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Thread: Petition for clean Brexit referendum

  1. #41
    Join Date: Dec 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post

    What I said was, they are TASKED with doing what the BRITISH PUBLIC VOTED FOR.

    Your facts are meaningless and it's ridiculous to blame Tories for the referendum.
    Of course it was a daft Tory scheme - who else is there to blame.
    The Tories dreamt it up, the Tories voted it in and the Tories are implementing it - not a TASK - just doing their job as Gov and seeing through what they started (albeit in a very ramshackle and Brian Rix fashion)

    [QUOTE) The Lefties are becoming extreme left [/QUOTE]

    Now you're just being silly for silly's sake ...

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    How about 'Remoaners' and 'Wrecksiteers'?

    I kind of like 'Brekshitters' ... slight touch of the Sean Connery about it.

  3. #43
    Bigman80 Guest


    Behave Mikmas,

    The "Tories" didn't vote anything at all to do with the decision to leave the EU.

    The people did.

    As for being silly for Silly's sake, again, belittling those who disagree with you. Isn't that ironic that you've proved my point so adequately.

    Quote Originally Posted by mikmas View Post
    Of course it was a daft Tory scheme - who else is there to blame.
    The Tories dreamt it up, the Tories voted it in and the Tories are implementing it - not a TASK - just doing their job as Gov and seeing through what they started (albeit in a very ramshackle and Brian Rix fashion)

    [QUOTE) The Lefties are becoming extreme left
    Now you're just being silly for silly's sake ...[/QUOTE]

  4. #44
    Join Date: Feb 2015

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    I'm bob.


    Having had the whole thread the only moaning and whining seems to be all coming from those who like to bang on about THE DEMOCRATIC WILL OF THE PEOPLE. It's classic 3 card trick.

    Wherever this ends is not going to be a good place, for either the UK or the other countries in the EU. We seem to have forgotten what we are actually talking about here, as a country, and are just screaming about how much we hate each other.

    Divide and rule.

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  5. #45
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    "THE PEOPLE" are largely........the public at large. Many being part of an ill educated rabble who don't buy newspapers or read (if they can) any other source of information. At a guess, I'd say maybe 50% of the population are totally incapable of understanding anything more demanding than a betting slip.

  6. #46
    Join Date: Feb 2015

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    Quote Originally Posted by walpurgis View Post
    At a guess, I'd say maybe 50% of the population are totally incapable of understanding anything more demanding than a betting slip.
    I've always struggled with betting slips.

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  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    ... belittling those who disagree with you. Isn't that ironic that you've proved my point so adequately.

    Pot - Kettle - Black ...

    From your very first post in this thread (#12):

    "More desperate ploys by the remoaners."

    'belittling those who disagree with you"

    Don't make me laugh ......

  8. #48
    Join Date: Jan 2009

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    I'm openingabottleofwine.


    This thread will rapidly end in tears if it descends into 'name calling'.

  9. #49
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by mikmas View Post

    Pot - Kettle - Black ...

    From your very first post in this thread (#12):

    "More desperate ploys by the remoaners."

    'belittling those who disagree with you"

    Don't make me laugh ......
    I don't believe I belittled you personally, Mike. There inlies the difference.

    "now you are just being silly for Silly's sake"
    - Personal

    "More desperate ploys from the Remoaners"
    - General in direction of a group actively trying to force a re-vote

    Pot - kettle - oh, no sorry.

    Good night.

  10. #50
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    This thread will rapidly end in tears if it descends into 'name calling'.
    That's what happens when intellect runs out, Barry.

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