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Thread: Beresford DACs Noddy's Guide

  1. #1
    Join Date: Jun 2020

    Location: West Yorkshire

    Posts: 11
    I'm Howard.

    Default Beresford DACs Noddy's Guide

    Hello All,

    I have an unmodified Bluesound Node 2i which I intend improving. My plan over the next year or so is to have a little experiment with power supplies and DACs for it. I'm currently using my Accuphase CD Player (2004 vintage) which allows me to use its processor stage as an external DAC. To my ears it sounds better than the Node 2i's internal DAC.

    I'm considering a Beresford Caiman SEG (http://www.homehifi.co.uk/S/tc-7535.htm2). I'm unlikely to be able to audition it, so looking for help/hints from users.

    Firstly 'firmware'. Is this something the punter needs to bother about or do you just get the most up to date firmware with it? Is there any disadvantage in having the latest firmware (SEG 30) or is it a no brainer?

    Secondly, I understand the Dorado Mk 2 power supply is recommended for it. How much is this (couldn't find price online). Is use of the Dorado 2 a no-brainer? (Reasonable extra costs are not a deal breaker as the DAC itself is 'only' £180).

    Thirdly I have heard mention of power supplies... for a power supply. That sounds like overkill to me, what benefit might a power supply for the Dorado (power supply) bring? For me the flip side would be too much clutter on the bottom shelf of my rack (my current DACs are out of the way in the Node 2i and Accuphase boxes), so if SQ improvements were marginal I'd likely overlook the 2nd power supply.

    Really I'm looking for a plug and play solution that works out of the box and doesn't need too much attention (probably I'd want to leave it all on all of the time too). On the plus side I understand the Beresford Caiman SEG may offer rather more of an 'analogue' type warmth than a harsh digital sound (which is more likely to tick my box), it isn't too expensive, it has a used market if I need to move it on and it appears to offer a reasonable start to my DAC comparison journey (I'm not an avid box swapper so hopefully it might be good enough to stay a while). Is this the product I should be considering - and if so how do I find the answers to the above questions? Grateful for your thoughts/comments!
    Last edited by Alvarado; 26-11-2020 at 12:58.

  2. #2
    Join Date: Dec 2013

    Location: New Zealand

    Posts: 145
    I'm Jerry.


    Hello Alvarado

    I now have two Beresford SEGs.
    One is in my main system, with one at work (as of last week).

    Both have been modded. The latest by Stan.
    A very good DAC, in my opinion, at a darn good price.
    And sufficient inputs.

    I have SEG-30 firmware in my main system.
    The new one has SEG-42 firmware.

    Bought the modded SEG to be my last Dac.
    Would have to win serious money, to ever change it.

    At home have a bespoke power supply, with the work one, a Dorado.
    Then use Stan's power supply into the Dorado.

    I suggest Stan's reasonably priced upgrades.

  3. #3
    Join Date: May 2016

    Location: Navan

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    I'm Jo.


    Hello Alvardo,

    I have used a couple of Caimans, the MK II, and currently the SEG, both used to good effect with an after market power supply from MCRU. I am using the SEG to feed a Beresford Capella as both can be powered from a single supply when using a DC power patch cable from the Capella to the SEG. I've never experienced any issues with software in Beresford products. I use Mac computers. These boxes sound fabulous to my ears regardless of price. Also, Mr Beresford does offer above average quality customer service. I bought my first Beresford secondhand and the man still took time to help me out with a query. I think he also offers a trial period after purchase during which you are free to return items of they do not suit you.
    Last edited by Landloper; 01-12-2020 at 18:18.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Jun 2020

    Location: West Yorkshire

    Posts: 11
    I'm Howard.


    Thank you for your comments. I am impressed you seem to have some understanding of this kit as I am having difficulty finding out what's what. There is a relatively new (Jan 2020) used Beresford DAC on Pink Fish Media which might do or I could get a new one, but I am still struggling to understand some of the issues. Is the newest version of the DAC the Beresford Caiman Mk 2, aka TC-7535? I now understand it comes with the SEG 42 firmware, on the web site it's £180. Is that considered the current 'new standard' spec? I understand modifications are available, are there any that are considered a 'must have' or do most punters just buy the current version and plug and play? Maybe I'm over complicating things.

    Likewise, power supplies - in some threads there seems to be people using a power supply AND a Dorado (indeed @JerryB you mention 'use Stan's power supply into the Dorado'). But isn't the Dorado itself the power supply? Have I misunderstood? I presume the power supply(s) are optional, however the Dorado (now on the Dorado 2 I believe) does appear to be regularly recommended as an overall improvement. Therefore, how much is it please (I can't find the price on the website).

    Also re power supplies, how many plug sockets are needed - does the DAC plug into the Dorado and the Dorado plug into the wall? Presumably most units are used with only 1 (or no) power supplies?

    Finally can the DAC unit (and its power supply) be left on all of the time and if so would there be any negative consequences? I wouldn't be using the pre-amp function so might stick it out of the way. I have emailed the address on the website and got a bounce back, not a great start, which is why I'm back bothering you folks again....

  5. #5
    Join Date: Dec 2013

    Location: New Zealand

    Posts: 145
    I'm Jerry.


    The Caiman SEG is Stan's latest, TC-7535.
    One of the things Stan has done over the years is made improvements from suggestions.

    From what I understand, the SEG is good as is.

    As a minimum, from Stan I added:
    Conversion of the active filter and super capacitors for the 5V and 3V3 supply line.
    Main system CMOS clock upgrade.

  6. #6
    Join Date: Dec 2013

    Location: New Zealand

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    I'm Jerry.


    The capacitor upgrade takes the SEG to another level

  7. #7
    Join Date: Dec 2013

    Location: New Zealand

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    I'm Jerry.


    SEG for sale on EBay for £140

  8. #8
    Join Date: May 2015

    Location: Bishops Stortford

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    tempting for sure

  9. #9
    Join Date: Jun 2021

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    I'm Peter.


    Quote Originally Posted by Alvarado View Post
    Thank you for your comments. I am impressed you seem to have some understanding of this kit as I am having difficulty finding out what's what. There is a relatively new (Jan 2020) used Beresford DAC on Pink Fish Media which might do or I could get a new one, but I am still struggling to understand some of the issues. Is the newest version of the DAC the Beresford Caiman Mk 2, aka TC-7535? I now understand it comes with the SEG 42 firmware, on the web site it's £180. Is that considered the current 'new standard' spec? I understand modifications are available, are there any that are considered a 'must have' or do most punters just buy the current version and plug and play? Maybe I'm over complicating things.

    Likewise, power supplies - in some threads there seems to be people using a power supply AND a Dorado (indeed @JerryB you mention 'use Stan's power supply into the Dorado'). But isn't the Dorado itself the power supply? Have I misunderstood? I presume the power supply(s) are optional, however the Dorado (now on the Dorado 2 I believe) does appear to be regularly recommended as an overall improvement. Therefore, how much is it please (I can't find the price on the website).

    Also re power supplies, how many plug sockets are needed - does the DAC plug into the Dorado and the Dorado plug into the wall? Presumably most units are used with only 1 (or no) power supplies?

    Finally can the DAC unit (and its power supply) be left on all of the time and if so would there be any negative consequences? I wouldn't be using the pre-amp function so might stick it out of the way. I have emailed the address on the website and got a bounce back, not a great start, which is why I'm back bothering you folks again....
    From the docs

    Due to the highly efficient design and low energy requirement placed on the power supply, the Caiman SEG is capable of operating from a 12Volt battery source. The Caiman is also an extremely energy efficient DAC. It can therefore be powered by not only its own 12V power supply, But also by alternative 12V sources of power such as batteries and solar cells. The basic DAC includes a desktop power supply. Power supply upgrades are recommended.

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