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Thread: Pet Hates........or FFS

  1. #2421
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    That bit in 'Life Of Brian' where the Centurion has to correct his 'Romans Go Home' graffiti on the forum, that's a documentary as far as I'm concerned.
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  2. #2422
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by struth View Post
    I disagree martin. They were lazy teachers, with a nasty streak thats all imv. we got belted for breathing wrong, doesnt make it right.
    So true. one fucking arse wipe knocked me out of my chair / desk with a 6" wooden blackboard rubber because he thought I wasn't paying attention to his RE class. ( fucking RE of all things...)

    When I woke up I was in Hospital for 3 weeks with Rheumatic Fever.. That cunt was never even questioned about it... I was 12.

    School days the best days.. never EVER..
    Add water... Makes It's own sauce! + Don't Do Rap.. Don't do Urrban.. Don't do Modern R&B and Don't Do Radio 1 cos it's all fecking SHITE

  3. #2423
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Getting hit with the blackboard rubber was nothing to us. How about a full on punch in the side of the head that would knock you to the ground?

    We had this drunken Irishman who would do that, not for any reason. One time I dodged it and he punched a hole in the classsroom wall. The form master came in later and went crackers. We told him who did it but he wouldn't believe it.
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  4. #2424
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    Getting hit with the blackboard rubber was nothing to us. How about a full on punch in the side of the head that would knock you to the ground?

    We had this drunken Irishman who would do that, not for any reason. One time I dodged it and he punched a hole in the classsroom wall. The form master came in later and went crackers. We told him who did it but he wouldn't believe it.
    Myself I think they didn't want to believe it. Every thing these days is far to politically correct and health & safety aware but if some sadistic bastard treated my grand kids the way I was treated he / she would be saying hello to a base ball bat when he / she wasn't expecting it.
    Add water... Makes It's own sauce! + Don't Do Rap.. Don't do Urrban.. Don't do Modern R&B and Don't Do Radio 1 cos it's all fecking SHITE

  5. #2425
    montesquieu Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    I also went to a Grammar and did Latin for 5 years, no choice. If you were good at Latin you had to do Ancient Greek as well. Fortunately I was terrible at Latin, was always getting detention for being unable to construe.

    I recall a schoolmate saying 'Once we are out of this place the rest of our lives are going to be gravy, whatever happens'. He wasn't far off.
    I did six years of Latin and recall that I more or less enjoyed it, bit of Classical Greek as well. (Though maybe I've forgotten all those toe curling moments when you were put on the spot in class to construe a chunk of Ovid). Comes in handy for many of the things I love in adult life, such as listening to the sacred music, visiting churches and cathedrals and reading the inscriptions, or just reading a well written book! Also I don't speak any Italian beyond reasonable facility with a menu and some musical terms, but it's amazing how far you can get with just that and a bit of Latin!

    My kids laugh at me when I define the meaning of words with reference to the Latin or Greek (or French or German) root, but they get the importance of knowing where language comes from and the subtle differences of meaning between apparently equivalent words with Germanic or Latin or French roots.

    BTW my school had a policy of shorts only except in severe winter (proper snow on the ground) and the description earlier of red thighs on fire with frostbite brought back memories. Long trousers being a privilege of fourth year (Scottish O Grade) and above.

    As for school buses, both my kids walked to primary school and got buses to high school (30-40 mins each in opposite directions) not school buses though they seem to be extinct for some reason probably because SUV-driving parents don't use them enough to justify their continuation ....

  6. #2426
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pierre De Grenoble View Post
    Myself I think they didn't want to believe it. Every thing these days is far to politically correct and health & safety aware but if some sadistic bastard treated my grand kids the way I was treated he / she would be saying hello to a base ball bat when he / she wasn't expecting it.
    I know what you mean. But it's funny, we didn't think anything of it at the time and I still don't regard it as anything other than ultimately beneficial. You learned to be on your toes and you lost your fear for violence. I wasn't a tough kid by any means but I made it and so did all of the others, even the real softys.

    I know loads of people will think I am so wrong, but that's how I feel. What can you do?
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  7. #2427
    Join Date: Jan 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by montesquieu View Post

    My kids laugh at me when I define the meaning of words with reference to the Latin or Greek (or French or German) root, but they get the importance of knowing where language comes from and the subtle differences of meaning between apparently equivalent words with Germanic or Latin or French roots.
    I'm fascinated with the origin and etymology of words in general; an interest with which my schoolboy Latin and Greek comes into use.

  8. #2428
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Default Pet Hates........or FFS

    Still get them here but not so many.

    We had a number of psycho teachers both at primary and then secondary level. Most were either single or married without kids. Total tossers to a man or woman. My daughters teachers were in comparison all very good and even handed. Keen to help and friendly. Got more out of kids that way
    Grant .... ؠ ......Don't be such a big girl's blouse

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: democracy simply-doesn't-work
    .... ..... ...... ...... ................... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....

    Oh my god! There's nothing wrong with the bidet is there?

    “Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy".

    “You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.”

    "You don't have free will. You have the appearance of free will.”

    “There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!”

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  9. #2429
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    I know what you mean. But it's funny, we didn't think anything of it at the time and I still don't regard it as anything other than ultimately beneficial. You learned to be on your toes and you lost your fear for violence. I wasn't a tough kid by any means but I made it and so did all of the others, even the real softys.

    I know loads of people will think I am so wrong, but that's how I feel. What can you do?
    Couldn't do anything then because it was considered to be "character forming" but the old expression of "don't get mad get even" has always stayed with me..
    Add water... Makes It's own sauce! + Don't Do Rap.. Don't do Urrban.. Don't do Modern R&B and Don't Do Radio 1 cos it's all fecking SHITE

  10. #2430
    Join Date: Oct 2015

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pierre De Grenoble View Post
    Couldn't do anything then because it was considered to be "character forming" but the old expression of "don't get mad get even" has always stayed with me..
    His name wasn't Adams by any chance?, we had a complete headcase for an RE teacher called Adams and his favourite weapon was the board rubber. He threw it at the wrong kid once, kid's dad came in the next day and it was the first time I had ever seen anyone nut somebody, I think it was one of the best things I've ever seen and that bastard teacher was much nicer......when he finally came back to school.
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