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Thread: Boris big win.

  1. #51
    Join Date: Mar 2016

    Location: Brighton, UK.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spectral Morn View Post
    Brexit will plunge the UK into a commercial wilderness, everything will cost more, business will fold, more will leave, unemployment will rise, food costs will rise, holidays will cost more, you will all be very much the poorer. Negotiating trade agreements will take years and will not be so favourable as the UK had. The tories are liars and con artists, they are only interested in lining their pockets and that of the very rich. The UK will not be better off outside the EU, everyone reading this will go to their graves much, much poorer than they are now.

    Re Northern Ireland there will be a boarder up the Irish sea, everything will cost us more, this will damage business and put many out of business, this boarder will push the United Ireland agenda closer and the Unionists will push back. There will be a rise in murder and bombings here.

    And re English Nationalism its thriving. I am sure many in 30s Germany thought as you did.
    Once again if English Nationalism is thriving and the driving force behind Brexit then explain the popularity of Brexit in Wales. Also the main threat of serious violence we have been experiencing in this country in recent history has come from people who claim to be Muslim and largely come from Asian backgrounds, where is your criticism of that? Don't you fear a far right Islamic uprising? N.I. haven't had a working parliament for quite some time now, so we can't really blame Whitehall for the continuing problems there. I agree though that trade wise Brexit offers little hope for anyone, though you say we will be much poorer, but who is to know where the blame lies for any future recessions, in the EU the picture isn't exactly rosy either.
    Last edited by Mikeandvan; 13-12-2019 at 22:48.
    Current system 1210 GR. CDP - Meridian G08. Amp -Sugden A21I - Sig. Wharfedale Lintons.

  2. #52
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

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    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    English Nationalism?! , look at the comments of the Forums owner!!!!!

    I agree with what Mark said, politics has no place on a HiFi forum.
    Much of it tongue-in-cheek, in response to Jon's 'tirade', so chill!

    In terms of the last bit. I agree, although pfm manage it, but then most are singing from the same hymn sheet.

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  3. #53
    Join Date: Dec 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spectral Morn View Post
    The UK is fucked. English Nationalism has destroyed the union, Brexit will destroy the UK, everyone reading this will suffer, anyone who voted conservative, shame on you. Boris is a liar, a smoke and mirrors con man and the conservatives do not give a fuck for anyone but themselves. Did you watch what I watched, did you see and hear what I did, and still you gave them your vote.

    For the rest of us we are at the mercy of little englander europhobia nationalism, Scotland will try to leave, and northern ireland had been thrown under the bus. I am scared about what will happen here, but as long as its here and not on the streets of British cities none of you who voted consevative will give a fuck.

    Worst day in the history of the UK, next to brexit vote.

    +1 ... and then some.

  4. #54
    Bigman80 Guest


    Last edited by Bigman80; 14-12-2019 at 06:17.

  5. #55
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikmas View Post
    I voted Labour ... and if there was an election again next week I'd vote Labour again. - with or without Corbyn as leader.

    There is not a thing under this sky would even remotely persuade me to vote for the opportunistic shit shower who currently have their hands on the coffer.

    I hope all those who chose to run to that side this time having 'never voted for them before' will remind themselves of how weak and flabby they've become when they see the NHS and the rest of the nation's goods floated over the sea on a 'thank you' barge to Uncle Donald.
    Spot on (and not just the bit I've highlighted)!

    In terms if that bit though, especially when in doing so, you're voting for the odious establishment/elite. We've now got our own version of Donald Trump inside No10

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  6. #56
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post

    I'm fucking raging.

    This bullshit left wing nonsense is all scaremongering. This country can absolutely thrive after Brexit and if I didn't believe it could, I wouldn't have voted that way.

    The Labour Party ain't fit to wipe the shit off my shoe. They are a party in absolute disarray and we're prior to this election. JC was a huge eurosceotic yet when the party threatened to oust him as leader, he switched his position quicked than a crack whore getting paid double.

    Corbyn released pictures of him sat on the floor of a train, citing overcrowding. It was a lie, as the alternative pictures showed. He allegedly had proof the NHS was for sale, yet he never released it.

    You want to talk smoke and mirror, how about the fact the Labour Party is actually "The Momentum party" masquerading as the Labour party?

    Jeremy Corbyn was an absolute wretch. If he was on fire, I'd try to put him out with an axe.

    Communism is of no interest to me and that's what he and his sleeper cell within the Labour Party would have brought.
    Lol - well I'm perfectly calm, just relaxing having a glass of wine, thanks!

    As for the rest, sorry, not going there. However, the bit in blue isn't acceptable, Ollie. If you can't discuss politics calmly and rationally (when it's clear you're not taking the piss), then don't discuss it.


    P.S Please remove links to other forums from your signature. You should've asked for permission first before doing that.
    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  7. #57
    Bigman80 Guest


    Last edited by Bigman80; 14-12-2019 at 06:18.

  8. #58
    Join Date: Feb 2019

    Location: South uk

    Posts: 594
    I'm Jon.


    At what time do the "toys out of the pram" stop?
    The decision has been made, lets just get on with it and stop crying like a 3 year old child who's lost his/her blanket.
    Seriously, lets just deal with it and move on. Theres no options here, it is what it is.

  9. #59
    Join Date: Oct 2018

    Location: Forest of Dean

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    I'm Gary.


    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Haha - try it the other way round!! Without all the billions of pounds Scotland have to give to Westmonster (spelling deliberate) from North Sea oil, YOU ENGLANDERS would be the 'poor relations'!!

    And once independence is gained, you'll be getting the sum total of hee-haw....

    Scottish oil?

    I keep forgetting you're pinning all your hopes on a one trick donkey that's on its last legs anyway

    Is it not correct that many rigs are reaching the end of their operational life and are unlikely to be renewed due to falling production.

    Still there's always whiskey, the Loch Ness monster and deep fried Mars bars to fall back on.
    Marantz CD63 KI Signature
    Project Debut II
    Pioneer A656 Reference
    Epos M5s
    Atacama Stands
    Maplin speaker cable cos I can't hear a difference
    Various interconnects as above

  10. #60
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by InThe Sticks View Post
    At what time do the "toys out of the pram" stop?
    The decision has been made, lets just get on with it and stop crying like a 3 year old child who's lost his/her blanket.
    Seriously, lets just deal with it and move on. Theres no options here, it is what it is.
    Would you have said the same had Labour won and Corbyn was now in No10, instead of Boris Karloff, the Scots hater?

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

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