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Thread: Forthcoming Classical Concerts

  1. #51
    MartinT Guest

    Default Proms 2013

    Is it me or is the Proms programme for this year somewhat disappointing? What with being away for some of summer, I'm only going for one: Prom 67 Arvo Part / Britten / Berlioz / Saint Saens on 1st September.

    If you want tickets, don't forget that sales online starts at 9:00 sharp tomorrow morning 11th May.

  2. #52
    MartinT Guest


    Managed to get into the queue at position 942 which took about 40 mins to get to the booking page and have booked Prom 67. If anyone else goes to that Prom let me know and we could meet for a drink.

    The other machine is still showing 3672 in the queue! I'll put it out of its misery now...

  3. #53
    Join Date: Oct 2011

    Location: London Town

    Posts: 2,441
    I'm Julian.


    I wasn't blown away by the Proms offering this year either Martin.

    I've only bought tickets for Prom 43 - late night Gesualdo & Taverner, with the Tallis Scholars doing their thing - should be sublime.
    Sonore Rendu - Cambridge Audio Edge W - Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

  4. #54
    Join Date: Oct 2011

    Location: London Town

    Posts: 2,441
    I'm Julian.


    Lots of concerts that I find very appealing coming up in the Zurich series at Cadogan Hall - check it out ...

    Sonore Rendu - Cambridge Audio Edge W - Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

  5. #55
    Join Date: Apr 2013

    Location: Granes - Haut Vallee de l'aude - EU

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    I'm Richard.


    No longer forthcoming, the Leeds castle outdoor yesterday, helped by fabulous weather and 3 bottles of decent champagne, was a belter. OK, its really the Royal Philharmonic as the backing band for a series of entertainments, but the fireworks for the 1812 were the best ever - beautifully coreographed. The aerial flyovers - were awesome - Spit and a Hurricane flying close formation, close passes, and great approaches to the audience, and the Blades display team were stunning. Absolutely stunning.

    Mrs S was as so often struggling a bit with a slightly shrill soprano (although I did suggest she get off her arse and show them how to do it if she thought she could, and she made her point fairly impressively for the few around us - pulling an army major, the shameless flirt, in the process). James Edwards for best tenor since Pavarotti?

  6. #56
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Mid Lincs

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    Whilst it's not strictly 'upcoming' it could possibly be considered as such. Just wanted to recommend (whilst it's still available on iPlayer for 4 more days I think) the BBC4 Prom from the other night - Shostakovich 11 performed by the BBC Welsh who played out of their skins. A stunning performance, easily my favourite of the series so far. A beast of a symphony; moving, frightening and uplifting at the same time.

    Prokofiev 2nd Violin Concerto too as a bonus.

    Round & round bits: LP12/Cirkus/Kore/Herc II/Roksan Nima/Hana EL
    Megabits: Bluesound Node 2i/TEAC UD-H01 dac
    Making it louder bits: Phonostage: Dynavector P75 Amp: Cyrus 8vs/PSX-R Speakers: Royd Sintra II
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  7. #57
    Join Date: Oct 2011

    Location: London Town

    Posts: 2,441
    I'm Julian.

    Default The Tallis Scholars

    Just noticed today - if you are a fan of early church music and The Tallis Scholars as I am, you will want to try and attend Peter Phillip's 60th birthday celebration concert at Cadogan Hall on 15 October.


    I saw them at the Proms a week or so ago singing Taverner and Gesualdo, and they were as immaculate as ever ...
    Sonore Rendu - Cambridge Audio Edge W - Sonus Faber Venere 2.5

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