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Thread: Inductor DCR Measurement

  1. #1
    Join Date: Dec 2018

    Location: Alford Lincolnshire

    Posts: 84
    I'm William.

    Default Inductor DCR Measurement

    Hi Guys

    I want to upgrade the inductors in my ML speakers, I know the inductance 2.5mH but I have no idea of the DCR. Having done some research I understand that the DCR is crucial. However, it is not available. There are no markings on the installed inductors so I have drawn a blank there.

    I would appriciate your thoughts please.

    Many thanks



  2. #2
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

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    I'm Geoff.


    If you know the wire gauge, then you can measure the inductor cross section and core size, then look online for the length of that wire required to produce a 2.5 mH inductor of those dimensions. I'm supposing that info is available. If it is, then see if you can find the DCR for that length of wire somewhere, I reckon it should be available, probably on one of the speaker building sites.
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  3. #3
    Join Date: Oct 2012

    Location: The Black Country

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    I'm Alan.


    You can measure it with a standard multimeter, but not to great accuracy if it is fractions of an ohm.

    A more accurate method would be to put a known current through the inductor, say 1 amp, then measure the voltage across the inductor with the millivolt range on the multimeter.

    For every millivolt on the reading that is a milliohm of resistance.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Sep 2014

    Location: brighton uk.

    Posts: 4,737
    I'm jamie.


    if your feeling flush treat yourself to the dats v2 software,it has built in capacitor,inductor and resistor measuring software.
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