As our forum grows and the becomes more widely known, we are going to hit some controversy.

We are aware of problems and are looking at solutions, however we are never going to be all things to all people and we will continue to promote a subjectivist approach to system building along with faith in the ability to trust our own ears.

Some may feel that admin members here have tendencies to think we know better than everyone else. Whilst it is true that there are certain key areas where we feel confident in the expression of our opinions and experiences, this forum embraces many aspects of the hobby including a number outside of our areas of knowledge from which we can also learn.

For example, I feel confident in expressing opinions on ancilliaries (stands, cables etc) and system setup, but I know next to nothing about turntables or how to stream music from a computer to my kit. These are areas where I have everything to learn. I'm also no good with a soldering iron and my DIY skills extend as far as cleaning the pins on my valves or changing a fuse.

I do trust my own ears though and feel that everyone else here should trust theirs. Our experiences may differ but lets take it as a given here that nobody is either telling lies or imagining what they have heard.