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Thread: Your favourite DAC?

  1. #161
    MartinT Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by icehockeyboy View Post
    Gaz, and anyone else really, how do you just use the Dac section of something like a blu ray player or whatever?
    Any digital device must have an internal DAC in order to produce analogue outputs. If it's digital, and has stereo/surround analogue outputs (or a headphone jack), then it has a DAC. So Blu-ray and DVD players, DAB radios, MP3 players, Sky boxes etc. all have them. You can't necessarily use them for any other purpose, though.

  2. #162
    Join Date: May 2008

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    As Martin says above, but just to add that some players have digital inputs where you can plumb other devices into their DAC. My Accuphase has these, so I'm able to plug the output of a DVD player or TV, for example into it, should I choose to.

  3. #163
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    Default Your favourite DAC?

    Quote Originally Posted by Welder View Post
    I liked the Mytek 192 but in the end the Benchmark was easier to use.

    For sensible money I’m still a HRT fan. I think products like the basic streamer do more to introduce the chip based music consumers to better quality sound than all the discussions on the forums.

    A Dac that does to my ears at least have a particular sound and isn’t silly money that I think performs beyond its price range is the Wavelength Proton.

    Stellavox ST20 has to be on my list.

    Benchmark Dac2 HGC. Well, I would wouldn’t I. I know it’s expensive, but I just haven’t heard anything better.
    I finally got a Yulong DA8. Once run in it is quite impressive in detail and soundstage. I would have liked to get the Benchmark II but is a bit over my budget. Anyhow, the DA8 is a clear step up from what I have known DAC-wise (Rega, Pioneer N50, Micromega, Bushmaster 7530). Although the latter is unbeatable IMHO in its price class.

  4. #164
    Join Date: Feb 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reffc View Post
    There seems to be a plethora of really good DACs around for reasonable cash these days and even the excellent Young DAC seems to be getting pipped to the post by rivals at half the price. Are things really progressing that fast with audibile improvements or do you think that there's other reasons such as a shift in sampling philosophy or the growing fashion for tubed buffer stages (which certainly sound good if well implemented to my ears)?

    What would you offer as the top 5 DACs out there sub £1000 at present and why?

    My list would include the following:

    Musical Fidelity M1;

    Jolida FXII Tube DAC;

    Simaudio Moon 100D;

    Rega DAC;

    Eastern Electric Minimax DAC

    Of that list, the MF DAC is possibly the leanest sounding up top but over-all quite neutral and flexible. The Simaudio seems to have been voiced similar to their other kit, slightly fuller than some in the mids and very smooth, not unlike the Rega in some ways (that seems to have slight emphasis on upper bass/mids) but for me, in my system, it'd have to be the Eastern Electric or the Jolida. DACs in general seem to vary only slightly between manufacturers (as you'd have every right to expect) until something comes along and punches your ears with sheer musicality and involvement with "nothing missing". I'd put the last two in that category. Not tempted to venture into DAC territory yet personally as I like what the droplet CDP does but for the cash, a cheap (DVD) transport and sub £1K DAC just seem to make more sense than a high end CDP these days.
    I agree with thenM1 ( I just bought clic...so good I bought two!) sound was just a revelation!

  5. #165
    Join Date: Oct 2016

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    Between these 3, with one would you pick?

    Rega DAC
    M2tech Young MK1

  6. #166
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by SantanaCorreia View Post

    Between these 3, with one would you pick?

    Rega DAC
    M2tech Young MK1
    The M2TECH is a helluva DAC, I was really impressed by it. By far and a way the best DAC I have heard BUT it won't work with Windows 10 which resulted in it being sold. A shame.

    I can't imagine the other two even being close but haven't heard them.

  7. #167
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    When I owned only valve amps the best Dac I used was the Audio Note Dac One 1x Signature

    I've also owned a Rega Dac which was pretty good

    I now own the Naim Dac which really lifted the performance of the CD5 XS and seems to match the Supernait 2 very well

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  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    The M2TECH is a helluva DAC, I was really impressed by it. By far and a way the best DAC I have heard BUT it won't work with Windows 10 which resulted in it being sold. A shame.

    I can't imagine the other two even being close but haven't heard them.
    I use Mac but I supose that an adapter fim USB to spidif would do the trick no?

    Back to the question what did you enjoy the most? What kind of amp did you have?

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  9. #169
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    Had Young mk1 with linear power supply, terrific sound cost a lot more to better it in what I have now.
    The Mk3 will sound even better and is comoatible with windows 10.
    Last edited by Gazjam; 14-06-2018 at 09:42.
    Hardwired 10kVA balanced mains powering entire system
    Meridian 557 power Amp (Modded) / PS Audio BHK Preamp (Modded)
    Wharfedale Evo 4.4
    PS Audio Directstream (Modded)
    Pro-Ject X8 balanced output via XLR / Ortofon Quintet Blue cartridge
    Pro-Ject DS3 B balanced Input (TT and Phonostage powered by Pro-Ject Power box RS2 linear psu)
    CD PLAYBACK - Shanling ET3 CD Transport over i2s to Dac + MOVIE PLAYBACK Oppo 203 (Modded: Linear PSU, i2s output to Dac)
    Tweaked AP-Linux based Roon Server into Oppo 203 as Roon endpoint
    Ipad Roon Remote.
    Apple Music/ YouTube via AppleTV, fed to Shanling via Airplay 1 (losslessly) and onwards to Dac via Wireworld Silver Electra 7 i2s HDMI cable
    Biwired: Duelund DCA10GA (Bass) Duelund DCA16GA (mid & treble) Duelund 12DCA used as jumpers (On
    "Blackcat Cable" Chris Sommivigo's advice - Yup, it sounds better)
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  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by SantanaCorreia View Post

    Between these 3, with one would you pick?

    Rega DAC
    M2tech Young MK1
    I'd get a XiangSheng DAC-01A.
    Fit it with a Western Electric 396A valve and it's even better.

    I have owned all of the 3 you mention, and in my opinion the XiangSheng kicks them all into the long grass.
    I've owned much more expensive DACs as well. The XS beats them all. In my opinion.

    Another very strong contender (and currently in use in my system) is a SMSL M8 DAC. Fit it with a £50 (60 Euro) linear PSU and it's even better.

    Some of the electronics coming out of China these days is scarily good and ridiculously low cost.

    If you don't want to go the Chinese route then the Beresford SEG will also in my opinion better all of those you mention.

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