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Thread: Croft Vitale ...... a bit of an unknown

  1. #1
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Default Croft Vitale ...... a bit of an unknown

    Well, I found something that I can work on to hopefully end up enhancing my present system.
    I mentioned elsewhere that I had problems with a decided lack of bass and had several possibilities as to what this could be due to.

    Having checked my speakers against a s.s. amplifier, I decided the phono stage & pre-amp were the likely culprits, so had been seriously considering replacing them.
    A Croft was my preferred choice but searching wherever I could only revealed lots of decent units that had recently sold and very little currently on offer.

    By chance I happened upon a wooden fronted Croft Vitale and the kind Parcelforce man brought it to me this afternoon.
    I have several reasons for holding off plugging it in and trying to get it working and believe me I am itching to do just that. But, I have asked Mr Croft for some advice/recommendations and until I am certain as to the next course of action I will resist the obvious course of action.
    It isn't the best cosmetically, but only requires a few bits & pieces to sort it's appearance out. It is missing a mains lead, which I'm sure can be easily sorted and that only leaves me with the internals to consider.
    Hopefully Mr C will make some suggestions that I'll find hard to resist.

    It isn't the model I wanted, but as the Stones said - you get what you need, not what you want (or something like that).
    If anyone is interested, I'll post updates as the saga continues.

  2. #2
    Join Date: Feb 2013

    Location: North Yorkshire

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    I'm Mark.


    After receiving a reply from Mr. Croft, I did a bit of tinkering and light fettling before tentatively switching it on today.
    Having removed the lid it was thick of dust inside and although certain 'vintage' items are better for their patina, I decided a film of dust wouldn't be so appealing in this instance.
    I gave it a couple of dry run - warm ups and then un-plugged the Cambridge phono and NVA pre-amp and leaving the lid off I gingerly connected it up.

    Selecting an old faithful LP I dropped it on the platter and delicately lowered the tonearm. I immediately heard that distinctive click - which I took to be a good sign: Something was working.
    Anyway, to cut a long story short - this was only a short test after all, I had to fiddle around as the left speaker kept dropping off and then noisily coming back on (with a screech).
    I managed to stabilise whatever was causing this but it will clearly need attention as there must be a problem somewhere.
    But ...... lo and behold, I was hearing bass coming through - something previously absent.

    I have to say I was willing to be underwhelmed by it, thinking it might require some upgrades before it could omit some decent sounds, but no - it is instantly far better than the old combination and shows great promise.
    The Cambridge & NVA will be going up for sale in due course, while I start to work my way through a decent selection from my vinyl collection to appreciate what it gives me on a variety of music genres.
    I feel a few good months coming on.
    The other thing I need to consider is the blank canvass as far as what I will ask Mr. Croft to do to it (not too delicately put, but you know what I mean). Of course I'd like the full works, but reality is that I have plenty of other worthy causes for diverting cash to (e.g. a new drive surface, some back garden landscaping and Mrs VT wants the kitchen upgrading - to name but a few) and the Vitale will have to be built up in stages: well, that's the official version !

    So, ladies & gentlemen my question to you all is simply - do you have any recommendations as to the best things to deal with first/quick wins/priorities etc ?
    As I have no idea myself I didn't want to flounder around asking Mr. Croft to 'make it sound nice' and come across like the amateur I am.
    Much appreciate any advice and will aim to keep a set of photos to capture things as time progresses.

  3. #3
    Bigman80 Guest


    Amateur is fine mate. Its how the clever guys make the money 😂

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Join Date: Aug 2012

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    Mark I owned the very same Vitale but without the nice wooden front and it was a fantastic pre when used with a pair of Quad II's

    I did absolutely nothing to the Vitale as it was very good as it was. An absolute bargain of a pre amp in my opinion

    Mark Levinson N°390s CD Through:Atlas Elektra XLR's To: Mark Levinson N°383 To: Magneplanar .7's

  5. #5
    Join Date: May 2016

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    I had one of these a few years ago, very nice it was too. I sent mine back to Glen for a general check up and to fix a noisy selection knob. He's a real gent so if you think it's not working at its best I wouldn't hesitate to let Glen check it over.

  6. #6
    Join Date: Aug 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by ianlenco View Post
    I had one of these a few years ago, very nice it was too. I sent mine back to Glen for a general check up and to fix a noisy selection knob. He's a real gent so if you think it's not working at its best I wouldn't hesitate to let Glen check it over.

    Glen is a real nice gent to deal with..

    Mark Levinson N°390s CD Through:Atlas Elektra XLR's To: Mark Levinson N°383 To: Magneplanar .7's

  7. #7
    Join Date: Dec 2008

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    Love the look of that amplifier but do not like the current flimsy tin boxes.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Thanks for comments all.

    I must admit I had another listening session on Friday and started to get a warm fuzzy feeling inside: I am quite impressed with how much better the few albums I've listened to sound compared to the previous set up. Like most people I will probably always strive for slightly better sounds, but I can well imagine sticking with this for some time.
    There are a couple of immediate things to put right;
    a) grease stain on the wooden front panel that I need to remove.
    b) The left-hand control knob comes off. I assumed there would be a grub screw but a few turns of thread below the surface there appears to be something that is flatish and I wondered if it was meant to be an allen key grub. Looking into the shaft of the knob there is something protruding (not enough to hold it in place though).

    In an earlier post I mentioned my power amp is a Leak Stereo 20, which was re-kindled from the dead by Glen (and extensively re-jigged) - so it will be to him that I go for anything doing.

    I'll wait for daylight and take some photos to post on here.

  9. #9
    Join Date: Sep 2009

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    +1 to that. Glenn is a very nice chap indeed. I sent my Epoch to him and it came back a dual boxed monster.. lol

    His experience always makes for a knowledgeable, excellent and polite service all round. Just how it should be.

    Glad your moving your old system on, Mark. The Croft is a keeper.
    Ultrafide U500DC power amplifier - Croft Vitale )highly modified) - TRIO L-07D Turntable - Denon DL103C1 - Funk Firm Houdini - Lentek MC head amp - 15" Tannoy Monitor Gold Loudspeakers in Lockwood Major cabinets (From Trident Studios) - Tannoyista SPEC 3 Custom Crossovers - VanDamme Black Speaker Cable

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  10. #10
    Join Date: May 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by Haselsh1 View Post
    Love the look of that amplifier but do not like the current flimsy tin boxes.
    Looks are obviously a highly personal matter and I think the current range looks clean and understated. As for build, there is nothing flimsy.
    Cheers, Jeff

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