I've been meaning to start this one for ages - well, makes a change from flutes, saxophones and harmonica!

The first track I remember featuring a ping-pong balls was Depeche Mode - Pipeline (from Construction Time Again) from 1984.

(Takes a while, but there's definitely Ping-Pong balls there - starts around 1min.)

I also remember this one from a Sunday Best compilation - which I love:
Daisy Daisy - Michelle Plays Ping Pong

...and I'm sure I've got other tracks in my collection with Ping Pong in it - but I can't remember any of them!

I'm especially interested in trying to establish if the Depeche Mode track is the first know use of the Ping Pong ball in recorded music... Yes, I know, I AM sad!

So, (could be the shortest Spotify playlist in history...) - does anyone know of any other tracks featuring Ping Pong balls!?