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Thread: Airgun licensing

  1. #31
    Join Date: Feb 2008

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    True, however the granting of a licence is still a privilege. We are not America which has the right to bear arms as part of its constitution.
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  2. #32
    Join Date: May 2016

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    Quote Originally Posted by NRG View Post
    True, however the granting of a licence is still a privilege. We are not America which has the right to bear arms as part of its constitution.
    I totally agree!

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  3. #33
    Join Date: Apr 2013

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    I recently gave up my shotgun certificate, that I'd held for 30 plus years, due to ill health. I have still got my Theoben Euro Custom air rifle that was recently serviced and set up to under 12 ft lbs. Another law, and consider we have some of the strictest gun controls in the world, will solve nothing. A carving knife is a helluva lot more likely to kill you. I don't want to be licensed for my air rifle as I already abide by the law and new laws on airguns will solve nothing. As it has been said, they are hardly the weapon of choice for your local criminal. Yet they easily get hold of unlicensed fire arms with little or no trouble. I also own a coumpound bow, that I don't use at the moment, due to health problems and this would go straight through a body. Again it is little or no use to a criminal, but there has been no out cry against them. Whilst I sympathise with victims family, we, the law abiding community, should not be penalised for this. Cars are used as weapons, far more than air guns, so where does it stop. I hope to get back into my shooting as I've quite a bit of money tied up in my gun and sights. Lets hope common sense prevails.

  4. #34
    Join Date: Dec 2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by NRG View Post
    True, however the granting of a licence is still a privilege. We are not America which has the right to bear arms as part of its constitution.
    Still missing the point of the difference between a shotgun licence and a firearm's certificate. A shotgun licence IS a right we have and the onus is on authorities to give good reason why you shouldn't have one (mostly medical and/or criminal). A FAC is a privilege and YOU have to show good reason why you should have one before it is granted (usually with restrictions).

    Whether you like it or agree with it or not that is a fact in the UK right now.

  5. #35
    Join Date: May 2016

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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty38 View Post
    Still missing the point of the difference between a shotgun licence and a firearm's certificate. A shotgun licence IS a right we have and the onus is on authorities to give good reason why you shouldn't have one (mostly medical and/or criminal). A FAC is a privilege and YOU have to show good reason why you should have one before it is granted (usually with restrictions).

    Whether you like it or agree with it or not that is a fact in the UK right now.
    Not so, direct from police website.

    ​​It must be stressed that this section relates to shotguns (Section 2 weapons) only. "Good reason" for Section 1 Firearms is a different entity and dealt with under the firearm section.

    The Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 revised the criteria set out in Section 28 of the 1968 Act for the grant and renewal of a shotgun certificate, so as to allow Chief Officers of Police more discretion to make enquiries into applications. It is important to note how the criteria differ from those in respect of applications for Section 1 weapons.

    No certificate shall be granted or renewed if the Chief Officer of Police:

    has reason to believe that the applicant is prohibited by the Act from possessing a shotgun; OR
    is satisfied that the applicant does not have a good reason for possessing, purchasing or acquiring a shotgun

    However, the Act does not require the applicant to make out a good case for being granted a shotgun certificate, but extends the Chief Officer's grounds for refusing one.

    Each and every application will be judged on its own merit, but the usual reasons for requiring a shotgun include the following:

    So not a right, but a privilege to be granted! Note the words "grant, discretion "

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  6. #36
    Join Date: Apr 2017

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    My overall view is that they are mischevious weapons that soon get used for all sorts of wrongdoing.

    Thay have no place outside the locked cabinets of a licensed shooting range. Same goes for crossbows or any dangerous projectile weapon.

    Kids get bored and then everything gets shot...animals..... windows...people.... the lot.

    Personally I think they are interesting for about half an hour and then I can see no point. Ive never been interested in owning one and that tells me a lot about the owners. I watch some of them and its clear they get their rocks off from owning and parading a weapon. I can think of countless things I would rather be doing.

    So yes heavily restrict them with a view to a ban
    Last edited by Minstrel SE; 14-08-2019 at 18:20.
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minstrel SE View Post
    Ive never been interested in owning one and that tells me a lot about the owners. I watch some of them and its clear they get their rocks off from owning and parading a weapon. I can think of a countless things I would rather be doing.

    So yes heavily restrict them with a view to a ban
    Meaning what exactly? And where is it you watch these owners?
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  8. #38
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    We can go round and round if you wish but it is a fact that onus is one side or the other dependent upon what you're applying for.

    I will concede privilege and right in order to finish this but as you say above "However, the Act does not require the applicant to make out a good case for being granted a shotgun certificate, but extends the Chief Officer's grounds for refusing on" this is the polar opposite when applying for a FAC. Unless I'm a criminal or mentally ill all I have to say to get a shotgun licence is "clay pigeon shooting". You will get questioned about the law, where you will be shooting it, where and how you will store it, gun safety and the like which is right and proper but it's still on them to prove you shouldn't have one. Try getting a FAC without doing your homework and see how far you get....

  9. #39
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    If the CC thinks your a wrong un, even if youve no direct record he can say no; in fact he is duty bound to... I dont know how often it happens but i know of it happening. Ive a mate who shoots and he is very safety concious, as i think most are. its drilled into them
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  10. #40
    Join Date: Dec 2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by struth View Post
    If the CC thinks your a wrong un, even if youve no direct record he can say no; in fact he is duty bound to... I dont know how often it happens but i know of it happening. Ive a mate who shoots and he is very safety concious, as i think most are. its drilled into them
    And this is where organisations like BASC will come in and fight your corner based on the reasons given for refusal, because unless you have a record of criminal or mental issues there should be no reason to refuse you just because the CC didn't like the colour of your wallpaper or that you had a baseball cap on back to front

    I think it's fair to say some forces are more strict than others and do have CCs that have their own opinion of how licences should be dished out. Some folk will take the refusal and move on but that doesn't mean the refusal was the correct thing to do, hence why some organisations will fight for your right to have a shotgun licence.

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