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Thread: Hail Fellow

  1. #1
    Join Date: May 2019

    Location: Sarf London

    Posts: 22
    I'm Martin.

    Default Hail Fellow

    I am a keen listener to music, and have been since listening to a wind up phonograph in a friends attic when I was five. I sing in my Church choir and have done a level of recording over the last decade. My music tastes are catholic, but do not stretch to rap or garage.

    I like open and polite discussion, and abhor didacticism. If it gives you pleasure then that really is the point. Does objective measurement have a role? Of course, but it isn't the be all and end all.

    My system have has morphed over a number of decades, generally dependent on budget and knowledge. I think that the internet has been a mixed blessing for HiFi, but on the whole very positive allowing such things as Bake Offs, so that we can all get to hear a variety of equipment and judge for ourselves.

    My most recent purchase is a pair of Naim SBL MKIs, with which I am incredibly impressed; our cats having mullered my Focal 1008bes. I have a variety of amps and sources with which to drive them and I am currently enjoying ringing the changes.

    For the past decade I have mainly been streaming, both locally and using Qobuzzzz, but I also still put on my vinyl. I have no hard and fast opinions on what is best and feel i could lay on a demo to prove each as being best, depending on what I choose to play .....and how!

    Look forward to chipping in occasionally as well as continuing to follow the discussions.

  2. #2
    Join Date: Sep 2009

    Location: west mids, UK

    Posts: 3,306
    I'm Phil.


    ah welcome martin , ovlov will love your admiration of EAR stuff . great to have you on AOS
    ou might slip, you might slide, you might
    Stumble and fall by the road side
    But don't you ever let nobody drag your spirit down
    Remember you're walking up to heaven

    Don't let nobody turn you around
    … Walk with the rich, walk with the poor
    Learn from everyone, that's what life is for
    And don't you let nobody drag your spirit down

    Eric Bibb

  3. #3
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

    Posts: 51,626
    I'm Geoff.


    Hello Martin. Welcome to AOS.

    I'm sure you'll find plenty to interest you here. Feel free to join in any chat that appeals to you.

    Enjoy the forum,
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

  4. #4
    Join Date: Dec 2018

    Location: Neath, Wales

    Posts: 1,517
    I'm Shane.


    Howdy! Welcome to AOS.

    Have fun.

    Shane Lonergan.

  5. #5
    Join Date: May 2019

    Location: Sarf London

    Posts: 22
    I'm Martin.


    Quote Originally Posted by hifinutt View Post
    ah welcome martin , ovlov will love your admiration of EAR stuff . great to have you on AOS
    Thx Phil,

    I've got a friend from the Wam and another from the Naim forum popping over on Friday, might try firing the Naim SBLs with the 534.

    Got to say that the Klimax > EAR868 > Nord > SBLs is REALLY very enjoyable, and the SBLs are perfect for my room. I did keep an eye on a few pairs of Tannoys as I do like the DCs, but I have no regrets.



  6. #6
    Join Date: May 2019

    Location: Sarf London

    Posts: 22
    I'm Martin.


    Thx Geoff

  7. #7
    Join Date: May 2019

    Location: Sarf London

    Posts: 22
    I'm Martin.


    Cheers Shane.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    I'm Neil.


    Welcome to AoS
    Regards Neil

  9. #9
    Join Date: Jan 2009

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    I'm Deleted.


    Blimey, you’ve been streaming for a decade! Time to buy a record player and start enjoying music at home properly - after a decade of mediocrity it’s going to be something of a revelation .
    Account Deleted

  10. #10
    Join Date: May 2019

    Location: Sarf London

    Posts: 22
    I'm Martin.


    Quote Originally Posted by YNWaN View Post
    Blimey, you’ve been streaming for a decade! Time to buy a record player and start enjoying music at home properly - after a decade of mediocrity it’s going to be something of a revelation .
    Well, my Lp12/ARO/Geddon does get the occasional use as well. Got a friend coming over in a few weeks to compare his OC9 with my current DV20H. The phono stage in the EAR868 is the main reason I switched from my Modwright.

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