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Thread: Are we the most stupid mofo's on the planet

  1. #1
    Join Date: Apr 2016

    Location: Nottingham

    Posts: 377
    I'm Richard.

    Default Are we the most stupid mofo's on the planet

    I've got the most basic midi system that has always played without fault despite the total lack of respect I treated it with.
    On the other hand I've handled my 'Better stuff' with kid gloves & got repaid by the fuckin expensive boxes capsizing. Forums are littered with examples of Hifi kit (often hi-end) breaking & owners seeking advice on how to fix it.
    These things aren't formula 1 cars where designers have to balance ultimate performance against longevity over 60 odd laps.
    I'm looking for owners of Hifi equipment to name what kit let them down with regards to reliability.
    God save the Que.... No, Hifi

  2. #2
    Join Date: Dec 2018

    Location: Neath, Wales

    Posts: 1,517
    I'm Shane.


    Audio Note Meishu. Always kept blowing it's fuse when switching on, despite getting checked over at AN.
    Audio Note Oto SE Silver Signature on loan. The next day both channels stopped working. When AN got the unit, they said it worked fine. Sounds like fecking BS!
    Pink Triangle Turntable, can't recall which model. Useless build quality. Wouldn't trust anyone sneezing next to one.

    Can't think of anything else really.

    Shane Lonergan.

  3. #3
    Join Date: Apr 2016

    Location: Nottingham

    Posts: 377
    I'm Richard.


    That's a great start Shane,.... Audionote..... Well fuckeroo we're off & running.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: West Yorkshire

    Posts: 715
    I'm Andy.


    Sorry but can't add anything as all the high end shizle i have had has not let me down long term
    Main system:
    Michell Orbe with arm decoupling kit & Pete's Pylons. SME V arm, Denon DL103M (FGS), Firebottle OPT MKII phono amp
    Technic SP-10 in Obsidian plinth, AT1010 PMAC v8b arm, Goldring Elite MC Cart and BB3 Phono Amp
    Leak Lenco GL75 with Ortofon OM10 cartridge
    Technics RS-BX404 Cassette Deck
    Network Player.
    Raspberry PI plus R2-R DAC (also used as a CD player) plus Pi NAS Server
    Philips DCC 730 player
    Marantz CD50SE
    Audiolab 8000A
    Reiver Jenna floor standers
    Sennheiser HD545 Ref, HD600, HD477

  5. #5
    Join Date: Nov 2011

    Location: Romford

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    I'm sorted.


    Quote Originally Posted by gninnam View Post
    Sorry but can't add anything as all the high end shizle i have had has not let me down long term
    +1, and there's always the warranty to fall back on

  6. #6
    Join Date: Apr 2016

    Location: Nottingham

    Posts: 377
    I'm Richard.


    Quote Originally Posted by gninnam View Post
    Sorry but can't add anything as all the high end shizle i have had has not let me down long term
    Fair do's Andy, but I reckon Shilze should be spelt Shindo

  7. #7
    Join Date: Feb 2010

    Location: Bridgend, Wales

    Posts: 171
    I'm James.


    Rotel RA820BX amplifier that blew both it's main power caps. Replaced them myself so no biggie really.

    Exposure XXVRS remote chip went faulty, would randomly go into mute for no reason. £85 & shipping for Exposure to fit a new one.

    Audion Sterling amp that just blew up. £100 to Tube Distinctions to repair.

    Think that's been everything actually.
    Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck / Kuzma Stogi S / Benz Micro Ace S L
    Lenco L-75 / Carl Ellis Plinth / Ortofon AS-212 / Ortofon SPU Classic GM E MkII
    Ortofon ST-7 SUT / Nick G Modded Lentek Head Amp / Croft RIAA

    Cambridge Audio CXU / Theta DS Pro Prime

    Classé Model 30 / Luxman M-383

    Usher Compass X-719

    May contain opinions that others find disturbing.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

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    I'm Geoff.


    If you have a list of everlasting Hi-Fi we'd love to hear about it. Otherwise I think most of us accept that equipment will fail eventually.
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

  9. #9
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    I'm Martin.


    I've got shelves full of faulty equipment but as Geoff says nothing lasts forever and most of it was bought used and some of it arrived in none-working state. I bought a Denon PMA250SEUK the other week to revisit the past (my old one developed a fault). The one I bought is also faulty (but a different fault). It is 30 odd years old though. My Krell KSA50S is currently in the shop being fixed, again it is over 30 years old.

    Technics SLP1200 CD players, I've had 3, all have gone faulty. But they are from the 1980s so again pretty old. The only bit of kit I bought brand new that has failed was a Sony CD player and that had tens of thousands of hours on it when it failed. My fault for leaving it switched on all the time. Don't do that! It was easily fixed, just a little ribbon connector had gone bad.

    Not really whether it goes bad or not that is the problem it is whether it can be fixed. I've had a load of stuff repaired, it's an ongoing process. Some really recent kit you've got no chance of getting fixed as parts are not kept and as soon as an IC chip fails that's it. Kit using surface mount components also very difficult if not impossible to repair, at least according to the EE who is currently working on my collection of tat. He's already fixed about half a dozen items for me. I've enough to keep him busy well into next year.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  10. #10
    Join Date: Nov 2011

    Location: Wakefield west yorkshire

    Posts: 1,987
    I'm James.


    Quote Originally Posted by walpurgis View Post
    If you have a list of everlasting Hi-Fi we'd love to hear about it. Otherwise I think most of us accept that equipment will fail eventually.
    Castle Knight 3 speakers, lovely little speakers that died within 6months, returned for repair only to be told just one was faulty.when they came back they both died within 2 weeks!! Arcam cd 73t ,2 repaires within 2 months then died within 4years, I was told on the phone by arcam it was probably the laser and I'd done well it lasted that long!!
    Last edited by Pieoftheday; 07-07-2019 at 09:28.
    novafidelity x40 music server/pre/dac, Arcam A39, roksan k3 power amp,Monitor Audio Monitor 50, Dali spektor 1, van damme interconnects and speaker cable, roskan k3 CD player

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