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Thread: Hello from Sydney

  1. #1
    Join Date: Jun 2018

    Location: Sydney

    Posts: 5
    I'm Greg.

    Default Hello from Sydney

    G'day All,

    My name is Greg though feel free to call me Hens or Hensa, which has been a near lifelong nickname. After numerous Google searches over the years often had me visiting this forum and benefitting from the vast knowledge of the good folk here, I decided that perhaps it was time to become active on the forum and possibly share any experiences I've had that may, in turn, help someone else out.

    My journey in hi-fi started many years ago as a wee lad down in Hythe, Kent. My father's passion for all genres of music through his Quad ESL 57's must have seeped into my pores and I've been pursuing the hobby actively for the last 30 or so years. I still have Dad's old Quads, though not currently on duty. While I'm primarily an analogue lover, as long as the music is good, I'm fairly format agnostic and will happily listen to any system that gives life to the music.

    I have a number of turntables, the youngest (and arguably best sounding) being a 20 year old SOTA Sapphire III which sports a Linn Ittok arm and Transfiguration cartridge. This runs balanced through a CEC PH53 current amplifying phono stage to a Bladelius Thor II integrated and finally on to a pair of Celestion A3 speakers or occasionally a pair of Mordaunt-Short Performance 6LE's. My other turntables include a Garrard 401/Jelco 750L/Benz Wood L2, a Denon DP-60L direct drive with either a Stanton WOS CS-100 or a Van den Hul DDT II Special and a Sony PS-8750 direct drive with either an Ortofon Samba or OM-40. These run through either a Valab LCR-1 phono or a Project Tubebox DS2.

    Not sure if posting a picture is the done thing on an intro post, but here's a pic of my room from a few months ago.


    I love all types of music from classical, through jazz, soul, blues, rock and pop. Electronica, as well as just plain weird and 'out there' styles also get regular spin time as well. I try and get out to concerts in Sydney and occasionally further afield and enjoy that immensely. I'm really looking forward to the visit of The The in October and the concert at the Opera House should be a ripper!

    Anyway, looking forward to spending time here, continuing to learn as well as to help out with advice or assistance whenever I can.

    Cheers and happy listening!

  2. #2
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

    Posts: 51,626
    I'm Geoff.


    Hello Greg. Welcome to AOS.

    That's an interesting collection of gear you've put together. Do you have any future plans for your system?

    You can post as many pictures as you like, they are always welcome. In fact you could start a blog in the Gallery section if you like.

    I didn't know The The were still going. The concert could be fun. The original members must be knocking on a bit now!

    Enjoy the forum,

  3. #3
    Join Date: Jun 2018

    Location: Sydney

    Posts: 5
    I'm Greg.


    Hi Geoff,

    Thanks for the welcome. On The The, I think the original singer/writer is there but the rest of the band have changed a fair bit over the years. Should be interesting and the Opera House is always an excellent venue sonically.

    No major plans for the system moving forward but maybe some minor tweaking here and there and I never say no to an opportunity to try out a different cartridge or phono stage. The most recent additions have been a balanced phono cable from Yannis Tome (his cables are really excellent) and a new mat from Les Davis Audio (an Aussie). In combination, these two tweaks have added a fair bit of depth and body to the sound and I'm going to let myself get used to, and enjoy, that for a while before further tinkering.



  4. #4
    Join Date: Nov 2008

    Location: North Down /Northern Ireland/ UK

    Posts: 19,484
    I'm Neil.


    Welcome to AoS, nice system.
    Regards Neil

  5. #5
    Join Date: Jan 2009

    Location: Essex

    Posts: 33,112
    I'm openingabottleofwine.


    Welcome to AoS Greg,

    Nice introduction and a nice system you have there.

    When you have the opportunity give those Quad 57s a try - you might be surprised with what you hear.

    Enjoy the Forum

  6. #6
    Join Date: Jun 2018

    Location: Sydney

    Posts: 5
    I'm Greg.


    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    Welcome to AoS Greg,

    Nice introduction and a nice system you have there.

    When you have the opportunity give those Quad 57s a try - you might be surprised with what you hear.

    Enjoy the Forum
    Definitely in the plans although I think they'll need a good going over before plugging in. Luckily there's a very good electrostat tech close to home!

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