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Thread: Album Club, September, 2020: Electro Deluxe - 'Circle'

  1. #1
    Join Date: Feb 2013

    Location: Land of the Lilac Curtains, UK

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    Default Album Club, September, 2020: Electro Deluxe - 'Circle'

    The Album Club choice for September comes courtesy of Mike (Jack Hawk) with 'Circle' by Electro Deluxe. As always, please listen to the album in its entirety before you comment and vote.

    Electro Deluxe - 'Circle'

    Hi guys, my choice for this month is hopefully something none of you have heard before and it's a French Jazz Funk band called Electro Deluxe, they have been around since the early 2000's and have released a number of albums, however my choice for your listening pleasure is their 2016 album "Circle". Now I know most of you are expecting a foreign language album but surprise surprise the singer is an American and all of their material that contain lyrics are in English not only this album but all albums. I was introduced to the band about 4 years ago and have been a fan ever since, their musicianship is outstanding as is the arrangement and production, if you like them I would strongly recommend buying a copy on vinyl and their website is the cheapest place to buy (like so many bands). Stand out tracks for me are track 3: "K.O.", track 6: "Oh No", and track 13: Electro Deluxe "FNK LIVE".

  2. #2
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Kent

    Posts: 540
    I'm Twisted.


    I gave this a listen through. First few bars made me think "I like where this is going", but then all the subsequent bars went to places I don't like! I'm sure it's great stuff, but it's not my cup of tea. Sorry Mike and Electro Deluxe. 3

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  3. #3
    Join Date: Nov 2011

    Location: Seaton, Devon, UK

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    I'm Adrian.


    OK just managed to listen to this all the way through on Qobuz.

    They are obviously very skilled musicians, but not one song got me feeling Oh this is good. One thing I did notice was I kept hearing riffs and runs that sounded very familiar to those I knew from classic funk/Jazz/soul from the 60's, 70's and 80;s. One track made me think I was listening to a Steve wonder number. The last track Heaven Can Wait" I recognise the melody from another song but just cannot put my finger on it. Another track had echoes of James Brown but it felt flat IMO.

    So to sum up, I was rather disappointed all the way through, I do listen to Jazz/Funk and Fusion but found this to be a somewhat tedious listen. On the off chance it was just the studio production I had a quick listen to some of the songs on the "Live Circle" thinking that a live rendition would have a better feel, but no it was more of the same. So I have given this a 6 and that's mainly because of the musicianship.
    Listening is the act of aural discrimination and dissemination of sound, and accepting you get it wrong sometimes.

    Analog Inputs: Pro-Ject Signature 10 TT & arm, Benz Micro LP-S, Michel Cusis MC, Goldring 2500 and Ortofon Rondo Blue cartridges, Hitachi FT5500 mk2 Tuner

    Digital:- Marantz SA-KI Pearl CD player, RaspberryPi/HifiBerry Digi+ Pro, Buffalo NAS Drive

    Amplification:- AudioValve Sunilda phono stage, Krell KSP-7B pre-amp, Krell KSA-80 power amp

    Output: Wilson Benesch Vector speakers, KLH Ultimate One Headphones

    Cables: Tellurium Q Ultra Black II RCA & Chord Epic 2 RCA, various speaker leads, & links

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  4. #4
    Join Date: Jun 2020

    Location: Rotorua NZ

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    I'm Peter.


    Enjoyed the first track but the rest of the album was rather uninspiring, although FNK live was a high light track for me.
    Nothing to dislike about it but didn't stand out as a whole.
    TT: Pro-ject 1.2, Ortofon Blue
    Phono stage: Muffsy
    Cd: Linn Karik
    Dac: Denafrips Ares II
    Amps: Pre: EleKit TU-8500, Power: Cambridge Audio Azur 651W
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  5. #5
    Join Date: Jan 2009

    Location: Essex

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    I'm openingabottleofwine.


    Sadly not my thing at all. However the musicianship is good, as is the production; and some of the tracks would fail not to have you up on your feet dancing So 5/10 from me.

    Sorry for the lukewarm response.

  6. #6
    Join Date: May 2013

    Location: Milton Keynes

    Posts: 387
    I'm Martin.


    Quite enjoyed Fnk Live and then Heaven Can Wait, reminded me of Level 42. The rest was very samey, so only a 6 I'm afraid. Thanks for the suggestion, I had not heard this band before.
    GyroDec 2M Black, Amplification: Luxman 505ux.
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  7. #7
    Join Date: Sep 2019

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    I'm Lloyd.


    Never come across them before so thank you for bringing them to my attention .... Over all not quite getting me apart from "Through My Veins" which stood out and i listened to twice the "Circle of Life" was very reminscient of quite what i can't just recall so that got 2 plays as well ...i do like a bit of Jazz fusion so they might grow on me as a band and as Martin said some other tracks reminded me a bit of Level 42.... overall a pleasant way to spend an hour or thereabouts but i'm not moved enough to rush and buy the Vinyl .... So its a 6 from me

  8. #8
    Join Date: Apr 2009

    Location: Oakengates, Shropshire

    Posts: 654
    I'm Richard.


    I echo the other comments here. Great musicianship and I am partial to a bit of funk and soul. It's the sort of stuff that Craig Charles would play on his 6 Music show on a Saturday evening and I always enjoy the stuff he plays, but it's never really appealed to me enough to buy it and I feel the same about this. Elements of Lenny Kravitz, some elements of Mother Earth and a lot of other bands on the Acid Jazz label but it sounds a bit too 'Acid Jazz by numbers' to me. I don't dislike it, but I couldn't see myself listening to it again, so a 5/10 from me.

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