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Thread: Photos In The Sales Section

  1. #41
    Join Date: Dec 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by steve-z View Post
    Rather than just viewing and posting on AOS via a browser it’s far simpler to download the Tapatalk app onto either your phone or tablet, then when you create a thread or post there are 2 tabs at the bottom of the screen which allow you to either directly access your phone or tablets camera to take a photo or go to your photos app to access the photos you want to use. Couldn’t be simpler.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Only problem I have with that is Tapatalk is bloody awful, it's like something from 2007.

    The issue with picture uploading is trying to find a free hosting site that lets you post full size pics, the best and easiest for me is imgbb but it resizes the pictures in the links when posted to forums which apparently isn't good enough, which I find bizarre given that the full size picture is available and all you have to do is click it. I don't quite understand why that isn't sufficient.

  2. #42
    Join Date: Mar 2017

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    "Pharos, your comments on English are syntactically strange, but virtually everything computer/internet-wise is American English, which seems to diverge from British English at an alarming rate. I have to refer to my dictionary so many times because of error correction underscores, only to find these differences, even in the use of hyphens, proliferate, and not just in spellings. However, good grammatical English has been going to the dogs for quite a while now."

    I may make mistakes Mike, but usually not so, I may have been tired.

    It does seem that American English, and also cultural values are becoming a norm here and very much manifest with younger people, who I suppose are subjected to much more influence.

    I agree with you on good grammatical English, but also note that even well educated people are very often now expressing themselves poorly, and more worrying, often the structure of the expression reflects poor thought processes.
    This is particularly noticeable on another audio site I post on, where at best it often results in ambiguity.

    "I don't know how, but some of my pic's showed when I clicked the third box; wonder how it chose from all my pic's. No idea what a driver updater updater (sic) is. Instructions are incomprehensible, if indeed they ARE instructions. I did note that 31 days is the limit on library storage, though. This would be handy for the odd occasion if I knew how it worked or what the gobbledegook meant.

    Promising, Jamie and thanks, but think it's beyond me as it is. Last December, Virgin installed their latest mandatory Tivo box of tricks. A big step back from its predecessor, as I now need the old and new remotes to operate volume etc., and still can't access Catch-up. Oh yes, it records stuff I haven't set up; quite often, too. No destructions came with it; why?????? Retrograde technology, I call it. Simplicity is good; complexity is not. (Rant over)"

    Despite your criticism I see that you seem to concur, at least to an extent, with my stance.
    I do not have a pad, and I do not have a mobile phone.

    I have a sense of what may be described as inverted snobbery; if something is very popular I am suspicious of its cultural effects.

    Recently there has been much in the media about the negative effects that much social media usage has on people, one aspect of which seems to be an inability to communicate clearly, another, sleep problems.
    Last edited by Pharos; 20-09-2019 at 20:40.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt_J View Post
    The issue with picture uploading is trying to find a free hosting site that lets you post full size pics,
    Flickr has free accounts, is easy to join and allows you to link a range of sizes - up to the full resolution that you uploaded (not that that's always necessary or desirable):

  4. #44
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    It works! And when it comes to all computer related things, I'm AoS's resident numpty!

    Thanks Jamie.
    Excellent... Now you can post pictures of your meals on the food thread


  5. #45
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post

    I may make mistakes Mike, but usually not so, I may have been tired.

    It does seem that American English, and also cultural values are becoming a norm here and very much manifest with younger people, who I suppose are subjected to much more influence.

    I agree with you on good grammatical English, but also note that even well educated people are very often now expressing themselves poorly, and more worrying, often the structure of the expression reflects poor thought processes.
    This is particularly noticeable on another audio site I post on, where at best it often results in ambiguity.

    Despite your criticism I see that you seem to concur, at least to an extent, with my stance.
    I do not have a pad, and I do not have a mobile phone.

    I have a sense of what may be described as inverted snobbery; if something is very popular I am suspicious of its cultural effects.

    Recently there has been much in the media about the negative effects that much social media usage has on people, one aspect of which seems to be an inability to communicate clearly, another, sleep problems.
    Dennis, apologies, but I wasn't aware of criticising you, but was almost certainly criticising the way things are going linguistically. However, I am rather biassed and a pedant to boot as the English language was my specific teaching subject for nearly 20 years (E.F.L.). Current bugbear is beginning an answer to a question with 'so'. It is becoming endemic to all classes, it seems, and sounds pretentious, albeit wrong. How can you start a sentence with a conjunction ? The greatest language doesn't need corrupting; only expanding. (Very tired rant over).

    To your comments above, I am 'd'accord'.
    Last edited by Mike Reed; 21-09-2019 at 06:35.

  6. #46
    Join Date: Dec 2014

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
    Now you can post pictures of your meals on the food thread

    like this? (courtesy of postimage)

  7. #47
    Join Date: Sep 2011

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    I'm stuart.


    Postimages.org offers free image hosting, dead easy to use.
    Garrard 401, Jelco 750 with Shuggie, Ortofon 2M Black / ZYX Yatra 100, Project Phono RS with Sigma22 Linear PS, RPi3 + DigiOne + Linear PS, RPi3/1Tb SSD with PiCorePlayer + Linear PS, Perreaux Eloquence 250i 40th Anniversary with ES9038Pro DAC, DCG3 Pre-Amp, Neurochrome 8x2 Pre-Amp, Neurochrome 686 Power amp, Benchmark DAC2 HGC, Primare V25 CD player, Monitor Audio PL300, Sjostrom DCT03 DC Blocker.

  8. #48
    Join Date: Mar 2017

    Location: Seaford UK

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    I'm Dennis.


    "Dennis, apologies, but I wasn't aware of criticising you, but was almost certainly criticising the way things are going linguistically. However, I am rather biassed and a pedant to boot as the English language was my specific teaching subject for nearly 20 years (E.F.L.). Current bugbear is beginning an answer to a question with 'so'. It is becoming endemic to all classes, it seems, and sounds pretentious, albeit wrong. How can you start a sentence with a conjunction ? The greatest language doesn't need corrupting; only expanding. (Very tired rant over)."

    It seems to me that the use of the word "so" is designed to suggest; 'I have understood your point, and am now ready to deal with it'. But this seems inferential, leaning towards innuendo and rhetorical communication, and that is sad to me because our language is such a dexterous and flexible tool, and it is sacrilege to violate it.

    I suppose that I am regarded as pedantic, because what one may suppose to be a baseline, is itself moving so far away from the English I knew, and which was so capable of conveying fine nuances of meaning poetic expression.

    Why do so many, supposedly intelligentsia on media, have to start a sentence with "You know I mean", or "I mean I think"? We should have separate 'ranting threads.

  9. #49
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post

    Why do so many, supposedly intelligentsia on media, have to start a sentence with "You know I mean", or "I mean I think"? We should have separate 'ranting threads.
    Because they are not intelligentsia but they are smart enough to have worked out that you can get paid for talking bollocks. There are otherwise well-educated people who think the opinions of a 16 year old girl are worth listening to - Greta Thurnberg/Joan Of Arc - nothing much ever changes. Mangling of the English language is a first world problem. And the English language is big enough and old enough to take it.
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  10. #50
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    And the English language is big enough and old enough to take it.
    Your four groats' worth is appreciated, Martin, but 'and' is a conjunction too. There are so many forms of English now and with internet/social media based corruption, I guess you're right.

    Dennis, I'm working on my tombstone epigraph a la Spike Milligan, only grammatically themed.

    I've just returned from Barclays Bank after being asked by the teller if 'I received statements regular'. Seriously ! Of course, I corrected her but I really don't think she was educated enough to understand; a middle-aged woman, too!

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