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Thread: Tannoy Turnberry SE with Croft 25/7 or Radford STA15

  1. #21
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: London

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    I'm James.


    Quote Originally Posted by hifi_dave View Post
    At far higher cost, there are many amps better than the Croft but what price are you considering ?
    Is indeed a good question..OP originally asked about Croft or Radford - for me a no-brainer, and cost is not massively far from equivalent (STA15 at least) but his question is now a little different. If money is available then a McIntosh 275 sounded damn fine when I heard it in a combo with 15" HPDs (not mine), there may well be better amps for less money however. For more exhaustive recommendations Tom (Montesquieu) is your man, he has been round the block and then some in his chase for the perfect Tannoy amp. YMMV etc.

  2. #22
    Join Date: Sep 2015

    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazid View Post
    Is indeed a good question..OP originally asked about Croft or Radford - for me a no-brainer, and cost is not massively far from equivalent (STA15 at least) but his question is now a little different. If money is available then a McIntosh 275 sounded damn fine when I heard it in a combo with 15" HPDs (not mine), there may well be better amps for less money however. For more exhaustive recommendations Tom (Montesquieu) is your man, he has been round the block and then some in his chase for the perfect Tannoy amp. YMMV etc.
    Thanks for input. Yes, my question is now what amplifier would show maximum potential of Tannoy speakers, which are very revealing to any upgrade. Already Croft amp preamp combination 25R/7R cost close to 2800 GBP, and if I go to 5000 GBP, what will be optimum combination of Tannoy and amplifier?

  3. #23
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    I am going to make myself (more) unpopular on the forum. I really don't think Tannoys are unusually revealing however, given how popular their characteristic presentation is, in my mind at least it makes more sense to consider driving them perfectly as a technical challenge.
    They are clearly not the fabled 'easy load' or else most decent amps would sound more or less equally good through them. It is clear people dont think this is the case. The question that might be better asked is how to optimise the balance between the amps parameters, the electrical characteristics, and the mechanical behaviour of the drivers in their particular cabinet? Of course answers will be personal but imagining that their amazing transparency will make them more revealing of upstream electronics seems to be back to front: we are listening to the outcome of the interaction between the amp and speakers (and of course the room) . If it isn't right then so be it, time to tweak!

    Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

  4. #24
    Join Date: Mar 2014

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    Primaluna, I know many don’t trust reviews but you need to read up on the Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP, whether it be the integrated or power amp version.

    It’s an EL34 amp that can take KT88, 120, 150 valves for more power along with different 12AU7s to change the sound signature, and my one can drive my 15” HPD drivers to amazing levels without losing control but can also be delicate too, I’ve never heard better in my system and I’ve heard a few good amps here.

    Fully auto bias with protection if a valve goes down, doesn’t drive the valves hard so long life from them, ach I could go on, but to save me typing more, just read the reviews

  5. #25
    Join Date: Sep 2015

    Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia

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    I'm Ales.


    Thanks Mike for proposal. Maybe Primaluna Dialogue Premium with 4xEL34, 2x36W, would be enough for Turnberry with 10" speakers and medium room?

    Tom (Montesquieu)) has recommended, quote: "I would look for a 30-plus watt push pull valve amp myself that'll give you all the slam and dynamics you need."
    And it is integrated amp so I don't need additional preamp for it.

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