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Thread: New Lenco and Photobucket is being a bucket of poo

  1. #11
    Join Date: May 2016

    Location: Gloucestershire

    Posts: 997
    I'm Ian.


    Not sure I would call it rumble now, it's more like there is a frequency being picked up from the motor and amplified. It's not a hum as per a grounding loop but something much bassier??
    I did wonder about the proximity of the unshielded tone arm leads from the WTA when in the rear position but moving it to the usual right hand side
    position improves matters slightly but not by much.
    Hi Simon, maybe you're on to something here. Is there any chance what you are hearing is the 50Hz mains? Arms placed behind the platter are obviously nearer the motor and can be more susceptible to picking up noise but that's usually rumble. Do you have an alternative tonearm to try? Given you have swapped/serviced all the Lenco parts maybe the problem isn't with the Lenco What cartridge are you using - not a Grado by chance?

  2. #12
    Join Date: Feb 2009

    Location: Fife

    Posts: 263
    I'm Simon.


    Hi Ian,

    using the well tempered arm and an old Goldring Epic 11. This has been my standard go to for testing, using on all the past Lencos
    and never caused any problems. Only time I ever experienced problems with a Grado was on an LP 12 when it got near the inside
    of the record. Unfortunately my collection of arms has long since gone and much as I'd loved to have tried it if the latest deck was playing ball,
    the thought of stripping the Kuzma/Koetsu of the Oracle to be met with the same problem holds no fascination at the moment.
    It's weird as the current deck is as near silent to the naked ear as I've ever achieved, hence my frustration. Will try running the deck from
    another outlet on it's own or maybe stick on iec plug and run it from the Hydra but given it's running from the same outlets
    I normally use for the Lencos, I'm not overly hopefull:-(

  3. #13
    Join Date: Feb 2008

    Location: Near Accrington, Lancs, UK

    Posts: 307
    I'm Ralph.


    I've often wondered how a PTP isolates the motor from the rest of the deck when both plates are bolted to the same lump of wood. Get your stethoscope out Si and have a listen around. If the deck is mechanically quiet then you need to be looking for electrical noise. Is everything properly grounded and tied together including the tone arms?

  4. #14
    Join Date: Feb 2009

    Location: Fife

    Posts: 263
    I'm Simon.


    Ever felt foolish? What could it possibly be, what changed... laptop psu was replaced.
    Unplugged it and the deck is as quiet as a mouse and sounds great at any volume.
    Now to dismantle and finish the plinth cosmetically..

  5. #15
    Join Date: Feb 2008

    Location: Near Accrington, Lancs, UK

    Posts: 307
    I'm Ralph.


    Sometimes you just can't see the wood for the trees.

  6. #16
    Join Date: Apr 2016

    Location: Gravesend and France

    Posts: 1,498
    I'm paul.


    Quote Originally Posted by CornishPasty View Post
    I've often wondered how a PTP isolates the motor from the rest of the deck when both plates are bolted to the same lump of wood. Get your stethoscope out Si and have a listen around. If the deck is mechanically quiet then you need to be looking for electrical noise. Is everything properly grounded and tied together including the tone arms?
    it doesn't
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  7. #17
    Join Date: Nov 2010

    Location: Yorkshire

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    I'm Andrew.



    Just caught up on this thread. Have you tried replacing the mounting springs for the motor? I had a similar problem to yourself where I just couldn't get the motor to stop humming and on close inspection I noticed that one of the motor mounting springs had been crushed and was no longer blocking vibration. Alternatively make sure the springs are sitting correctly in the mounting sockets on the motor. I appreciate that you've done a few of these but even the most experieced rebuilder can sometimes forgot a something simple.
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