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Thread: " ALL CHANGE " Listening room changes

  1. #1
    Audio Al is offline Pishanto Specialist & Super-Daftee
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    Default " ALL CHANGE " Listening room changes


    I decided to make some changes in my listening room
    The problems were as follows
    I have quite a lot of kit and not enough racking to put the kit on , Also most of the racks I already own are up too waist height , so to put a CD in the CD player is a hands and knees job , and getting a bit older I now have to plan how to get on my hands and knees the plan how to get up again

    This is how the old listening room looked

    Moving on too the new alterations I decided " In for a penny in for a pound " and decided to re decorate and re fit the room

    Started off like this , plain painted walls

    Then on too some steaming and scraping

    Lots of this

    Accumulate the required items for the job

    Chose wallpaper

    Decided too go with this one

    Next on too the re wire and some extra plug sockets
    Fit some plug socket mounting rails too the wall

    Yes they are going to be at just below waist level

    And obtain some plug sockets

    26 Doubles
    Fit and wire the plug sockets using 4mm conduit cable

    Run a length of 60 amp armaflex cable from under the stairs through under the floor to the opposite wall , What a Pigging job took nearly all day had to half dismantle the house taking off doors and lifting carpets


    Cut a access hole for the cable to come up into the listening room

    Fit and wire a RCD consumer unit so its safe and easy to isolate the entire supply when not in use

    Now on too the racking ? what to use ? do I build it ? or do I buy something ?
    Have a look on evilbay , and low and behold what do I find about 10 miles from my home ?

    8 bays of this with 5 shelves per bay :-

    Its made from heavy aluminum extruded uprights with fixing to the wall at the top , each shelf is on sliding brackets and can be positioned anywhere on the uprights , I have positioned the lowest shelf just high enough to get my speakers under and at a convenient height to put my TT's on , leaving 3 or 4 shelves per bay above for amps CD players , Tuners , Cassette players , 8 Track , Reel too Reel etc
    Plenty of room for some box swapping as well
    The racking was a mare too fit and level as each shelf needed too be set individually, still not finished lining everything up but will get it sorted in the next few days , Then its time to start putting my kit on and wiring it up
    All fun and games

  2. #2
    Join Date: May 2008

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    Fantastic job! It will look like a showroom when all the kit is in place.
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  3. #3
    Join Date: May 2011

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    Thanks for sharing this with us Al . Looks like you've made a humongous effort to do it properly . I'm a big fan of getting the mains right so I'm sure you will reap the rewards . The room / shelving looks fantastic BTW.

  4. #4
    Audio Al is offline Pishanto Specialist & Super-Daftee
    Join Date: May 2012

    Location: Dagenham Essex

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    I'm Allen.


    Yes the mains supply comes direct from the incoming supply before it goes to the house consumer unit
    I also fitted a earth rod for this phase

    I had a qualified sparks come round to connect up to the mains and test the system with his £1000 test box
    It could check everything , resistance through the sockets , it also could introduce faults and make the trip go . Quit a bit of kit

  5. #5
    Join Date: May 2008

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    I'm ChrisB.


    Looks good Al - it's the only way you could house your gear really, isn't it?
    A question about the shelving: Do you think it would be worth placing the feet on a hard surface on the floor? It looks like they are just on the carpet, which might give in differing amounts depending on the load you place on the shelves. If the tops are fixed to the wall, you might end up with those carefully leveled shelves looking wonky as hell.

  6. #6
    Audio Al is offline Pishanto Specialist & Super-Daftee
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    Location: Dagenham Essex

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    I'm Allen.


    Hi Chris

    Yest the uprights do sit on the carpet , I left the rack assembled for 2 days before fixing it too the wall and the weight has compressed the carpet , Don't want to cut 7 holes in the carpet in case I remove the units at a later date and then would need all new carpets

    All the shelves are fully adjustable so not a problem leveling them , Will need to move some to get my R2R in

  7. #7
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    I'm loving the massive overkill with the power sockets. You can never have enough of them. I suspect with your tons of kit on display it is going to look awe-inspiring.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  8. #8
    Join Date: May 2008

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    Great - just checking!

  9. #9
    Join Date: Feb 2011

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    That's not something I would like personally Al (the direct opposite in fact), but credit where credit's due, that's a mighty fine effort and deserves a round of applause.

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  10. #10
    Join Date: Oct 2012

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    Cracking job Al

    I do like the juxtaposition of the vertical wallpaper stripes and the horizontal lines of the racks. Great!

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