Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
LOL. You're the best example of the lot, matey. You've only been here 12 days and you're already a 'Senior Member' with 126 posts...

I guess you're part of the 'in-crowd', then?

A couple of my posts have even been about hi-fi!

I've seen exactly the same discussions on other (non-hifi) forums, and my 2p worth is that I obviously like the banter here, else I would't have been so prolific, and if I had in any way felt there was a clique I probably wouldn't have hung around (witness my post on giving up on another forum because I felt newbies in particular got ignored.)

Knowing what I'm like, I'll probably post less as the novelty wears off, but I usually like to dive in and make friends, have a bit of a laugh and learn a lot along the way, and this forum is right up my alley, so to speak!