Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
An excellent link - most enjoyable. Thanks Marco.

One thing that puzzles me is how the metal stamper is separated from the metal mold? I suspect that a lot of detail was excluded, as well as a lot of the problems - the film made it look far too easy. In its heyday, a record pressing plant would reject several thousands of records a week, due to imperfections.
Indeed Barry,

Most of the processes needed an operator who was inimately familiar with every aspect of the process,particularly the idiosyncracies of the machinery and the tricks and tweeks which were like juggling different factors to arrive at the best result.

The real assests of the factory were not the machines,rather the operators.The same applied to every step.There were individuals who mastered juggling all the aspects,and others who scraped-by.Most of the talented ones are long dead,having had no-one to pass the skills onto.This will really be the death of vinyl.The eventual non-existence of good pressing plant staff.