For reasons I can't explain, I organize my music by record label, with the exceptions of Bruckner, chamber, and piano CDs. LPs are all organized by label. [how do you organize your records?]

Which led me to this question:

Which label would you pick if you could only have one for the rest of your life?

BMG, Decca/London, EMI, Sony/Phillips, CBS, can't forget DG, Hyperion, oh, this would be a tough choice. Audiophile labels like Classic Records, MFSL...

I probably own more DG than anything else.

I'm not certain of the answer to my own question: if asked at gunpoint, I think I'd say London/Decca.

But that would leave me without Du Pre's Elgar (EMI) or Gendron's stately Bach suites (Phillips), not to mention Walter's Bruckner 9 on CBS/Sony!