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Thread: Ortofon Rondo Bronze MC cartridge

  1. #1
    Join Date: May 2016

    Location: Gloucestershire

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    I'm Ian.

    Default Ortofon Rondo Bronze MC cartridge

    This came with a tonearm I purchased and I was told by the seller it had very light use but obviously I cannot verify this. I did consider buying a step up device for my mm only phono stage but was a little shocked at the price these days!

    The cantilever is straight and the stylus looks in good order.

    Apparently the Rondo Bronze cost around £700 so I think £250 including UK mainland postage seems a fair price. I don't have original packaging but I do have packaging from another cartridge which will keep it safe.

  2. #2
    Join Date: Apr 2022

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    hi do you no how old this is , say 14 to 16 years?

  3. #3
    Join Date: May 2016

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    I'm sorry I really don't know.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Mar 2008

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    Nice cart, have one myself. GLWTS.
    “Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel. I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio”

    Hunter S Thompson

  5. #5
    Join Date: May 2016

    Location: Gloucestershire

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    Thanks Ali. I must admit I'm in two minds about selling this. I've seen a Denon AU-300LC step up for reasonable money and presume it's 1:10 gain will work well enough. Any opinions welcome.

  6. #6
    Join Date: Mar 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by ianlenco View Post
    Thanks Ali. I must admit I'm in two minds about selling this. I've seen a Denon AU-300LC step up for reasonable money and presume it's 1:10 gain will work well enough. Any opinions welcome.
    Output of Ortofon Rondo Bronze MC is .5mV so 1:10 will take it to 5mV - should be fine
    Audiophile Tosher

  7. #7
    Join Date: Jan 2009

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    True, but the loading impedance if used with a standard 47kOhm MM input will be 470 Ohm. This might be a little too high and cause the treble to sound a bit 'lively'.

    Try it out first, you can always reduce the effective load impedance by wiring, say, 220 Ohm resistors across the transformer input.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Nov 2018

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    The Denon AU-300LC I heard many many years ago and not impressed... If you can find an Audio Technica AT-630 which at times are under £100 I would go there/... Good luck...
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  9. #9
    Join Date: Mar 2019

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    You have pm

  10. #10
    Join Date: May 2016

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    Thanks Paul.
    As it happens I've just bought the Denon! Main reason is to make sure the Ortofon Rondo is working properly and then maybe I'll like it enough to keep it and progress to a better SUT

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