound is noticeably more vivid and spatially defined. Going back to my previously-loved Reflektor valve, much though I enjoyed it, that now sounds kind of grey and vague.
It obviously gives out very pleasant distortions. ;)

02-04-2018, 10:52


The second link has a tear-down which reveals some poor engineering practice. Okay it isn't a DAC but it is indicative of what you are getting for your money. Or not getting, as the case may be.

How are you bypassing the volume control on the Xiang? There was no easy way to do that on the version Jerry lent to me.

I don't believe the 10 bit resolution bit in any way, shape or form. I therefore surmise I don't trust anything that guy has said about the Schitt Modi in any way, shape or form.

You can simulate bit depth in JRiver. 10 bits sounds absolutely chronic. The guy is talking out of his arse, or is a complete idiot, or has a very faulty unit.

02-04-2018, 11:08
Gawd , I was hoping you weren't going to say that Jerry ;)

Anyone got a Western Electric 396A valve they'd like to sell me :D

02-04-2018, 11:09
Yeah that WE is killer. I don't think it will be possible to do much better.

Even Tom said the XS has something. It definitely does, with caveats that for a £100 DAC are excusable in my book.

Martin how to switch between preamp and fixed output is covered earlier in the thread.

02-04-2018, 11:10
jerrys one had the pre in the circuit. its just jumpers, but it is not really advised to use it that way apparently as that is the pre used for headphones. i would quite like to retry it tho, as it would add convenience as otherwise i have to jiggle 3 vc's ... my speakers are so easy to drive it should work fine. i just cant manage it at moment

02-04-2018, 11:11
Gawd , I was hoping you weren't going to say that Jerry ;)

Yeah, me, too!

Mind you, I've asked Justin for a price but he hasn't got back to me on that yet. :popcorn:

02-04-2018, 11:12
what is the w electric valve number?

02-04-2018, 11:20
what is the w electric valve number?

396A - here's a pair for $80 plus delivery https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Western-Electric-396A-2C51-Tube-Strong-Square-Getter-Match-Date-Black-Pl-E53/332594188036?epid=1227532404&hash=item4d70288f04:g:HO8AAOSw8b1aOYY~

02-04-2018, 11:54
I don't believe the 10 bit resolution bit in any way, shape or form. I therefore surmise I don't trust anything that guy has said about the Schitt Modi in any way, shape or form.

You can simulate bit depth in JRiver. 10 bits sounds absolutely chronic. The guy is talking out of his arse, or is a complete idiot, or has a very faulty unit.

10 bits is more than enough for a lot of recordings. The bit depth only determines maximum and minimum amplitude, not the frequency response. Also he measures the Topping DAC by the same parameters and gets 19 bit resolution. Which does tend to indicate that it isn't a fault with the testing equipment or procedure.

02-04-2018, 12:26
396A - here's a pair for $80 plus delivery https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Western-Electric-396A-2C51-Tube-Strong-Square-Getter-Match-Date-Black-Pl-E53/332594188036?epid=1227532404&hash=item4d70288f04:g:HO8AAOSw8b1aOYY~

Cheers... keep an eye out. That pair would work out at £40 each. Need to find another buyer... still to try the ones you sent.. not up to it at moment, but getting stronger...and thinner..lol

02-04-2018, 12:43
Chip in with Brian. ;)
They are certainly worth it, imo.

You won't have to bother with those others, Grant, if you invest in the WE.

02-04-2018, 13:00
Yeah, me, too!

Mind you, I've asked Justin for a price but he hasn't got back to me on that yet. :popcorn:

No - he's busy rushing around doing stuff and squeezing in the odd post every now and then.

I'll answer Martin's post later today...

02-04-2018, 13:02
Chip in with Brian. ;)
They are certainly worth it, imo.

You won't have to bother with those others, Grant, if you invest in the WE.

Will do

02-04-2018, 13:06
396A - here's a pair for $80 plus delivery https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-Western-Electric-396A-2C51-Tube-Strong-Square-Getter-Match-Date-Black-Pl-E53/332594188036?epid=1227532404&hash=item4d70288f04:g:HO8AAOSw8b1aOYY~

Mine were $5 cheaper. BUT look at the import and postage costs on top.

02-04-2018, 22:40
10 bits is more than enough for a lot of recordings. The bit depth only determines maximum and minimum amplitude, not the frequency response. Also he measures the Topping DAC by the same parameters and gets 19 bit resolution. Which does tend to indicate that it isn't a fault with the testing equipment or procedure.

I've PM'd Macca to explain this. Not the place for a discussion on digital stuff it could get way too involved.

12-06-2018, 16:29
New preamp - Herron VTSP-2.
6 EH ecc88 valves tucked away inside.
I think it goes rather nicely with my 2 Trigon monoblocks. :)


Early days yet, only arrived this morning, but I'm really enjoying it!

13-06-2018, 06:08
... and a more extended view - with, far left, my new DAC peeping into the pic.


A SMSL M8 DAC with a Chinese linear PSU (with the large red LED voltage display).
The DAC is only just larger than a pack of playing cards but it has a serious tech-spec and it sounds seriously good. The PSU was a very effective upgrade (only about £50 direct from PRC).
The Review (https://www.musicservertips.com/product-reviews/smsl-m8-dac/) of the M8 DAC that tempted me into trying it when one came along used on eBay.
It's a shame that the DAC is silver and the PSU is black :doh: but hey-ho.
I connect the DAC to my music streaming laptop via a Halide Bridge USB to digital co-ax converter.

Bottom left is my ancient Arcam DV29 DVDP, for DVDs and also used as a rather good CD transport.

13-06-2018, 06:23
How does it compare to the XS DAC Jerry ?

13-06-2018, 07:25
... and a more extended view - with, far left, my new DAC peeping into the pic.


A SMSL M8 DAC with a Chinese linear PSU (with the large red LED voltage display).
The DAC is only just larger than a pack of playing cards but it has a serious tech-spec and it sounds seriously good. The PSU was a very effective upgrade (only about £50 direct from PRC).
The Review (https://www.musicservertips.com/product-reviews/smsl-m8-dac/) of the M8 DAC that tempted me into trying it when one came along used on eBay.
It's a shame that the DAC is silver and the PSU is black :doh: but hey-ho.
I connect the DAC to my music streaming laptop via a Halide Bridge USB to digital co-ax converter.

Bottom left is my ancient Arcam DV29 DVDP, for DVDs and also used as a rather good CD transport.

ive got the m6 jerry. its rather good dac/headphone amp, but can be used as a dac too as it has rca's out. improved a bit on battery too.

13-06-2018, 08:14
No DAC fight here :) I've been around this game long enough to know what I like and the XS suits me just fine . Maybe my old ears are playing tricks on me , who cares , I like what I'm hearing from both outputs .

I use this DAC with a big old Sony integrated so no preamp section or volume control needed .

I have tried several good mains cables with this DAC and they all provided me with an improvement . Is everyone here using the supplied mains cable . Mines went in the bin :)Hi Brian,

I've put a "fancy" mains cable on the XS DAC and I too found a significant improvement to its performance. So much so that I bought the XS DAC. It's actually a very good unit now.

Roy S
11-07-2018, 11:51
New preamp - Herron VTSP-2.

Better then the puresound Jerry?

11-07-2018, 12:28
I much prefer it.
The Herron is a medium to long term keeper for me, the Puresound never really held my interest. It's obviously a very good pre, it just didn't sit right in my system.

09-08-2018, 15:49
Double post :scratch:

09-08-2018, 15:50
"New" today.
A nice bit of vintage.


I have blocked ears at the moment due to an ear infection, but initial impressions are hopeful and positive!
Can't wait for my ears to clear up.

09-08-2018, 15:59
Blimey, that's a blast from the past Jerry. I've had a few pairs, bought the first brand new around 1973. They sound quite nice, a little less immediate than electrostatics and they are not the most sensitive phones around. They must be rare now.

The sound from my vintage Yamaha HP-1 Orthodynamic headphones is pretty similar.

09-08-2018, 16:06
remember yamaha making those but not wharfedale

09-08-2018, 21:49
remember yamaha making those but not wharfedaleThey are similar drivers to the tweeters they used in some speakers eg. Leak 3090 and Wharfedale Teesdale SP2, Laser 200/400.

Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

09-08-2018, 22:33
They are similar drivers to the tweeters they used in some speakers eg. Leak 3090 and Wharfedale Teesdale SP2, Laser 200/400.

They are each isodynamic types. Like smaller Magnaplanar speakers.

10-08-2018, 10:29
Jerry -I'd been meaning for ages to visit you so you could listen to my Isodynamics! Now you've bought some! Like Geoff, I bought mine in circa '73. Familiarity, plus focussing more on speakers meant they languished in a cupboard for a few years. I'd even bought Audiotechnica WTH-1000s (lovely wood!), but trying the Isos again made me realise how good they are. ATs sold!
They used to be cheap but people are catching on; have seen pairs going for £150! I even had a set of NOS ones, but my originals soldier on. They will not work very well via headphone sockets as they need more wattage. I've jerried up (you're the man for THAT!) a flying lead to run from speaker socket to a headphone i/p socket (£5 on eB). I used my old Hafler DH101/200 set-up, but now use an iDecco. The Decco CAN-just, at full volume- run them via phone i/p but better from the back.
I like mine so much, I have a spare set that I plan to recushion the pads with chamois leather! Listen most nights, often falling asleep .....
Properly powered, you should enjoy lovely textured sound.

Grant's right, Yamaha did make some. There are some Russian ones about too. The later Wharfedale ones (2s) weren't as good -I tried a set.
I have the 3090s lawrence mentioned.
If the cushion cover stuff bothers you, it CAN be rubbed off carefully. Mine are nearly just the backing now-time to get the chamois organised?

Lovely things.

10-08-2018, 12:47
"New" today.
A nice bit of vintage.


I have blocked ears at the moment due to an ear infection, but initial impressions are hopeful and positive!
Can't wait for my ears to clear up.Still? You have been to the doctor's haven't you?

10-08-2018, 13:58
Still? You have been to the doctor's haven't you?

Saw ENT consultant this morning.
S'gonna take a while, I think, :(

10-08-2018, 16:12
I had swimmers ear in both ears. Much worse than it sounds. Ears literally drip fluid all the time and you can't hear much

Fixed by this.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20180810/ad88a27f441a13ba06bf0f0be966203e.jpg

16-08-2018, 09:42
My hearing is starting to get sorted, so have been having a bit of a listen to the Isodynamics. Very impressed so far.
But using from a headphone socket on my XiangSheng 01A DAC -- there's enough volume but not sure I am getting the best out of them.

They will not work very well via headphone sockets as they need more wattage. I've jerried up a flying lead to run from speaker socket to a headphone i/p socket

I'm not competent to put that sort of thing together.
Are any available as a pukka product for a few tens of £? - I can't find owt online.

16-08-2018, 10:27
Message sent. Something like
cut off plug, add speaker plugs.

20-08-2018, 10:39
Message sent. Something like
cut off plug, add speaker plugs.

Right, my jack extension cables for making an adapter to connect the jack plug of my power hungry Isodynamic headphones to the output terminals of a power amp have arrived.

There are 3 internal wires all the same thickness - yellow, red & white.
L&R live, and one earth I guess - but which is which? :scratch:
Is there a colour code convention here?

20-08-2018, 11:26
I have found red and white are used very often for R and L respectively.

20-08-2018, 11:29
I have found red and white are used very often for R and L respectively.

Thanks Alan.

--- could it be a disaster if I got it wrong?

20-08-2018, 11:36
red is usually right. white should then be left. if you cave access to both ends a continuity test will prove this

20-08-2018, 11:52
Yay - success. Thanks guys.
Connected up red and white as positive and yellow as ground off my expendable little t-amp. Works great. :)
Now to get hold of my spare 100wpc power amp and see how that goes. A job for tomorrow evening.

20-08-2018, 15:11
I think I have found a Tannoy speaker that you might like Jerry



20-08-2018, 15:13
I think I have found a Tannoy speaker that you might like Jerry



Even if he did like a Tannoy he'd never fess up to it!:wink:

20-08-2018, 15:39
I think I have found a Tannoy speaker that you might like Jerry



That looks like what they all sound like. :lol:

20-08-2018, 17:02
Yay - success. Thanks guys.
Connected up red and white as positive and yellow as ground off my expendable little t-amp. Works great. :)
Now to get hold of my spare 100wpc power amp and see how that goes. A job for tomorrow evening.I thought connecting a common ground on a t amp, at least most Tripath chip amps,would blow it, or fail to work at least. Does anyone know why this worked?

Edit, did you only connect ground to one output, I don't know about that..

20-08-2018, 17:11
it may just be a common speaker return, and not a ground

20-08-2018, 19:25
Yes, Jack cable ground to one of the amp's speaker ground posts.

20-08-2018, 20:33
23988That's not a HORN, these are......(copyright Croc Dundee)

aka, world's biggest car speakers?

(Bought these cinema speakers at Auction Room here. We put them in my friend's Citroen Garage roof where they sat for the next 30 years, running from a Car radio!. Garage now gone, with speakers-probably ditched by the developer.)

25-08-2018, 06:17
I thought it was time that I joined the Planar Magnetic Club.


Audeze EL8.

My inner ear problems persist although they are slowly improving.
Left ear is 3-6dB down in level at the moment (it varies, and started off 8-9dB down) and moderate to loud treble is accentuated and distorts.
Curiously, headphone listening is definitely the way to go with this medical condition - with some tonal equalisation and L/R balance skewing (courtesy of a Behringer 2496) it can sound pretty good, still far from optimal but at least it's listenable. Speakers don't really sound right at all for some reason.

So I thought that broadening my headphone options would be fun and interesting.
My usual cans are standard dynamic type - Fostex TH600 - and although at the same price point (typical new price £500-600) they sound very different to the Audeze.

Both are closed back (necessary in my home environment, Mrs jandl doesn't like the squeaky noises inflicted on those near open backed cans), but they have a very different presentation.

The level of detail is very similar; both are very revealing, although I would give the Fostex the nod.
But the Fostex are way more open and spacious sounding. The Audeze are very much 'in my head' in comparison.
Where the Audeze excel is in the solidity and focus of the sound. Dynamics are more forcefully presented and I suspect they are a bit tonally richer, too.

Rock music and big orchestral especially are much harder hitting and exciting with the Audeze, aided and abetted by a very impressively controlled mid to low bass.

Both are very enjoyable in their different ways, and I feel I need a bit of pampering at the moment!
It will be interesting to see if my opinions change once my damn ear issues are sorted.

25-08-2018, 10:25
....and it'll be interesting to hear how the 50 yr old Isos compare!

25-08-2018, 11:30
....and it'll be interesting to hear how the 50 yr old Isos compare!

Sadly my latest attempt to make an adapter lead for the isodynamics was a dead end. :doh: Totally unusable. I have a plaster on my thumb to prove it.
Have now ordered the same extension cable that you use, Chris.

26-08-2018, 08:40
Audeze EL8 update.

My guess is that my 'used' EL8 were barely that.
The closed-in sensation is rapidly diminishing and they are starting to open up quite nicely.
I think they are still running in and I may have been too hasty in my early judgement!

26-08-2018, 11:43
That sounds like a fabulous result, certainly when they have run in :clap:

30-08-2018, 07:15
A match made in heaven.


Wharfedale Isodynamic headphones and Rotel RX-603 receiver.
I was having trouble finding a device with enough power to properly drive the Isos.
Usually neither enough gain nor enough power.

So I thought I'd try one from my vintage collection from the same era ... Bingo!
Gosh, the Rotel has gobs of power from its headphone socket, way more than other gear I have tried.
Sounds fab.
Very 70s. :D

23-09-2018, 10:50
2nd system sounding sweeeeet. :)


Chario 100T speakers
AMC 2100 power amp ( the black box at bottom of rack - 100wpc and high current; 38A iirc, loadsa control)
Audiolab MDAC (DAC, pre & headphone amp)
Pioneer DV737 (CD transport)
Denon Minidisc player
... and a Topping VX1 hanging around spare atm.
Primary source is laptop streaming Qobuz.

And a duck.

23-09-2018, 10:57
That Denon minidisc looks pretty funky.

23-09-2018, 11:15
I like minidisc - I have about 600 discs of concerts recorded off radio. Great stuff. Very decent sound.

23-09-2018, 18:29
I'm sure the wooden musical note makes the system more musical...:);)

600 mini disc concerts?:scratch::mental::doh::mental::violin::no comment::interesting::rfl::youtheman::rfl::wow::ba g::fingers::harp::carrot::exactly::upyours::clap:: p:respect::whistle::hmm::king::yay::yesbruv::more: :hifive::clapclapclap::dance::piano:

24-09-2018, 09:32
You at the vino last night, Justin? :eyebrows:

I foresee a pair of KEF R500 replacing those Charios in the not too distant future. :)

24-09-2018, 09:42
Nope. Just thought that was quite fun.

Maybe a DAC shootout on the KEFs is in order. Maybe not though that Welsh abode is a long way away init?

24-09-2018, 09:47
Aye - 3h from Brizzle.

02-10-2018, 17:34
A change is as good as a rest?


-- yes, I know it's a mess - so sue me. :D

I am ~85-90% recovered now from my hearing problems.
Still over-sensitive to high frequencies which can squeal and distort, and loud music tends to blur and boom a bit.
Kind of frustrating listening to my MBL speakers, I know they can sound so much better.
So I thought I'd have a bit of fun during the ongoing recovery period and have a play with a different speaker and also scratch a long-term itch about KEF speakers. Rather astonishingly I have never owned KEF before now.

KEF R500 now is residence in a rather nice rosewood veneer.
They look techno-cool with the rather bland looking grilles off, I think.

Concentrating on small and medium scale music. The mids are a nice surprise, kind of electrostaticy in their transparency, speed and clarity - the Uni-Q driver has impressed me.
And for a small(ish) floorstander the bass is impressively deep and well-resolved.

I'll play with these a while longer and then maybe sell on or transfer to my 2nd system.

02-10-2018, 19:36
With matching 'Lava lamp' sound filtration!
Never thought you'd move the MBLs! It's been a few years.

02-10-2018, 19:40
The MBLs are just resting, Chris.
No plans to move them on, even after over 8 years now! - just trying to be patient as my hearing slowly improves!

02-10-2018, 19:50
Lemmy joke.

How do you sell a deaf geezer a frog?

WANNA BUY A FROG!!!??? (You're supposed to yell that bit).

Alas, Lemmy is no more:(

02-10-2018, 20:32
Yes, I realise that.
Coming from me, sitting in a room with 4 sets of speakers, plus the 3090s in living room.
Mind you, i ......might.....be selling the Calliopes, so nowt is set in stone.
Like many things -as you know from your 'swapping' hobby - it's the experience, not the keeping, often.
The MBLs are just resting, Chris.
No plans to move them on, even after over 8 years now! - just trying to be patient as my hearing slowly improves!

06-10-2018, 22:57
I am ~85-90% recovered now from my hearing problems.
Still over-sensitive to high frequencies which can squeal and distort, and loud music tends to blur and boom a bit.

First I've heard of this, Jerry! What happened, mate? In any case, hope you recover soon and get things back to 100%:)

Hey, maybe now's the time you'll 'appreciate' a nice pair of Tannoys!:D:eyebrows:;)


07-10-2018, 07:17
Thanks Marco, but Tannoy? No, I don't think I ever got deaf enough to listen to Tannoys. :eyebrows:

Enjoying the KEFs, but the Plan is to move them on to my 2nd system to make room for the Podium Sounds 1.5 that are due to arrive on Thursday. :)

--- t'was a summer flu virus that turned nastier and invaded my lug holes. Still slowly clearing up.

07-10-2018, 13:53
Well, age inevitably reduces the capacity to hear higher frequencies anyway......

Doesn't make my dislike of screeching violins any less, though.
First I've heard of this, Jerry! What happened, mate? In any case, hope you recover soon and get things back to 100%:)

Hey, maybe now's the time you'll 'appreciate' a nice pair of Tannoys!:D:eyebrows:;)


07-10-2018, 14:53
23988That's not a HORN, these are......(copyright Croc Dundee)

aka, world's biggest car speakers?

(Bought these cinema speakers at Auction Room here. We put them in my friend's Citroen Garage roof where they sat for the next 30 years, running from a Car radio!. Garage now gone, with speakers-probably ditched by the developer.)

Cotham in Bristol? Looks familiar!

07-10-2018, 16:29

08-10-2018, 12:41
Thanks Marco, but Tannoy? No, I don't think I ever got deaf enough to listen to Tannoys. :eyebrows:

Enjoying the KEFs, but the Plan is to move them on to my 2nd system to make room for the Podium Sounds 1.5 that are due to arrive on Thursday. :)

--- t'was a summer flu virus that turned nastier and invaded my lug holes. Still slowly clearing up.

Podium sounds... Interesting, I purchased my old Martin Logans from a guy that was helping develop them (ex Wharfedale Technical Director I believe). Seems they are NXT but tuned by ear not by calculation??.

They did provide a very large soundstage and for large scale productions were very good indeed but I suspect may struggle with Porcupine tree or Justin's banging dance ;-) Enjoy...

08-10-2018, 12:47
I leave Justin's banging dance (and Porcupine Tree) to Justin these days.
Looking forward to hearing the Podiums on my classical choons. :violin::violin::violin::harp:

08-10-2018, 13:28
Great on solo guitar, acoustic instruments, voice.

Voice has to be the ultimate test. from birth, humans are minutely atuned to voice.

08-10-2018, 13:46
I leave Justin's banging dance (and Porcupine Tree) to Justin these days.
Looking forward to hearing the Podiums on my classical choons. :violin::violin::violin::harp:Hopefully they're sufficiently crap to make that stringy, screechy shite that is classical sound great then.

Only joking... (that run away emoticon but on a mobile):)

09-10-2018, 20:03
New set of speakers arriving for my main rig on Thursday, so the KEF R500 have been moved to my 2nd system.

Actually, they sound quite a lot better there - in my main rig I can't place the speakers closer than about 2 foot to the back wall. That is just fine for the MBLs that like space around them, but the KEFs really appreciate a bit of enforcement support from an adjacent boundary.
They really fill out tonally and are sounding very good.
Here they are just a couple of inches from the window.

.... and another chance for Marco to see his favourite carpet. :eyebrows:


09-10-2018, 20:34
That carpet sure does tie the room together, Jerry! Looking forward to your Podiums arriving, was a speaker I thought I would like a chance to hear at some point! Will be great fun for you!

And damn! I am more scared of the Medusa looking plant there, yikes!

09-10-2018, 20:35
Nice second system, Jerry. My second system is a lone Sonos One!

09-10-2018, 20:51
And damn! I am more scared of the Medusa looking plant there, yikes!

Mrs jandl is into her plants, darn things are everywhere!
-- that and spinning wheels.
I've managed to keep spinning wheels away from the hifi so far, but I know that my time will surely come.
In fact, a small one has snuck onto my spare/vintage kit shelves already.
Luckily spinning wheels are good to look at!


09-10-2018, 21:11
Could be a lot worse things for sure, ugly little trolls or god knows what else! Apologies to those that like ugly little trolls....I am kind of liking the sea turtles there Jerry! Nice!

09-10-2018, 21:20
I think It was me that first drew attention to that carpet but looking at it now it doesn't look too bad. I must be getting old.

10-10-2018, 12:03
Jerry spins yarns. His wife spins USING yarn?

(Who does the dusting, my wife asks!)

10-10-2018, 12:11
(Who does the dusting, my wife asks!)

Neither of us, mostly.
We are both untidy slobs. :D

10-10-2018, 14:34
Not so. (s....s). Just casual!

10-10-2018, 16:33
Not so. (s....s). Just casual!

aka cgaf :lol:

Roy S
10-10-2018, 22:46
And damn! I am more scared of the Medusa looking plant there, yikes!

Looks like some kind of Aloe? I have Vera in my hall


11-10-2018, 13:04
New speakers. :)


11-10-2018, 13:41
Now I hate to say it but they would be better against the short wall firing down the length of the room, surely.

Not that it is going to happen, but I definitely reckon that would be the case.

11-10-2018, 13:43
Nah, they have a very wide dispersion and need space at the sides.

11-10-2018, 15:13
Nah, they have a very wide dispersion and need space at the sides.Hard to see how that would be the case but I'll believe you.

11-10-2018, 15:39
The driver panel is about 18 inches wide, it isn't a vertical line array in the treble like your Aps.
- although that's a bit of a simplification, I think.

11-10-2018, 16:45
Well I am just thinking of the NXTs I have heard, which is why I am tending to believe your thinking about it more.

The long thin MRT ribbon in my Aps and the fact they are driven out of phase with the bass means they wouldn't work near field chez tu. You have to be some distance away from them before it all blends together I reckon.

11-10-2018, 18:18
New speakers. :)


What are they Jerry - Magnaplanars?

11-10-2018, 18:20
Podium Sounds 1.5 according to the box, although I suspect that is a misprint and they are the 0.5.

Bev ninanina had a pair a short while ago but is in love with Maggies and is probably going that route.

11-10-2018, 20:13
The review -P 1 - on 6 Moons has height at 181.5 cms (plus frame, I think.)

11-10-2018, 20:18
Mine are a mere 1.4m tall, Chris. You can barely notice them tbh.

Oops - I see I accidentally put my initial thoughts on them into Bev's Podium thread!

I'll slip it in here on my own system blog as well ...

Quick initial review .....

Quite lightweight in tonality - bass is about equivalent to a not very big standmount box speaker.
Subwoofer needed, really - and I have a small one plumbed in now. It needs that little extra tonal weight in my system/room.

But very, very lucid and articulate.
And the soundstaging .... astonishingly good - 3D with excellent depth and image focus.
I find so far that they are best facing straight ahead.

I was trying out various 'test tracks' as one does .... then I just settled down with one of my favourite albums, and got carried away and submerged in the sheer musicality of it. Which is what matters, imho.

It took a couple of hours, or more, of listening to start to adjust to the presentation, which is quite individual..

So, yes, a very good start. I look forward to the coming days of re-exploring music Podium-style!

11-10-2018, 20:54
My Arcaydis ones had a pair of smaller NXT panels each side with an 8" or 10" Rel woofer which seemed to be working a bit above what you would expect to be its comfort zone but they worked quite nicely actually, no need for any bass reinforcement

Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

12-10-2018, 10:12
A crony on t'Wigwam who has owned these Podiums suggested I put a 1 inch block under the rear support spike to reduce the tilt angle

My goodness, that little bit less tilt has made a big improvement to the tonality (fuller now, less brightly lit)

That's actually quite a transformation, they sound like a substantially bigger, more powerful speaker now ... starting to be really impressed by these.

12-10-2018, 10:41
That was a good recommendation on reducing the tilt. It typically comes down to your listening distance from the speaker, and as you noted, the tonality/fine tuning. I noticed this when I owned a pair of Magnepan MMG’s several years back, in my listening position having them standing straight up made them much more acceptable, totally, detail, etc. When I moved them to my larger room and sat further away, I liked a small amount of tilt back. What also can change that presentation some is what kind of flooring you have under them/in front of them, carpet or bare floor.

Have fun Jerry, they look really nice, would love to hear them.

12-10-2018, 20:42
____ Hey, Justin - clear up some space in your PM box, lad!

13-10-2018, 07:25
Hi Jerry. Make of this what you will.

In the years I owned the Podiums I tried them on a variety of amps - EAR 861, Sugden A21, Rotel etc and found the most listenable system was with a Flying Mole Class D amp:scratch:. Worth playing with those felt stoppers at the rear. I eventually left mine all in.

Cheers Chris

13-10-2018, 07:55
____ Hey, Justin - clear up some space in your PM box, lad!Some space there now...

13-10-2018, 08:38
Hi Jerry. Make of this what you will.

In the years I owned the Podiums I tried them on a variety of amps - EAR 861, Sugden A21, Rotel etc and found the most listenable system was with a Flying Mole Class D amp:scratch:. Worth playing with those felt stoppers at the rear. I eventually left mine all in.

Cheers Chris

Thanks Chris

Yes, I've been wondering about class d. I have a small t_amp in my conservatory system (Justin's favourite amp :D) , I'll swap it in and see what happens.
If that works decently I may well invest in something a bit more powerful.

The speakers didn't come with the felt bungs but I am sure I can improvise something. Bev has already suggested an idea for this.
What difference did you find that they made?

13-10-2018, 08:53
Some space there now...

Ok, I'll resend this evening when I get home.

13-10-2018, 08:56

The speakers didn't come with the felt bungs but I am sure I can improvise something. Bev has already suggested an idea for this.

Using cucumbers in there might not have the same effect, but you could try. ;)

13-10-2018, 09:24
Interesting panels Jerry. Quite like those

13-10-2018, 09:32
Yes, I heard them at shows several times 10 - 15 years ago and vowed then that I would one day own a pair.
It's been a long wait!

13-10-2018, 09:50
Thanks Chris

The speakers didn't come with the felt bungs but I am sure I can improvise something. Bev has already suggested an idea for this.
What difference did you find that they made?

I really dislike 'digital' harshness which I generally find goes hand in hand with a tilted top end. The Podium panel will deliver a good dipole supply of treble and the rear opening to the drivers for me added too much.

13-10-2018, 19:23
OK, thanks Chris - 3cm felt bungs now on order. :)

14-10-2018, 08:12
Class d and Podiums = excellent synergy!
Good call, Chris.
The 8wpc Mini-T is just fine, and I've always had soft spot for the surprising sq of that little amp.

Will listen more today and ponder class d options.

14-10-2018, 08:38
Nice one Jerry . I've always been a big fan of class D amps and keep one as a spare , or for when I fancy a change :)

14-10-2018, 09:14
I've just remembered my Wadia 151 PowerDAC. :doh:

Not class d but pure digital till it gets to the speaker output. I'll plumb that in next. :)

15-10-2018, 06:57
The Podium speakers are sounding really good with the Wadia DAC/amp - def the best sound yet.
And with a fuller sound and decent scale and weight with my Jamo SW200 sub nicely integrated.
Have a feeling that stereo subwoofers would work better and there is room behind the Podiums to place them, so I have just bought a 2nd Jamo. Will hopefully get it in a few days.

The imaging from the Podiums is nothing but superb - really well defined and holographically immersive.
It's taking a bit of fiddling and also time to get acclimatised but impressed by these now!
I've a hankering to try out a more powerful class D amp and see what that does. Watch this space. :)

I think these will be long term keepers as an interestingly different alternative to my MBLs.

15-10-2018, 08:08
I think these will be long term keepers ..................

Excellent stuff Jerry, I must get down for a listen :thumbsup:

19-10-2018, 19:29
Mine are a mere 1.4m tall, Chris. You can barely notice them tbh.

Positively tiny Jerry :D

Have you tried any bungs yet? any difference ?

I also happen to think that 1.5 is incorrect as I reckon they are 0.5's

19-10-2018, 20:21
Hi Bev

Yes, I am sure they are the 0.5.

I bought these felt floor glides https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FELT-PAD-FLOOR-GLIDES-30mm-brown-slide-pads-nail-on-chair-table-legs-367/112820781971?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=413247670390&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
a perfect snug fit for the rear 'ports'.
Their affect is at best subtle. A slight increase in image solidity, I think. Getting the panel tilt angle optimised makes far more difference to the overall sound.

I am really enjoying the Podiums on small to medium scale music, they rather lose the plot on big music, but then I have been rather spoiled by my MBLs which reach down towards 30Hz and are moderately efficient and are specced to take 400W so they can do serious dynamics and scale.

I think that the speaker the Podiums most remind me of is a good pair of Quad 57. Similar openness and rez, the same general frequency response. The Podes dont go as deep and have a much wider sweetspot and are more neutral in the mids.
I must confess that I do find them a bit lightweight so I use a bit of digital tonal tweakery to shelve down the treble a little and boost up the bass with a Behringer DEQ2496. it's not something I noticed when I heard them at shows so I suspect its a room interaction effect.

19-10-2018, 20:52
Those felt floor glides look perfect and much simpler than my suggestion :eek:

I think I'd also describe the Podiums as "a bit lightweight", but very good all the same

I had 57's years ago and I guess the Podiums are somewhat similar sounding but the Pods are 'different'

In the end I just couldn't get my head round not keeping to Maggies as they have something in their sound that I just can't do without

However for what the Podiums cost I think they are a bargain buy


20-10-2018, 09:43
The 'sock it too 'em' feeling only comes when using actual socks in the hole?
(Don't put those felt slides in the wrong way!)

14-11-2018, 08:27
Due to recent purchases, a change of hifi system strategy might be in the offing.

Here is the current set of principal electronics ....


The device with large red letter display is the Chinese RVC (resistor volume control) passive preamp that Alan Firebottle sicced me on to. eBay link. (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Volume-Remote-Control-Relay-128-Steps-Exponential-Constant-input-impedance-4-CH/142811721459)

It's a thing of wonder to me. Just seems like a transparent window for the music. In the absence of immediate direct comparisons, I'll still stick my neck out and say it's the best passive pre I have heard.
I tried it with an Arkless solid state buffer and preferred the sound without it. Alan brought along a valve buffer, but for some reason that buzzed loudly in my system so no comparisons were possible.

Not sure yet, but I'll probably keep my Herron VTSP-2 valve pre as it's nice to have a bit of a change, and I'm sure to enjoy a bit more enveloping warmth now and then.

The small box to the right of the passive pre is a Topping D30 DAC. I've had it for over 4 months now and remain convinced it's the best DAC I have owned. It's powered via a 15V Chinese linear PSU, which added an extra soupcon of goodness.

My new idea for a Cunning Plan is to substantially reduce the box swapping by keeping excellent alternatives to hand that can be swapped in and out as the whim takes me. :)
- speaker (MBL / Podium) and preamp (RVC / Herron) alternatives now sorted. :thumbsup:

Let's see how long I can resist the lure of eBay and the classifieds. :doh:
Of course, following the dictates of the Cunning Plan, I still need to establish an alternative power amp and DAC, and perhaps cables as well. So that's an excuse for keeping looking. :D

14-11-2018, 09:07
Due to recent purchases, a change of hifi system strategy might be in the offing.

Here is the current set of principal electronics ....


The device with large red letter display is the Chinese RVC (resistor volume control) passive preamp that Alan Firebottle sicced me on to. eBay link. (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Volume-Remote-Control-Relay-128-Steps-Exponential-Constant-input-impedance-4-CH/142811721459)

It's a thing of wonder to me. Just seems like a transparent window for the music. In the absence of immediate direct comparisons, I'll still stick my neck out and say it's the best passive pre I have heard.
I tried it with an Arkless solid state buffer and preferred the sound without it. Alan brought along a valve buffer, but for some reason that buzzed loudly in my system so no comparisons were possible.

Not sure yet, but I'll probably keep my Herron VTSP-2 valve pre as it's nice to have a bit of a change, and I'm sure to enjoy a bit more enveloping warmth now and then.

The small box to the right of the passive pre is a Topping D30 DAC. I've had it for over 4 months now and remain convinced it's the best DAC I have owned. It's powered via a 15V Chinese linear PSU, which added an extra soupcon of goodness.

My new idea for a Cunning Plan is to substantially reduce the box swapping by keeping excellent alternatives to hand that can be swapped in and out as the whim takes me. :)
- speaker (MBL / Podium) and preamp (RVC / Herron) alternatives now sorted. [emoji106]

Let's see how long I can resist the lure of eBay and the classifieds. :doh:
Of course, following the dictates of the Cunning Plan, I still need to establish an alternative power amp and DAC, and perhaps cables as well. So that's an excuse for keeping looking. :DI've heard the Topping D30 and what a shocker. I mean come on! [emoji38] Just kidding Jerry,

The Topping D30 has stunned me. Alan has bought one and obviously, I've had a listen!!

We compared it to the Bel Canto (blind tested actually) and yes, I picked the Bel Canto as my favourite BUT the Topping was so so close to it. It's shocked me. It's better than the XiangSheng DAC01 I had and on Balance, it's hard to justify spending any more money on a DAC when the Topping can be bought so cheaply.

The Bel Canto is £750 used , the Topping is £75! (AliExpress)

It was just superb and I'm hopeful that one will be residing here shortly. Great find Jerry.

14-11-2018, 09:11
Well, well, there's hope for you yet, Oli! ;) :lol:

14-11-2018, 09:30
Well, well, there's hope for you yet, Oli! ;) [emoji38][emoji23][emoji23]

I'm very impressed by it mate. Not sure a Digital rig will ever replace or compete with the Vinyl side. I'm not saying it can't, just for me there's more to the vinyl from an emotive side. A last connection with my dad etc.

I like how accessible the music is via digital and a DAC that sounds as good as the D30 for a few quid seems to be a good compromise for me.

14-11-2018, 09:32
It's a little cracker that D30 Jerry, I keep thinking I should buy one myself.

14-11-2018, 21:01
Your current set up has just been duck approved, Jerry.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20181114/b2d4bbca9b7e111d99962982547374c7.jpg

14-11-2018, 21:09
You have no idea how important that is to me.

14-11-2018, 22:34
You have no idea how important that is to me.

I heard that a shipping container of Chinese-sourced tat fell off a container ship, broke up, and there is now a flotilla of little yellow bath ducks bobbing around the oceans.

Probably an urban myth.

15-11-2018, 00:37
I heard that a shipping container of Chinese-sourced tat fell off a container ship, broke up, and there is now a flotilla of little yellow bath ducks bobbing around the oceans.

Probably an urban myth.They have atom brains. They are special. Cheap, but special.

Roy S
15-11-2018, 00:53
I still need to establish an alternative power amp

Would you like those EL84 amps back Jerry?

Always look forward to your updates :)

15-11-2018, 07:33
Would you like those EL84 amps back Jerry?

Always look forward to your updates :)

Thanks, Roy, those are nice amps! - but no.
Onwards, ever onwards. :)

The Trigon monos are very fine amps and I think are with me for the long term - I suspect an interesting form of class D is more likely as an amp alternative - not sure I can be bothered with the faff of valves any more.

Roy S
15-11-2018, 08:00
- not sure I can be bothered with the faff of valves any more.

With you on valve amps Jerry, certainly since I got the Luxman.

15-11-2018, 12:25
- not sure I can be bothered with the faff of valves any more.

:hmm: that kind of reminded me of my little el84 integrated I've had tucked away for a while.


Just plumbed it in for the first time with the Podium speakers.


Hey, Bev was right - they synergise really well! What a great sound.

Hmm, maybe I have the Alternative Amp with me already. :)

17-11-2018, 10:42
The Pass F series supposed to have a sound very similar to valves. My F3 certainly good.
The Pass SIT even uses a strange valve-like driver. (Silicon Carbide static induction transistor)

But, at a price!

17-11-2018, 13:42
I've tried Pass Labs amps a couple of times and have come to the conclusion that they aren't really my thing.

17-11-2018, 20:18
The recent Minion looking ones generally seemed much better than the older Pass Labs gear at this year's Munich, Jerry. I actually thought they were good.

Kin expensive, though.

17-11-2018, 21:35
I've tried Pass Labs amps a couple of times and have come to the conclusion that they aren't really my thing.

You mean the commercial versions rather than the 'kichen table'/hobby ones (F2/3/4.5 or SIT stuff?)

17-11-2018, 21:44
The Pass F series supposed to have a sound very similar to valves. My F3 certainly good.
The Pass SIT even uses a strange valve-like driver. (Silicon Carbide static induction transistor)

But, at a price!

Still, all sold out.

17-11-2018, 22:01
You mean the commercial versions rather than the 'kichen table'/hobby ones (F2/3/4.5 or SIT stuff?)

Yes, I owned an X150 and had an Aleph 3 on home dem.

22-11-2018, 13:33
Yay. :)

I think I can now regard my headphone collection as pretty much complete with the arrival of these this morning.


Stax SR3 + SRD5 electrostatics

I've been looking for a pair of classic stats for a while.

So I now have ...

Stax SR3 electrostatic
Audeze EL-8 planar magnetic
Wharfedale Isodynamic
Fostex TH600 Dynamic (conventional)

All sound great in their rather different ways.

I'm driving the Stax from an Amptastic Mini-T, which with its excellent transparency and detail makes a fine match.

22-11-2018, 14:06
Hi Jerry, have you tried AKG K340 electrostatic hybrid headphones ?

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22-11-2018, 14:14
Hi Jerry, have you tried AKG K340 electrostatic hybrid headphones ?

No, I've not heard those, Andy.
Tbh I've been put off buying a pair by the generally poor reviews online.

I have owned (very briefly) a pair of stat hybrid phones by Mitchell & Johnson. My gosh, they were awful!

22-11-2018, 14:32
No, I've not heard those, Andy.
Tbh I've been put off buying a pair by the generally poor reviews online.

I have owned (very briefly) a pair of stat hybrid phones by Mitchell & Johnson. My gosh, they were awful!

There’s me thinking they’re great ! I haven’t seen a bad review of them either.
Of course you know I mean the old version.

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22-11-2018, 14:47
There’s me thinking they’re great ! I haven’t seen a bad review of them either.
Of course you know I mean the old version.

Hmm, yeah!
Having a quick look now, I can't see where I got the negative vibes about the K340 from! :scratch:
They do look interesting!
As I said, I've never heard them - maybe I need a pair to really complete my collection! :)

22-11-2018, 14:50
Hmm, yeah!
Having a quick look now, I can't see where I got the negative vibes about the K340 from! :scratch:
They do look interesting!
As I said, I've never heard them - maybe I need a pair to really complete my collection! :)

I have 2 pairs ! There are different versions of drivers in them , Bass light , normal , and Bass heavy .

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22-11-2018, 14:56
I have 2 pairs ! There are different versions of drivers in them , Bass light , normal , and Bass heavy .

Yes, I've been reading some posts about that.
Some folks seem to think that the 'normal' K340 is a bit bass light and that the Bass Heavy version is in fact about neutral.
Any views on that, Andy?

22-11-2018, 15:04
Yes, I've been reading some posts about that.
Some folks seem to think that the 'normal' K340 is a bit bass light and that the Bass Heavy version is in fact about neutral.
Any views on that, Andy?

Yes I’d say go with the bass heavy version, trouble is the only way of knowing which you’re buying is to take the covers off and identify the colour of back of the driver, I think it’s grey ( bass heavy ) black ( normal ) and red is the bass light ( I think) .
I can loan you a pair if you ever wish to try them.
They all suffer from knackered elastic for the headband part but it’s an easy fix which I done on both pairs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-11-2018, 15:09
Yes I’d say go with the bass heavy version, trouble is the only way of knowing which you’re buying is to take the covers off and identify the colour of back of the driver

Cor, streuth - you couldn't make that up, no-one would believe you! :doh:

That makes it a bit of a random lottery, really, doesn't it.

I had thought that I'd never noticed a mention of this in any eBay auction I'd seen.

I can loan you a pair if you ever wish to try them.

Yes, please! :)

Which 'flavour' of driver do you have?

22-11-2018, 15:12
Cor, streuth - you couldn't make that up, no-one would believe you! :doh:

That makes it a bit of a random lottery, really, doesn't it.

I had thought that I'd never noticed a mention of this in any eBay auction I'd seen.

Yes, please! :)

Which 'flavour' of driver do you have?

I have the black and the grey.
I’d advise trying the grey , do you ever pass MK or will I need to post them ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

22-11-2018, 15:15
Thanks, Andy - I'll PM you.

22-11-2018, 15:23
Interesting how 'identical' things vary!
i have two sets of wharfedale Isodynamic phones. One is more efficient than the other, and fits 'smaller' (i.e. my heads nearly too big for it!) despite being similarly adjustable.
Had some nice new leather pads made. You'll never find original ones that aren't decayed now.

22-11-2018, 15:35
My Wharfedale Iso's have got cloth ear pads that are in way too good condition to be original.
They seem to be made for the job, though, and fit very well.
Did anyone ever make any replacements for them, or did the previous owner just happen to find some generic pads that fitted?

22-11-2018, 15:39
... come to think of it, I have no idea what the original Iso ear cups were like!!
Cloth, leather, foam??

22-11-2018, 16:54
I seem to remember they were a plastic-leather kind of feel. Not sure they were cloth covered pads but it's so long ago now and I have no reviews on them to remind me, having had to chuck all my Hi Fi Sound mags from 67 to 74 or so years ago sadly.

22-11-2018, 17:00
I seem to remember they were a plastic-leather kind of feel..

Thanks Dave - it sounds like the ones I have on mine are a definite improvement on the original in that case!

22-11-2018, 17:50
'Pleather', which is coated/leather-like surface, cloth backed. the 'leather' eventually decays.
I bought an NOS set from Germany, who described this as 'gummypolster'! which has been a catch-phrase here since then!
I recently got a set re-covered, in real leather by a friend. Not an easy job; the originals were wrapped around the foam, stitched!
My original 1973 set have just worn to the cloth layer, which (luckily the foam isn't decayed!) is comfy enough.
I've sen sets re-done in towelling!Badly!

01-12-2018, 20:56
:hmm: that kind of reminded me of my little el84 integrated I've had tucked away for a while.

Just plumbed it in for the first time with the Podium speakers.

Hey, Bev was right - they synergise really well! What a great sound.

I thought an EL84 amp would sound good with the Podiums :)

01-12-2018, 21:21
I thought an EL84 amp would sound good with the Podiums :)

Yup, two and a half or so weeks on and it continues to give satisfaction. :)
There's real synergy there, marvellous stuff.

I keep on thinking of maybe going back to the MBLs, but I'm still exploring what the Podiums can do and very much enjoying them. They have a clarity and lucidity that is very addictive - I wish they did 'Big Music' better, but I guess you can't have everything!

06-12-2018, 08:40
Me and Roley watching a performance of Bruckner's 5th symphony.
He seems to have dozed off, but I'm enjoying it.


06-12-2018, 10:25
Nice! The cat sure seems content! What do you have in the cubed fish tank Jerry?

06-12-2018, 10:44
Nice! The cat sure seems content! What do you have in the cubed fish tank Jerry?

A Siamese fighter (quite spectacular) and 8 Neon Tetras.

Difficult to photo ...


06-12-2018, 13:55
.... and after about 7 weeks with the Podium panels, it's back to the MBL omnis. Good speakers. :)


The Podiums really like my LA Audio el84 amp, but the MBLs sound better with the Trigon TRE50M solid state monoblocks.

06-12-2018, 14:07
How do you manage to move the MBL's Jerry?


06-12-2018, 14:10
How do you manage to move the MBL's Jerry?


If you see the platforms they are on, gloss side down and they just slide along the carpet. :)
A lot easier than lifting them at 100lb a piece!

06-12-2018, 14:13
The Podiums "in storage" until I next fancy some time with them.


06-12-2018, 14:58
My Leak 3090s have built-in handles to help move them. Helps that the top section is removable.

The Ocellias aren't 'heavy' as such - but storing the packing boxes sure takes up a lot of space!

Roy S
06-12-2018, 15:01
Well they say a change is as good as a rest Jerry, I'm still swapping between the Tannoys & Goldenears at regular intervals.

By the way cable arrived, thanks, will give it a try over weekend.

06-12-2018, 21:20
Nice little tank Jerry! I used to have a couple Fighters in a cool little tank that had separators in it. Was fun to watch the twopuff upat each other between the glass. They are beautiful. I could rarely keep the Tetras long in my other tank, guess my water wasn’t good enough for them.

I keep thinking about starting back up my marine tanks, but I think I have enough going on right now to keep me busy! A fun hobby though. Also, like your MBL’s too!

06-12-2018, 21:30
Chris, love the Ocellia’s, but sure would like to hear those Leaks, very cool looking speaker!

06-12-2018, 22:14
Nice little tank Jerry! I used to have a couple Fighters in a cool little tank that had separators in it. Was fun to watch the twopuff upat each other between the glass. They are beautiful. I could rarely keep the Tetras long in my other tank, guess my water wasn’t good enough for them.

I keep thinking about starting back up my marine tanks, but I think I have enough going on right now to keep me busy! A fun hobby though. Also, like your MBL’s too!

We've got 4 tropical fish tanks in all - this is the biggest - 120l.
5 clown loaches and assorted smaller folks.


07-12-2018, 08:34
Very good Jerry! Sorry to have taken the topic a bit off there! Aquariums are a fun hobby too!

18-12-2018, 11:28
I've just signed up for a free month of Deezer Hifi streaming.

Really pleased with the sound - all the streaming services do seem to sound a little different from each other.
Deezer seems quite brightly lit (in a good way!) and very open and lively. Or maybe my system is just hitting an especially good patch for some reason!

I like the UI that Deezer presents on my PC. Shame the record company names aren't indexed, though - that's the feature that might have me returning to Qobuz.

Interesting and irritating that all the streaming services have slightly different music catalogues - maybe I'll alternate my subscription on a monthly basis. I don't want to pay for more than one at a time, scrooge that I am. :)

18-12-2018, 12:08
I'm still very happy with Spotify Jerry . It suits my eclectic taste in music very well . Can I assume Deezer maybe suits your favourite classical music better :)

18-12-2018, 12:19
I'm still very happy with Spotify Jerry . It suits my eclectic taste in music very well . Can I assume Deezer maybe suits your favourite classical music better :)

No, not really, Brian.
I enjoyed Spotify for a few months, but in my setup at any rate it just doesn't have the rez and transparency of the full 16/44 streaming services.
I think that is very system dependent, though, as I know of a few folks with well sorted gear that don't hear much if any difference.
Going to 16/44 sounds like a decent kit upgrade chez Jerry.
Baffling, really!

18-12-2018, 12:40
Ah..OK I may well give the others ago , although as I said Spotify is excellent played through my system , so I haven't really explored any of the others properly .

18-12-2018, 12:44
You can get a month free with Deezer Hifi so no reason not to try it!

18-12-2018, 12:52
used to use deezer hifi. it was very good

19-12-2018, 08:11
At present we don't do streaming, although have the bits and pieces to do so. Will probably give Deezer a go if free for a month.

20-12-2018, 17:59
A Wyred4Sound Recovery USB Reclocker has arrived this afternoon and been installed. It goes between my streaming source (an Acer laptop) and my Halide Bridge USB converter and DAC.
It uses a Femto clock to reclock and reduce the jitter, and also isolates the power component of the USB signal (although I already have a AQVOX device that does this for my Halide Bridge).

It's a small thing, perhaps twice the volume of a matchbox.
It comes with a 9V SMPS.


Absolutely massive sonic upgrade. I wasn't expecting this at all.

I thought the soundstage presentation was very good before. Pah!! That was nuthin'!
Before, a nicely deep and focussed soundstage was laid out before me - the word that now springs to mind is 'immersive'.
I've just sat down in the concert hall.
And dynamics - much freer, it sounds like a limiter has been removed. Everything is livelier, from micro to macro, the word effervescent comes to mind here, it just sounds like the music has been let out of a cage. It was quite a large cage, but nonetheless the boundaries have been substantially opened up.
I'm still trying to get my head round the changes. Much more to come, I'm sure, as I learn to listen anew on a wide range of recordings.

I feel sure the wallwart SMPS is a limiting factor, so I have just ordered a 9V linear PSU for it from China. Heh heh. The mind boggles! :)

20-12-2018, 18:18
Interesting mate . These can be bought from the US . $149 + $60 shipping :eek:

20-12-2018, 18:31
Yes, I saw that. And customs may well add a fair bit to that.
I bought mine from Elite Audio in the UK. £214 delivered.
Ordered yesterday, delivered today.

20-12-2018, 21:20
What made you go for that Jerry ..reviews ?

Bit near Christmas for me that one . One for the New Year maybe :)

20-12-2018, 21:31
What made you go for that Jerry ..reviews ?

Someone on another forum who's spent the last little while investigating how to max out his streaaming setup advised that reclocking was the best thing to do, so I investigated and decided to go for the W4S. Pleased that I did!

20-12-2018, 21:38
Aye looks like something that really works for a change :)

21-12-2018, 06:35
I was going to add, another box is now needed, but I see you have already ordered an LPSU. Good idea.

23-12-2018, 08:10

Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck. The anatidaephobic individual fears that no matter where they are or what they are doing, a duck watches.Anatidaephobia is derived from the Greek word "anatidae", meaning ducks, geese or swans and "phobos" meaning fear.


23-12-2018, 08:34
An unfortunate Mallardy.

Roy S
23-12-2018, 09:30
Ducking nuisance

23-12-2018, 10:11

23-12-2018, 10:13
For Ducks sake !