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Thread: What sample rate?

  1. #21
    Join Date: May 2016

    Location: Notts

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    i am puzzled by those who write off the benefits of high definition files and upsampling. Regarding the latter, consider a vinyl pressing. It is not possible to add more data to the grooves once it is pressed. However, one can extract more of the data in the grooves by improving the replay chain. A better RIAA device, superior cartridge, more rigid tonearm, better power supply, more highly engineered bearings etc. The same is true of redbook files. I find that a system that can perform a good upsampling of redbook files typically sounds "better" (to me at least) than one that does not. I find a similar improvement in files that have been recorded in hd. If others don't perceive the same improvements that is fine.

  2. #22
    montesquieu Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sherwood View Post
    i am puzzled by those who write off the benefits of high definition files and upsampling. Regarding the latter, consider a vinyl pressing. It is not possible to add more data to the grooves once it is pressed. However, one can extract more of the data in the grooves by improving the replay chain. A better RIAA device, superior cartridge, more rigid tonearm, better power supply, more highly engineered bearings etc. The same is true of redbook files. I find that a system that can perform a good upsampling of redbook files typically sounds "better" (to me at least) than one that does not. I find a similar improvement in files that have been recorded in hd. If others don't perceive the same improvements that is fine.
    That's my point though. A file recorded, mastered and distributed at hi-res (where this is actually some additional resolution, in theory anyway) is or at least ought to be a completely different animal to a lower res file upsampled. Whatever your kit is doing to process the signal may be the important thing here in why you like it, not the initial (or indeed the upsampled) resolution. Great if you like it but there's no proof whatsoever that a file being hi-res is responsible for why you like it.

  3. #23
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherwood View Post
    i am puzzled by those who write off the benefits of high definition files and upsampling. Regarding the latter, consider a vinyl pressing. It is not possible to add more data to the grooves once it is pressed. However, one can extract more of the data in the grooves by improving the replay chain. A better RIAA device, superior cartridge, more rigid tonearm, better power supply, more highly engineered bearings etc. The same is true of redbook files. I find that a system that can perform a good upsampling of redbook files typically sounds "better" (to me at least) than one that does not. I find a similar improvement in files that have been recorded in hd. If others don't perceive the same improvements that is fine.
    There's no data in the groove of a vinyl record though, it's just a groove. Man.

    I was an early adopter of SACD. Initially I thought it was the second coming. With the hybrid discs I was puzzled that the CD layer and SACD layer sounded no different. Then I found out.

    Also had one of the upsampling players. Didn't like it, sounded a bit blousey, thought the upsampling was to blame. With CD you could not switch off the upsampling. But it could be used as a stand alone DAC too so I hooked up a transport and could switch between 16/44.1 and 24/384 at will with the remote. Not a scrap of difference.

    Not to say that up sampling will not make a difference sometimes. Depends on all sorts of things. Lots of variables involved.
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  4. #24
    Join Date: Mar 2017

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    I find this article helps keep me on track regarding high resolution audio.
    Current: [P20] Roon/Tidal > Custom PC> Chevron Paradox NDF16 > Phast Pre > Neuro. 686 > Tannoy Berkley (RFC tweaks)

  5. #25
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    “You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.”

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  6. #26
    montesquieu Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Edward View Post
    I find this article helps keep me on track regarding high resolution audio.
    Thanks Edward I'd read that before but I'll bookmark it this time.

  7. #27
    Join Date: Mar 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sherwood View Post
    If we are being pedantic it is both as you are making comparisons between audio and video (analogy def: a comparison between things that have similar features, often used to help explain a principle or idea)
    Sorry but you are incorrect; it's an example of sampling something with a frequency lower than half the highest frequency that you are sampling, which produces aliasing. It's not an analogy because I am not making a comparison between things that have similar features, I am giving an example of the phenomenon (aliasing).

    Anyway, now you fully understand aliasing, it's job done AFAIAC.

  8. #28
    Join Date: May 2016

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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Dixon View Post
    Sorry but you are incorrect; it's an example of sampling something with a frequency lower than half the highest frequency that you are sampling, which produces aliasing. It's not an analogy because I am not making a comparison between things that have similar features, I am giving an example of the phenomenon (aliasing).

    Anyway, now you fully understand aliasing, it's job done AFAIAC.
    You have the definition: if you can't grasp it then that's fine.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick Dixon View Post
    Sorry but you are incorrect; it's an example of sampling something with a frequency lower than half the highest frequency that you are sampling, which produces aliasing. It's not an analogy because I am not making a comparison between things that have similar features, I am giving an example of the phenomenon (aliasing).
    Actually Geoff was absolutely correct - the comparison you made was an analogy (by its very definition...).

    The phenomenon of the 'wagon wheel' rotation and film projection (not video) has very little to do with digital 'aliasing' other than both being related to frequency differences that produce an undesirable effect; thus wholly analogous.

    The two effects are not even remotely connected either technologically or in their underlying physics.

  10. #30
    Join Date: Oct 2008

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    The important bit (in my opinion...having dabbled with digital a bit) is the bit depth, not the sample rate.
    A 24bit 44Khz version of a song has always sounded noticeably better than even a 352Khz 16 bit up-sample of the same track.

    Bit depth is what matters...
    Last edited by Gazjam; 03-11-2019 at 10:12.
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