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Thread: New member from Finland

  1. #1
    Join Date: Feb 2018

    Location: Tampere, Finland

    Posts: 2
    I'm Kimmo.

    Default New member from Finland

    I spent my 59th anniversary last summer and I have worked 39 years full time in security. In early 90´s I was asked to write reviews in local High End publication Musiikin Ääni, so I did for maybe 1 year before publication went belly up. After this I started selling tubes as part time job... or hobby.

    My audio hobby began in early 70:s, when we built amplifiers and speakers with my daddy. Later, when I went collage and started earning money during summer holidays, I bought hifi equipment like AR7, Harman Kardon 930 receiver and so on...

    In early 90´ I lost my interest in audio. In early 2000´s I got married and got new hobbies. I got interested in wristwatches and wines, but I newer lost my contact to audio completely due my part time tube business, which was discontinued few years ago.

    In 2009 my friend asked if I like to buy Tannoy Little Red monitors... and I did. This was new beginning of my audio hobby. Since then, I have bought several amps, speakers etc. like Ariston RD11S, Thorens TD125, Garrard 301, Garrard Zero 100S, SMEV, 3009 non improved, 3009S2 Imp, Benz Glider, Denon DL-103S, Stanton 881S, Entre EC1, Acutex M320-III, Ortofon MC30, Partridge 977 SUT, ARC CD3MK2, SP3, SP6C, SP14, D76A, CL60, H/K Citation 11, 12, 15, 17, H/K 630, Quad 22, II, FM1+MPX, 303, 405, 240, 34, FM4, Rogers Ravensbourne, Armstrong 621, Conrad Johnson Premier 7B, 11A, EAR509, Kef Cantata, Kef P60+Pro Kube, Kef 104.2, Kef KIT1, JBL L36, ATC K100, Tannoy LRM, Altec 604E, AR 2ax, 3aImproved, 5,7, XB originaalina ja Regalle modattuna, Goodmans Axiom 201, Warfedale Super Super12RS/DD, Linton amplifier, B&W DM2MKII, Celestion Ditton 15. Spendor SP1, HH Scott 299D Stereomaster, McIntosh C26, McIntosh MC2125, Fidelity Research FRT-3, Carlsson OA-50, Revox B750 MKII, Revox A77, Stax SR-XMk3, Stax SRD-6SB, Audio Technica AT-706, Koss ESP-950, Koss PRO-5LC, Nakamichi 580, Tandberg TCD-320, TCD-310, Leak Turntable/Lenco L75. Most of them have been rebuilt or rebuild is going to happen within few years.

    Most recently I got involved in Tandberg TCD-310 & 320 rebuild. Just right now I am seeking information about Mordaunt Short MS-400 models. If you can drop some toughts, reviews or other relevant information especially for the first generation models, it would be appriciated.

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  2. #2
    Join Date: Feb 2013

    Location: W Lothian

    Posts: 99,005
    I'm Grant.


    Welcome Kimmo. hope you enjoy the forum. sure amongst us someone might be able to assist
    Grant .... ؠ ......Don't be such a big girl's blouse

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: democracy simply-doesn't-work
    .... ..... ...... ...... ................... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

    Oh my god! There's nothing wrong with the bidet is there?

    “Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy".

    “You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.”

    "You don't have free will. You have the appearance of free will.”

    “There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!”

    ***SMILE, BE HAPPY***

  3. #3
    Join Date: Jun 2015

    Location: London/Durham

    Posts: 7,003
    I'm Lawrence.


    Quote Originally Posted by iso View Post
    I spent my 59th anniversary last summer and I have worked 39 years full time in security. In early 90´s I was asked to write reviews in local High End publication Musiikin Ääni, so I did for maybe 1 year before publication went belly up. After this I started selling tubes as part time job... or hobby.

    My audio hobby began in early 70:s, when we built amplifiers and speakers with my daddy. Later, when I went collage and started earning money during summer holidays, I bought hifi equipment like AR7, Harman Kardon 930 receiver and so on...

    In early 90´ I lost my interest in audio. In early 2000´s I got married and got new hobbies. I got interested in wristwatches and wines, but I newer lost my contact to audio completely due my part time tube business, which was discontinued few years ago.

    In 2009 my friend asked if I like to buy Tannoy Little Red monitors... and I did. This was new beginning of my audio hobby. Since then, I have bought several amps, speakers etc. like Ariston RD11S, Thorens TD125, Garrard 301, Garrard Zero 100S, SMEV, 3009 non improved, 3009S2 Imp, Benz Glider, Denon DL-103S, Stanton 881S, Entre EC1, Acutex M320-III, Ortofon MC30, Partridge 977 SUT, ARC CD3MK2, SP3, SP6C, SP14, D76A, CL60, H/K Citation 11, 12, 15, 17, H/K 630, Quad 22, II, FM1+MPX, 303, 405, 240, 34, FM4, Rogers Ravensbourne, Armstrong 621, Conrad Johnson Premier 7B, 11A, EAR509, Kef Cantata, Kef P60+Pro Kube, Kef 104.2, Kef KIT1, JBL L36, ATC K100, Tannoy LRM, Altec 604E, AR 2ax, 3aImproved, 5,7, XB originaalina ja Regalle modattuna, Goodmans Axiom 201, Warfedale Super Super12RS/DD, Linton amplifier, B&W DM2MKII, Celestion Ditton 15. Spendor SP1, HH Scott 299D Stereomaster, McIntosh C26, McIntosh MC2125, Fidelity Research FRT-3, Carlsson OA-50, Revox B750 MKII, Revox A77, Stax SR-XMk3, Stax SRD-6SB, Audio Technica AT-706, Koss ESP-950, Koss PRO-5LC, Nakamichi 580, Tandberg TCD-320, TCD-310, Leak Turntable/Lenco L75. Most of them have been rebuilt or rebuild is going to happen within few years.

    Most recently I got involved in Tandberg TCD-310 & 320 rebuild. Just right now I am seeking information about Mordaunt Short MS-400 models. If you can drop some toughts, reviews or other relevant information especially for the first generation models, it would be appriciated.

    Are the MS400s the ones with the oval bass drivers (possibly EMI?) And the tweeter and supertweeter? Possibly celestion and Coles? I have recently seen someone on here say they have a pair.

    Sent from my BLN-L21 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

    Posts: 51,626
    I'm Geoff.


    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrence001 View Post
    Are the MS400s the ones with the oval bass drivers (possibly EMI?) And the tweeter and supertweeter? Possibly celestion and Coles? I have recently seen someone on here say they have a pair.
    If I recall, the driver line up varied. Some had a 12" driver from Fane I believe.

  5. #5
    Join Date: Feb 2018

    Location: Tampere, Finland

    Posts: 2
    I'm Kimmo.


    Quote Originally Posted by Lawrence001 View Post
    Are the MS400s the ones with the oval bass drivers (possibly EMI?) And the tweeter and supertweeter? Possibly celestion and Coles? I have recently seen someone on here say they have a pair.
    I believe these do have oval bass drivers, most likely EMI-unit. Tweeter looks like Kef T15 and supertweeter is most likely Coles unit. T15 may be the biggest problem. At least I do have couple T52 units,(including spares) in my Cantatas, and extreme highs are a bit harsh or one dimensional. Someone of Kef folks say that T52-damping ring that is made of palastic does harden and this produces uncontrolled resonance in 12 kHz region and there is quite little you can do to it without correct tools and materials. Hopefully T15, that is clearly perecessor of T52, does mature well... as it is aproaching 50th aniversary anyway.

    I have found this spec sheet... but not too much any other epec.

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  6. #6
    Join Date: Sep 2009

    Location: Derbyshire

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    I'm Josie.


    Welcome to the fold, Kimmo.

    You have some great kit. Love the tape deck

    Hope you enjoy AOS. I'm sure you will fit in perfectly.

    Ultrafide U500DC power amplifier - Croft Vitale )highly modified) - TRIO L-07D Turntable - Denon DL103C1 - Funk Firm Houdini - Lentek MC head amp - 15" Tannoy Monitor Gold Loudspeakers in Lockwood Major cabinets (From Trident Studios) - Tannoyista SPEC 3 Custom Crossovers - VanDamme Black Speaker Cable

    - Audio Equipment Reviews

  7. #7
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    I'm Neil.


    Welcome to AoS
    Regards Neil

  8. #8
    Join Date: Feb 2008

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    I'm NotTakingLifeTooSeriouslyTheseDays.


    Welcome to AOS Kimmo.
    "Today scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality"
    Nikola Tesla

    Its now a conspiracy theory to believe that the Immune system is capable of doing the job it was designed to do.
    A fish is only as healthy as the water its swimming in ! [Dr Robert Young]


    Matthew 5:10

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