Quote Originally Posted by Alex_UK View Post
Good work John - one point I would make though is that you need to keep the original CDs if you want to stay legal with copywrite - technically if you no longer own the CD you shouldn't keep the ripped version.
I found Alex's post and thought it may be of interest to share some information about a change in UK law relating to copying and backing up music.

Strictly speaking, prior to 1st June 2014, it has been illegal to make copies of music, even for personal use. However, that has changed.

From 1st June 2014, there were changes to the UK law relating to the copying of copyright works for personal use (doesn't apply to computer programs). Insofar as music is concerned, it is now legal for a person to copy/rip music for backing up purposes or to format shift (e.g. rip a CD to a FLAC / WAV / MP3 files) so long as:

1) it is strictly for personal use, and

2) the person making the copy permanently owns a legitimate version of the source material being copied.

If the person disposes of or sells the original legitimate source, all copies held by that person must be deleted / destroyed.

Some CDs and DVDs have copyright protection mechanisms to prevent ripping. It will remain illegal to break such mechanisms BUT there is a provision in the new legislation (at least in the draft - check first) that provides recourse in cases where the "restrictive measure" by the copyright owner "unreasonably prevents" copying for personal use. [Personal view: in theory, this means record companies won't be able to refuse reasonable requests to allow copying by operating blanket ("fettering") policies to maintain the status quo].

The law remains substantively unchanged in respect of sharing (even to relatives) - that remains illegal. The DRAFT legislation (there have been some amendments since, so beware!), along with some guides giving an overview, are currently on the website of the Intellectual Property Office:


In particular:

Consumer guides : www.ipo.gov.uk/copyright-guidance-consumers.pdf

The DRAFT regulations* : www.legislation.gov.uk/ukdsi/2014/9780111112700

* amending the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

There endeth a nice, jolly, light post for a Sunday morning .