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Thread: Is it reasonable to cancel a purchase when the price suddenly increases by 25%

  1. #1
    Join Date: Nov 2010

    Location: Manchester

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    I'm Stuart.

    Default Is it reasonable to cancel a purchase when the price suddenly increases by 25%

    I had arranged to buy the ESL 57's from dantheman91 last week.
    This morning he tried to contact me via mobile, which I couldn't answer, but was able to email him.
    He then has a rant on his sales post.
    I was going to post the following in reply, but decided I didn't want to spoil his sales thread as it is still live, so I refrained.

    Hence this post.

    This was going to be my reply to Daniel:

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


    as you've decided to bring your views to the open, i'll reply.

    Where I work, I was unable to take your calls...thats policy, however I was able to use the email to reply, which I did as soon as I could.
    Regards the deal falling through...that can hardly be entirely down to me.

    I asked if you'd be prepared to try and get a price for postage and packaging, which if you would, I'd decide if reasonable and agree to pay.
    Initially you said "No its too much hassle", so I accepted that and said I'd look for a pair more local to me.
    You then made some enquiries and came back with a price of £70 for packaging and delivery...a total of £200, which I agreed was acceptable and paid instantly, as you said you needed the money for a car.

    My intention was to have the 57's sent directly to OTA, you said you wanted them gone asap, so I arranged with OTA that they were to be delivered to them direct (they charge £65 to deliver a pair of 57's by the way).
    Then this morning you try ringing me several times, which I couldn't answer. So I emailed you.
    The reason for all the calls was that you wanted to inform me that you'd found that the postage quoted was for one speaker! The company were prepared to do the two for £120.

    So the speakers had gone from £130 + £70 = £200
    to £130 + 120 = £250
    which is a 25% increase (although you did manage to reduce it to £240 somehow, I assume by losing a bit on the sale on your side)

    I didn't feel this was a fair price , as it was almost the price of the speakers, so asked you to cancel sending them and asked for a full refund.
    I didn't realise you'd taken them to the couriers twice. I made it quite clear I wasn't prepared to pay £120 for postage.

    You continued to phone me, but later on I was driving and emailed you as soon as I landed back at base.

    As for going the extra mile....I asked for the serial numbers, you said you couldn't get to them, but you took photos of the speakers.
    I asked you to send the bulgin plugs directly to me as OTA didn't need them and I was worried they'd damage the grilles in transit (I again offered to pay postage)...but that was too much trouble and they'd have to go with the speakers.

    I consider myself to be an extremely reasonable person and am able to make my own decisions.
    If the calls were to try and badger me into paying a further £50, they wouldn't have succeeded.
    I'd set my limit and that was reached at £200 all in.
    In the first email I stated the delivery charge increase was too much.

    I wish you good luck with your sale.
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

    If this is bad form for me to post this here, then by all means can a moderator delete the post.
    I merely feel I should defend my actions, which weren't mentioned in Daniels mini rant, as they were directed at me.

    Daniel has initiated the refund as agreed.



  2. #2
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    I'm Martin.


    Dan's refunded you and his 'rant' isn't really much of a rant. You've explained the circumstances and it all seems reasonable on both sides to me. These things happen sometimes, no point anyone getting bent out of shape.
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  3. #3
    Join Date: Nov 2010

    Location: Manchester

    Posts: 128
    I'm Stuart.



    Thats exactly my view on this.
    I just didn't want to be seen as the bad guy in all this, but didn't want to ruin Daniels sales potential.
    I'm not an unreasonable person, I've made numerous purchases and never had any problems.
    I'm totally honest and up front.
    I thought the sudden price hike was unreasonable and felt I needed to defend myself, but not via a sales thread.
    Like I said Daniels "mini rant" which is what it seems...I don't see my post as a "rant", just a response.

    I'm pretty laid back about this the end of the day its hifi, no one gets hurt or day job is real and involves a lot of conflict management.


  4. #4
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    Well as long as it is all settled now and everyone is cool.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  5. #5
    Join Date: Jun 2015

    Location: London/Durham

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    Stuey, very decent of you to post here and not on Dan's sales thread. I noticed that has been edited since to take claims about your conduct off. And yes of course it's fair to pull out of a purchase if the price suddenly goes up 25% from what you had agreed and paid.

  6. #6
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrence001 View Post
    Stuey, very decent of you to post here and not on Dan's sales thread. I noticed that has been edited since to take claims about your conduct off. And yes of course it's fair to pull out of a purchase if the price suddenly goes up 25% from what you had agreed and paid.
    dont see any edits on this thread
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  7. #7
    Join Date: May 2012

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    Personally, I see no further need for this thread.
    I think the situation is pretty clear, and a refund has been given.

    Too busy enjoying the music....

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  8. #8
    Join Date: Mar 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by CageyH View Post
    Personally, I see no further need for this thread.
    I think the situation is pretty clear, and a refund has been given.

  9. #9
    Join Date: Jun 2015

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    Since the purpose of this thread was to counteract claims made in the sales post (gallantly done without spoiling that thread) which have since been edited out, yes it could probably be closed.

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